Restart the main god game

Chapter 649 Got Rich, Brothers Are Mining!

Chapter 649 Got Rich, Brothers Are Mining!

The player's life is very boring, very boring!

This is Sui Ying's summary of the players during this time, either they are killing extreme beasts, or they are resting, as if apart from these things, they don't care about other things.

Well, maybe there is, but the direction of concern is not quite right.

They'd fight over a maid, compare each other's houses for the beauty of their houses, and even giggle at the void.

Generally speaking, he is a bit nervous, but his brain is not very normal.

Maybe this is the daily life of humans in another world!

Sui Ying can only tell herself this way, at least the dust people living in this city are living a heaven-like life, and that is enough.

He never knew that when eating, he could eat vegetables if he wanted to, meat if he wanted to, and gruel or hamburgers if he didn't want to.

And what the dust people have to do is also very simple, besides taking care of the players' daily life, they can do whatever they want.

Master Wuji has dropped eggs on the lighthouse 10 times, and as time went by, the dust people on the lighthouse also began to believe what he said, and then jumped off the lighthouse.

Of course, they did not fall to their deaths, but were caught by Zhang Wuji and brought back to Xiazhu City.

Well, that's right, after some deliberation, Wang Duoyu finally decided to name the city he founded 'Xiazhu City', which is said to be named after his wife.


Sui Ying looked at Wang Qi, feeling a little restless.

In the lighthouse, the ethics and morality of the old world have long been abandoned, not to mention that the Dust Man does not even have the right to reproduce. Before contacting the player, he does not even know what a family is.

"What are you thinking?"

A yellow-haired head suddenly appeared in front of him, it was his good friend 4079.

Of course, it’s called Wang Jin now. Wang Duoyu didn’t get the name. He didn’t have so much time to name the NPC. They chose it themselves. Players don’t have that inexplicable sense of superiority that makes people use numbers as names. , and may even be dissatisfied with the Arabic numerals of pretty girls.

After all, Li Jiangang, who is as beautiful as a flower, and Shishi Li, who is as beautiful as a flower, must give people different senses.

Although Wang Duoyu made Wang Qi the manager of Xiazhu City, but Wang Qi is only an underage girl, how can she know so much, she can only find her good friend to help manage it.

Fortunately, the dust people are also very knowledgeable. After all, living in the high-pressure environment of the lighthouse, those who are not knowledgeable have long since died. They cooperated with Wang Qi's command and did not add to the chaos.

"I was wondering if I should start a family with Wang Qi."

Because she doesn't have the common sense of the old world, Sui Ying didn't blush at all when she said this, but her heart beat a little fast.

"Why do you want to form a family with Wang Qi, can't you form a family with me? That guy always likes to control us."

Wang Jin put one hand on Suiying's shoulder, and laughed.

Sui Ying said angrily: "Get out! You can't have children, what's the use of you."

Zhuang Qiang, who was passing by, couldn't help but widen his eyes, as if he had opened the door to a new world. Is the threshold for finding a girlfriend already so low?Is it okay to look like a woman?
"Suiying, Duoyu asked you to recruit another group of people. Now that Xiazhu City is expanding, there must be no fewer people."

Sui Ying immediately nodded, called a few new Dustmen, led them to join the player team led by Zhuang Qiang, and went to the lighthouse to shout.

Now there is no need to throw food, as long as everyone stands in front of the lighthouse, the people on the lighthouse will jump down crazily like dumplings. Before, I almost caught Leng Feng doubting his life, and there were even a few unlucky people because Leng Feng didn’t catch it well. , broke into a meat paste.

Later, Leng Feng and Wang Duoyu gritted their teeth and spent money to invite players to pick up people. If they receive an NPC, they will give 100 luck coins. Luck coins are not out of the question either.

Players feel that this activity is inexplicably familiar. Isn't this just reverse gold mining?Is it the 'gold miner' that you used to play in the mini-game?

It's just that the game is digging from the top down, while they pick it up from the bottom up.

Therefore, every time they go to pick up someone, the players will yell, brothers, mining.

Although the job pays less, the job is easy!
The lighthouse is also in dire straits. Although the dust people are the cheapest and least valuable in the lighthouse, they are the most indispensable.

From sweeping the floor and washing dishes to moving materials, all of these need to be done by the dust people. The materials here are not only the materials found by the wild hunters, but also the materials produced inside the lighthouse.

Such as food planting, textile weaving, equipment handling...

Although lighthouses are high-tech equipment, high-tech also requires energy, and manpower can save a lot of energy.

But they can't do anything but burn out, attack with weapons, right?

Sorry, their weapons can't penetrate the defense at all. If it wasn't for Leng Feng's inability to force them, they would have all tied up and hung them outside the lighthouse long ago.

Can you persuade me with words?

But if you can't beat it, you can reason with others. Who cares about you!

Of course, Leng Feng also stated his condition, that is, he wanted the entire lighthouse.

Under these circumstances, everyone quit. Even Mark felt that the other party's request was too much. The reason why the lighthouse is called a lighthouse is not because of its shape, but for everyone, the lighthouse is the hope of mankind, the only lighthouse .

So they can only continue to preach that there are evil humanoid beasts out there, fighting wits and courage with the players.

Not to mention, some people really believed it at first. After all, they didn't know how the dust people who were taken away were doing. They might have been absorbed by the Pole Eater and turned into flesh and dust.

But you have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder, and the players immediately flew over the clouds and brought the dust people over to promote, and with the publicity of the parties, the credibility has increased significantly, coupled with the food being robbed, the dust people Jump more diligently.

"Well, the harvest is good this time, there are actually thousands of people."

Zhuang Qiang is very satisfied, as expected I can recruit so many NPCs as soon as I go out.

"Master Zhuang Qiang, there are Shangmin among these people."

Suiying suddenly came to Zhuang Qiang's ear and whispered.

Players now know the system of the lighthouse. Although they despise the method of using religion to fool the people, they also know that each dungeon has its own settings, and there are gods next door, which is even more superstitious.


Zhuang Qiang glanced at a white-haired old man, and said casually: "What do you care about Shangmin, in our Xiazhu City, everyone is equal, and they will still be under your control in the future."

Well, gamers aren't human, so equality for all doesn't include them.

The corner of Sui Ying's mouth could not help but rise, and forced to hold back a smile, respectfully: "No problem, Mr. Zhuang Qiang."

No one in the dust will have a good impression of Shangmin. After all, everyone knows that this group of people are moths lying on them and sucking blood. But before they were suppressed by force from the Church of Light and Shadow, they had no power to resist at all, but now it is different. Shangmin Min can only act according to his face now.

Of course, Suiying is not a fool. The fact that the players are not interested in them does not mean that he can do whatever he wants with the support of the players.

But it is still possible to wear some small shoes for Shangmin, for example, let them all wear women's clothing!
(End of this chapter)

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