Chapter 650
It sounds unbelievable that Shangmin would choose to join Xiazhucheng, but it is only natural if you think about it carefully.

The emotional indifference of most Shangmin does not mean that they have no emotions, or that as long as they are human, they have their own emotions, but some people can control their emotions, while others cannot.

Just like in the original plot, the pregnant woman Ran Bing met had given birth to a child in October, but she was not even qualified to see her, and her emotions almost collapsed.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that the Pole Devourer can't fly and has such mood swings every time it gives birth, the lighthouse would have been captured long ago.

It is human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When you have no choice, they can only accept the lighthouse system and be a person who cuts off love and love, even if you know that this system is too harsh.

But when you have a new choice, you will definitely follow your heart and choose a path that makes you feel at ease.

The players are crazy and have abnormal brain circuits, but these are not problems for them, because for the people of the last days, what they want is a safe place where they can eat.

The lighthouse can only stay in the sky, seemingly carefree, but in fact there is a risk of falling at any time, otherwise, why would the wild hunters come down, because they are looking for supplies to replenish the lighthouse, and without supplies, the lighthouse can only It can fall and become the ration of the polar devouring beast.

This is something anyone with a discerning eye can see. Even the lighthouse has never concealed it. This is also the reason to make the dust people more obedient. This can tell them that Shangmin has made greater contributions.

But it's different now, with the existence of players, they can not only stand on the ground, but even farm on the ground and start over, and the price they pay is only a group of beautiful women.

Uh, or rather, a group of maids.

Isn't this a coincidence?
Although it is a bit discriminatory to say so, women are indeed inferior to men in physical labor. It happens that maids serve players, while male servants are responsible for farming.

The city is built for you, just waiting for you to move in, who can stand it?

Not to mention that although the players are the leaders in name, they don't really care about anything at all. They just need to help them clean up their houses. Most players even bring their own food.

After all, everyone is here to fight monsters, and what they want is just a fixed location to manage NPCs. Do they think they are not slow enough to upgrade?
And as more and more people in Xiazhu City, there are more and more polar devouring beasts, but the more there are, the more excited the players are, calling for friends one by one, but the polar devouring beasts have not arrived every time At the gate of the city, the players had already been burned to ashes, leaving them without a single drop of blood.

"It's incredible."

In the sky above Xiazhu City, the management of the lighthouse looked at the city below, dumbfounded.

In less than half a month, the players have established a town covering an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, and there is even a faint trend of continuing to spread to the periphery.

It's just that the buildings in the city are too weird, such as crosses, angels, water cups, gourds, containers...

The most outrageous thing is that there are several buildings in the shape of lighthouses. I really don't know what this group of people who claim to be from another world think.

The lighthouse can float in the air, and naturally it can also fly. In fact, the position of the lighthouse is not fixed. The lighthouse is like a vulture, flying in the air all the time. When supplies are found, hunters will be sent to explore.

Although the known polar devouring beasts can't fly, God knows if a flying polar devouring beast will evolve. After all, the flower of mana is always floating in the air, although this thing will not actively attack people.

Although the players didn't attack the lighthouse, they plundered too many people these days. Although to some extent, the overpopulation of the lighthouse was alleviated, it also caused a dilemma that no one could use.

This time I came here to find out whether this mysterious city is like a paradise as Dustman 4068 said. If it is, let’s talk. energy.

"My lord, it seems that what they said seems to be true."

Mark was a little excited.

If what the players said is true, there is no need to be afraid of the Polar Devourer anymore, because this group of aliens has been helping them hunt the flowers of Mana.

"Captain Mark, don't you think they are too keen on hunting the beasts?"

Charles stroked Morgan's chest slightly, and then said.

"What do you mean?"

Mark was puzzled.

"Perhaps they were the ones who made the Flower of Mana, and their purpose of hunting and killing the Extreme Beast is also very simple, that is to recover the source of life."

Charles sneered.

Mark couldn't help frowning. Although he didn't like Charles, he had to say that Charles' analysis was extremely reasonable.

Players have never hidden their desire for the Extreme Devourer, and sometimes even have conflicts because of the ownership of the Extreme Devourer.

These were all detected by them in the sky two days ago. Of course, because they were too close, more people jumped down.

"No, I'd rather they be real heroes."

Jing Nan, the commander-in-chief of the lighthouse control room, shook his head.

"Oh, what's the commander-in-chief's opinion?"

Charles raised an eyebrow.

"If they are really the creators of the Extreme Beast, then they have no reason to let us go."

Jingnan analyzed.

Lord Morgan on the high platform nodded when he heard the words, it was indeed the truth.

"Maybe they just want to leave the seed, and then let me continue to reproduce and harvest again."

Charles raised an eyebrow.

"No, if you really want to leave seeds, they shouldn't appear now. Don't forget, the old civilization has already been able to clone humans."

Jingnan is the commander-in-chief of the lighthouse control room. Not only is she in charge of the navigation of the lighthouse, but even the scientific research department is under her jurisdiction. Naturally, she knows the technological level of the old civilization.


Lord Morgan agrees with Jingnan's words. He is not only a survivor of the old civilization, but even the core of the lighthouse's operation was a brain, which has always provided the answer for the survival of the lighthouse. He knows the technology of the old civilization better than everyone present.

Could it be that the reason why the Croto system found Mark was because he was able to contact people from other worlds.

Lord Morgan couldn't help looking at Mark. If Mark was the bridge between the lighthouse and people from other worlds, then the lighthouse would really be saved.

Seeing that Santo Morgan was deep in thought, everyone wisely stopped arguing and waited quietly for Santo Morgan's decision.

Is it a fight to the death with these weirdos?
Or escape from this continent and search for supplies again?

Lord Morgan said softly.

"Lord City Lord!"

Mark agreed immediately.

"You go down and join the city."

The Lord Morgan finally made up his mind that perhaps letting Mark go down was the best choice. Maybe Mark's ultimate destiny was to become the Lord of the city. At that time, there would be no need for the lighthouse to exist.

"What? City Lord, this..."

Mark was dumbfounded for a moment, wasn't he still discussing whether to deal with this group of people from other worlds just now?

Why kick him down for a disagreement?

(End of this chapter)

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