Chapter 651
In fact, in the deepest part of his heart, Mark hates the lighthouse system. The reason is naturally because his sister Hong Kou violated the lighthouse system and was finally burned to death on the lighthouse with Lixiao.

It's just that it's one thing to hate the lighthouse system in your heart, but Santo Morgan treats him very well. He is a person who always repays his kindness, so he has always done his best for the lighthouse.

Of course, he didn't know that the reason why Santo Morgan took such a fancy to him was because of his background.

Mark is the last batch of human beings created by the old civilization, and has the ability to survive in the new world. If you have to use a comparison, then Mark is the version of Kurosaki Ichigo in "The Spirit Cage".

It is a human being, and it is also a pole devouring beast. It can survive in the material world, and it can also survive in the spiritual world.

After the flower of mana appeared at the beginning, the old civilization didn't take it seriously, and even used it as a medical medicinal material, modifying genes, and seeking the way of eternal life.

But with the rapid proliferation of Mana Flowers and the appearance of more and more extreme beasts, humans finally realized that something was wrong.

Someone wants to escape and build a spaceship to escape from this planet.

Some people continue to study the flower of mana, wanting to explore the root and master the flower of mana thoroughly.

Mark was such an experimental subject, and there were even countless Mark hatchlings, but he was the only one who survived, was found by Lord Morgan, and stayed at the lighthouse.

"My lord, this is too dangerous!"

Jingnan, who thought that people from other worlds were not a threat before, opened his mouth to stop him.

The players are indeed not malicious now, because from the beginning to the end, the players did not attack them.

But only now, within half a month of their contact with the players, most of the dust people have been kidnapped, and even Shangmin has already started to jump down. No matter how you look at it, the players are not the same as them.

"My lord is wise. If Mark discovers the secrets of these aliens, maybe we will no longer have to be afraid of the Pole Devourer, and we may even have the power to recover the entire world just like them."

The corners of Charles' mouth raised, and he bent over and said.


Jingnan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Mark: "Okay, I'll go down!"

Ran Bing, who had been standing behind him, was in a hurry: "Mark, this is too dangerous."

"No, what Charles said is very reasonable. No matter what the other party's purpose is, we have to find a way to learn how to deal with the beast."

Mark said in a deep voice, he is the commander of the wild hunters, no one knows how to collect supplies better than him, but at the same time, no one has seen more extreme beasts than him, and every time he sees the extreme beasts, the price They are all living lives.

Lord Morgan nodded and said, "The lighthouse will temporarily leave this area, and will come back in a month. If you succeed..."

He didn't continue talking. If it succeeds, everyone will be happy. If it fails, then the lighthouse can't die with people from other worlds because of Mark alone, because the lighthouse still has the task of continuing human civilization, although this task will make the whole world Lighthouses have become cold,
"Then I'll go down too!"

Ran Bing asked.

"Ran Bing, stop making trouble!"

Mark frowned.

"No, we are the first group of people who have come into contact with people from other worlds. I think they have a high possibility of accepting me."

Mark: Don't you see they're totally open to anyone?

Lord Morgan glanced at Ran Bing, thinking that it would be nice to have a confidant to take care of him, so he nodded in agreement...

"Captain Mark..."

Suiying looked at Mark with a strange expression. With all due respect, he could tell at a glance that the other party was an undercover agent who was trying to break into them.

There is no way, although Suiying has never read books on the art of war in the old world, but with Captain Mark's face, no matter how you look at it, he is a positive character and should not be a traitor.

Mark is a good man. This is a sentence that everyone in the lighthouse agrees with, whether they are dustmen or Shangmin.

But the system of the lighthouse does not advocate good people. The teaching of the Light and Shadow Church is to destroy love and love. There is no market for good people in the Light and Shadow Church.

So although Suiying is the porter in the Wild Hunter and has received a lot of care from Mark, his senses are just pleasing to the eye.

"How can I meet the city lord?"

Mark was not polite either, pointing directly to the core of the problem. Ashamed to say, he always thought that Wang Duoyu was a sand sculpture, but he didn't expect that he was really the leader.

"Captain Mark, to tell you the truth, Master Hao Jian is not the leader of the aliens, the real leader seems to be called Aizen."

During this period of time, Suiying was not only helping Wang Qi manage Xiazhu City, but also smelled a lot of 'secrets' by virtue of his thick skin.

For example, the reason why people from other worlds can travel through time and space is because a guy named Aizen opened the channel and then issued tasks for them.

And NPCs want to really become one of them, they have to find that adult, only if he admits, then they can have extraordinary power, otherwise they can only be drug addicts, such as injecting various strengthening drugs, Practice all kinds of exercises that I don't know if they are useful.

Suiying is now taking this path. He has been directly injected with the original enterovirus serum and has a super self-healing ability, but these are not enough, and he cannot stop the beast from sucking it.

Later, Wang Duoyu gave him a long knife, saying that if he could sense the spirit of the knife, then he would be qualified to practice the power of the god of death.

Although I couldn't understand it, Sui Ying was greatly shocked, the god of death, just hearing the name was scary.

However, he still hasn't sensed the so-called sword spirit. In addition to Xia Zhucheng Xinjian, there are a lot of things waiting for him to do, and his headache is dying.

"In other words, Hao Jian is a puppet?"

Mark asked.

"You can't say that, Master Hao Jian has the final say on this city."

Sui Ying told Mark about the legend of Aizen, and Mark praised him when he heard the words: "If this is true, then this Aizen deserves to be known as a hero."

Sui Ying scratched his head, now he only cares about when Dao Ling will communicate with him.

and many more!

Suiying suddenly looked at Mark. This guy is the upper-level administrator of the lighthouse, that is to say, this guy is a manager. Wouldn't it be enough to let him manage Xiazhu City?

As for whether they will be ostracized by Mark, there is no need to be afraid of Mark when there are players around, and the players choose managers not based on their brains, but on their eyesight. For example, right now, strictly speaking, Wang Qi is their leader.

Thinking of this, Sui Ying's expression immediately became enthusiastic: "Captain Mark, actually I have always admired you, you manage a team as big as the Hunters so well..."

Seeing Sui Ying's smile, Mark couldn't help but feel a chill in his neck. He always felt that this guy was hiding a knife in his smile, and he would pull out the long knife at his waist to slap his neck at any time.

"Well, Brother Suiying, don't be so polite, I'm a member of Xiazhu City now, just an ordinary convert."

Mark took a step back, and took Ran Bing's hand by the way, ready to run away at any time, although he didn't know where he could run in the player city.

"Should be, should be, Captain Mark, everyone knows that you are both wise and brave. Now that Xiazhu City is in need of a lot of waste, it is the time when you are needed. Otherwise, you can come to be the secretary of Xiazhu City's deputy city lord!"

Sui Ying laughed.

"It's all rumors, rumors... Wait, you asked me to be the secretary of the deputy city lord?"

Mark blinked, what's going on, I became the secretary of the deputy city lord as soon as I came in, so if I stay for a few more months, wouldn't I be promoted directly to the city lord?
(End of this chapter)

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