Chapter 653
Although Suiying resisted again and again, he still couldn't escape Dawenxi's clutches, and was stripped down to only his underpants, which were tied to the experiment table.


A blue light flashed across So So, Da Wenxi looked at the data on the computer and nodded, he was a purebred human, not a human-like creature like a player.

"Wait, you injected the original enterovirus serum?"

Da Wenxi asked suddenly.

Enterovirus serum?
Suiying always felt that the name was very ominous, but considering that Wang Duoyu had given him an injection once, he explained: "Master Hao Jian gave me an injection once, but Wuming doesn't know what that thing is?"

"This will save me from having to take a bath for you later."

Hearing this sentence, Suiying's loyalty to Wang Duoyu soared, God is sorry, it would be shameful not to be stripped naked by a psychopath, if he took a bath, he would be ashamed to live in this world.

"Let's see, protovirus serum can help you heal yourself, but it's not enough..."

"The Divine Machine system is quite good, you can join it..."

"In addition to nanotechnology, well, although it is a bit rough, it is enough to have strong combat power..."

On one side, Suiying was tied to the experimental subject, while on the other side, Da Wenxi was beating on the computer desk with a hammer, and from time to time he took out strange things such as chainsaws, electric welders, screwdrivers, etc. Sui Ying was frightened.

Hearing such a strange movement, Wang Duoyu rushed in. Although Suiying was not a girl, she was the first NPC to surrender to him. Wang Duoyu planned to focus on training.

"Didn't you agree to transform him into a devil with muscular muscles? Why did you suddenly hit the hammer?"

Wang Duoyu was puzzled.

With the shadow: ...

What the hell is a devil muscular man?

"Oh, I suddenly remembered that there is a better way to strengthen, just wait a moment."

Da Wenxi said that a mental patient has a broad mind, and now is the time when his inspiration explodes, and he can't stop the car.

Wang Duoyu leaned over curiously, and saw what Da Wenxi was beating: a big red iron ring.

"This thing is... I know this thing. It's the watch of the God Eater, right? Oh, you plan to use a magic machine for them? That's not bad, but the God Eater is very powerful. no problem."

Wang Duoyu suddenly realized that although he is a novice, he has made up a lot of game information recently.

"The main body of the Shenji is the Rage God, and that thing is not easy to cultivate, unless you are willing to buy it from Amamiya Rindou with Qi Luck Coins."

It’s okay to let players kill and set fire, but it’s a bit difficult for players to calm down and do research, not to mention that scientific research is all about talent, some people can do it at one point, and some people know it well. .

"Could it be that you plan to capture the beast to be the body of the divine machine?"

Wang Duoyu's brain was wide open, and Suiying panicked even more when he heard it. What do you mean, do you want to fuse him with the Pole Devourer?

"You are insulting my innovation level!"

Da Wenxi was furious, took out the cutting machine and cut the big iron ring into several parts, then took a bunch of parts, welded them together with an electric welding machine, and finally formed a... belt.

Wang Duoyu: ...

Well, you are crazy, you are awesome!
"Shouldn't this thing be the same as Zhang Wei's belt?"

Wang Duoyu complained that Zhang Wei and Neo's stylish looks attracted the hatred of many players, and they wished to strip them naked and wear the emperor's armor by themselves.

Wait, if my younger brothers all wear the Emperor's Armor, hey, more than 1000 Emperor's Heroes, this can push the entire world horizontally!

"That's right, this is the super armor I made by imitating the light and shadow armor. As long as the belt is activated, the oracle cells stored in it will be transformed into a set of armor through nanotechnology, giving the host the power not to lose to the god of the wild."

Da Wenxi took out several buckets of paint and explained while painting the belt.

"Sounds great, what about the consequences?"

Wang Duoyu asked curiously, if this thing is really possible, wouldn't it be better than the steel suit mass-produced by the research institute?
"There are no consequences."

Da Wenxi is full of confidence.

Wang Duoyu didn't believe it. Everyone knew that Da Wenxi's invention was ten wastes and nine pits. If he didn't feel that he was not the one who cheated, then he would definitely not look for Da Wenxi.

So, get on it!Shadow Beast!

Hearing that it was just a belt, Sui Ying immediately felt relieved, and then said speechlessly, "I want you to try it, you guys should untie it for me anyway!"

Sui Ying, who was only wearing a pair of underpants all over her body, picked up the fake Emperor's belt, and carefully buckled it around her waist.

1 minute has passed...

5 minute has passed...

10 minute has passed...

Suiying: By the way, it’s okay to give me a set of hospital clothes. I’m wearing shorts and a belt. If someone finds out, I’m going to die?
"That doesn't seem to work."

Follow the shadow weakly.

"Shouldn't be!"

Da Wenxi frowned, and then slammed the palm of his left hand with his right hand: "I see, you didn't call the armored warrior to transform!"

Tired of following the shadow, he said weakly, "Armor warrior, transform!"

As soon as the words fell, the fake Emperor's belt around his waist instantly deformed, covering his body like a ball of liquid, and then formed a set of armor somewhat similar to Emperor Xia.

"This shape is a bit ugly."

Wang Duoyu commented that this set of armor is not so much armor as tights, but with some armor on the outside, especially the head, which is a perfect oval shape. It is said to be a helmet, but it is actually a hood. The only difference from the headgear is that there are two big eyes on the headgear, the kind that are so big that they take up half of the head.

"The main body is the oracle cell, and the shape will definitely be different. In addition, it is not a real armor. It is already very good to be able to become like this."

Da Wenxi took out a pen and recorded it, and then said regretfully: "It's a pity that the emperor's belt was also deformed after transformation, so my efforts were wasted."

So strong!

Suiying, the person involved, felt the power coming from his body, and he felt that he could kill a Da Wenxi with one punch.

Of course, this is just a thought, not to mention that it is likely to be his illusion, but if he really beat Da Wenxi to death, then he is also dead.

"Okay, take off your belt, I'll improve it."

Da Wenxi decided to remove the shape of the emperor's belt and streamline it.

"How about... don't you test the power first?"

Sui Ying was a little bit reluctant. He was excited when he first surpassed his ability, so he immediately asked him to cancel the transformation. Naturally, he didn't want to cancel it so quickly.

"You have to know that as a scientist, the most important thing is to be rigorous. Your belt has just been manufactured, and there are still many areas that need to be improved. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous."

Da Wenxi's face was serious, and he said that with a face of shame, he canceled the transformation, and then took it off...take it off...take it off...

━━∑( ̄□ ̄*|||━━X3
"How about we test the power first?"

(End of this chapter)

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