Chapter 654
"I heard that heroes from other worlds have begun to equip the city guards with weapons."

"Really? What kind of weapon is stronger than the MU2 heavy body?"

"Isn't this nonsense, those heroes from other worlds can kill a Pole Devourer with a single blow."

Outside Xiazhu City, a group of people stood curiously on the tower, looking at Sui Ying below, and in front of Sui Ying, stood a Pole Devourer bound by six sticks of light.

"This thing is a bit like legendary magic."

"Magic? What's that?"

"It's the fantasy ability of the old world..."

Because the matter in the world of "Ling Cage" is transforming into spirit, people in this world can actually see the ghosts that players display.

"What is this doing?"

Mark also climbed up the tower, pulling a person and asking.

"It's Secretary Mark. I heard that they are going to test the equipment of the City Guard."

Secretary Mark...

The corners of Ran Bing's mouth turned up, and he almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Mark looked hopeless. Although he successfully broke into the enemy's interior, the problem was that the enemy's interior was just an empty shell. After working for a long time, most of the city's affairs required him to manage. If it wasn't for Ran Bing's help , he guessed crazy.

The dust people jumped down, and the players threw them to them after receiving them. They only gave them food and didn't care about anything else. They pretended not to interfere with the future of people from other worlds, but Mark could tell at a glance that these guys were being lazy.

"How many people do you find willing to join us now?"

Mark whispered.

The Dust People jumped down, of course not because of the charisma of the players, but just to be able to eat, and now that they are full, they naturally have more ideas.

It's just that the strength of the players is there, no matter how many ideas they have, they can only hold back, honestly open up wasteland and farm, and work well as maids.

Mark's previous idea was to win over a group of people and find out the source of the players' strength. This is a temptation that no one in the last days can refuse.

Although I feel very sorry for the players, the current situation is very clear. The strength of the players is the key to saving the end of the world. He can't give up, and the lighthouse can't give up.

"There are more than 100 people. In addition, five people have joined the city guard army."

Ran Bing also said in a low voice.

Mark nodded, looking at the accompanying shadow at the gate of the city, he felt a little emotional, this guy was just a dustman not long ago, but now he has become the first person among them with extraordinary power, which feels very ironic.

"Why does that guy in 4068 have such an ugly face? Isn't he happy to let him be the first to have city guard equipment?"

There were crowds of people on the city wall, and Wang Jin brought Wang Qi to squeeze up together. Seeing Sui Ying's dark face, Wang Jin complained that he, Sui Ying and Wang Qi had been playing together since they were young. More used to address numbers.

"Shouldn't there be any defects?"

Wang Qi was a little worried.

"How is it possible? Have you seen his belt? It's exactly the same as the stupid... killing god we met before who claimed to be the Lord of Light and Shadow. It is said that this is called the Light and Shadow Armor."

Wang Jin pointed to the copycat version of the emperor's belt on Suiying's waist.

Mark raised his eyebrows. He also met Zhang Wei at the beginning. That guy claimed to be the Lord of Light and Shadow. At first, everyone thought it was either a psychopath or a polar devourer, or a neurotic polar devourer.

Could it be that these guys were really sent by the Lord of Light and Shadow to save them?

Such an idea could not help popping up in Mark's mind.

"What, light and shadow armor? Could it be that they were sent by the Lord of Light and Shadow to save us?"

"Then why didn't Lord Charles come down with the Church of Light and Shadow?"

"Huh, I still call him Charles. I have long thought that there is something wrong with the Church of Light and Shadow. It must be that guy who was abandoned by the Lord of Light and Shadow."

Not only Mark heard this, but everyone else heard it, and all of them looked at Sui Ying's belt with fiery eyes.

The Church of Light and Shadow is still very serious about brainwashing the people in the lighthouse. After all, in the last days, there is always some spiritual sustenance to be found, let alone someone who has actually seen the Lord of Light and Shadow.

"Quiet, watch how Sui Ying uses the light and shadow armor!"

Wang Jin waved his hand and shouted.

Everyone immediately shut their mouths and looked at Sui Ying without blinking...

Sui Ying expressed his frustration, although the adult said it was just a small problem, but considering that he is a mentally ill patient, he felt that he might not be able to remove the belt in his life.

But there is still a dream. For the future, he does not need to wear a belt when taking a bath. Suiying thinks that he will follow Da Wenxi's order and test the light and shadow belt. Maybe after devouring the beast, the light and shadow belt can evolve again.

The prototype of the belt is the suppressor of the God Eaters in the world of "God Eater", which is used to control the erosion of the oracle cells on the body. From the very beginning, its setting is that it cannot be removed. Can be completely swallowed by oracle cells.

Of course, that was just a prototype. The belt modified by Dawenximo was not used to inhibit the phagocytosis of the oracle cells, but to control the oracle cells and use it to construct various armors.

But in the same way, this belt becomes a living thing, whether it is willing to leave the host or not depends on its mood.

"Armor warrior, transform!"

Suiying shouted, and the oracle cells instantly covered his whole body, turning into a warrior in light armor with big eyes on top of his head.

Seeing this, Da Wenxi snapped his fingers, and the band of light on the Pole Devourer burst apart.


With a sprint, Suiying punched the Pole Devourer, and under the blessing of the armor, his figure was as fast as lightning.

The Pole Devourer also rushed towards Shadow Follower, seeing the little guy in front of him punching him, he lowered his head, the tentacles on his head immediately wrapped around Shadow Follower's arm, and the blue glow flickered.

This is the eating method of polar devouring beasts. They don't devour human beings directly, but absorb the spiritual power of human beings, turning human beings into flesh and dust.

Seeing the blue light on the tentacles, Sui Ying couldn't help but feel a chill. As a person of the last days, how could he not know how the Pole Devourer attacks? While praying that this thing would be ineffective against the armor, he pulled out his other hand to hang a The Zanpakuto swung down.


Under Suiying's astonished gaze, the tentacles of the Pole Devourer were directly chopped off by the Zanpakutō.


As if feeling the pain, the Pole Devourer roared at Sui Ying and bit towards Sui Ying.

Is it so sharp?
Or in other words, it just has a miraculous effect on the Pole Devourer?

Suiying thought to himself, the so-called Zanpakutao he always brought with him, and tried its sharpness, it can cut gold and jade, but it can only cut sparks when it is on the steel plate.

With his right hand out of the air, Suiying held the Zanpakuto in both hands, a sliding shovel with the point of the knife pointing up, and directly cut open the beast.

"So strong!"

Sui Ying sighed again, maybe this Zanpakuto has a miraculous effect on the beast, but without the power of this armor, even if he uses the Zanpakuto as a hidden weapon, it may not be able to cause damage to the beast. The physical strength of the beast is there, and the reaction can't keep up with the speed of the beast.

"But it's different now!"

Suiying put away the Zanpakutō, accumulated strength in his right hand, and swung out with a punch.

The terrifying power instantly exploded the body of the Pole Devourer, turning it into flesh and blood, but it was quickly reorganized again...but it was reorganized into a card.

(End of this chapter)

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