Chapter 658
"It's really like Master Lai said, someone built a city here!"

Outside Xiazhu City, an armored car drove up, and the driver was a little girl, wearing a pair of strange glasses, looking at this side.

"It's not just about building a city. Didn't you see the beasts behind us? We were all attracted by them."

The fat man on the armored vehicle pointed behind him, and a group of beasts ignored the armored vehicle and rushed towards the city.

"These people are really not afraid of death. They can't even hide their spiritual powers, yet they dare to build a city."

The Mohawk man in the back seat of the armored vehicle was speechless.

"Master Lai said that they have been on this continent for less than half a month, that is to say, they have persisted for less than half a month."

The white-haired woman in the co-pilot folded her hands and closed her eyes to fall asleep.

"It's so powerful, how did they kill so many polar devouring beasts?"

Another long-haired woman in the back seat raised her eyebrows.

"I don't know, that's why we came here to check."

"I think, I already know how they killed the Extreme Devourer."

The little girl with glasses murmured.

Hearing this, the white-haired woman snatched the little girl's glasses, put them on her head, and looked towards the sky.

"Look at me, look at my chaotic cloak swordsmanship!"

"Small meaning, look at my Tathagata Excalibur move."

"I have a trick, the fusion of man and sword, and I invite you to taste it."

In the sky, the players are using all kinds of spiritual pressure sword energy to kill the Pole Devourer. There is no way, who said that the Pole Devourer can't fly, and it can only stand and be beaten in front of the players.

"It's no wonder they can persist for so long. It turns out that they can use psionic energy. It's just how they use psionic energy to fly in the sky."

The other masked man on the roof was dumbfounded, everyone is a psychic warrior, why can you fly?

"No, I don't think their power is psionic, at least not emotional."

Bai Yuekui narrowed her beautiful eyes.

"Then what should we do next, retreat?"

The little girl stopped the car and asked some nervous questions.

They look down on the people on the lighthouse because those guys are a group of idiots escaping reality in front of them. The lighthouse can only fly at noon, because something will happen sooner or later. It's just our restaurant in the sky.

But looking at this group of guys, killing the beast is like killing a chicken, and there are so many people, no matter how you look at it, it is more terrifying than the beast.

"come here."

Bai Yuekui beckoned to Xia Dou, motioning for her to bring her head closer.

"what happened?"

The little girl didn't know what was going on, but she still moved her head towards Bai Yuekui, but soon realized that she lost control of her body and threw herself towards Bai Yuekui.

But Bai Yuekui turned slightly, brushed past Xia Dou, and took the driver's seat.

"I'll drive next."

Bai Yuekui bit her lips lightly, although her tone was still calm, but everyone present had been with her for so long, so they didn't know that she was a little excited now.

"Here, let me do it!"

The little girl put her hands together and prayed.

The others hurriedly fastened their seat belts, and even Shan Da and Xu Tong on the roof tied themselves firmly to the roof, and then they all looked at Bai Yuekui expectantly, hoping that he would change his mind.

"No, Master Lai said that we have to have real contact with the leader of this group of people, but as the saying goes, the king of Hades loves little ghosts, and this group of people might stop us."

Bai Yuekui adjusted all the data on the operating console to the highest value, and the little friends were terrified when they saw it. Thinking about driving, they just said, who are you looking for such a bad excuse to lie to, and who is Hades?

When Bai Yuekui saw that everyone was fastening their seat belts, the corner of his mouth curled up, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the entire armored vehicle accelerated instantly like a cannonball and rushed forward.

"The new Pole Devourer is here!"

"Haha, it's time to show off your real skills!"

"Wait, what is that?"

The sprint of Bai Yuekui and others immediately attracted the attention of the players, and many players flew over curiously.

"Hey, fat man, what are you doing? Help us attract monsters?"

Bai Shida was riding a big golden bird, and with his wife Bai Yan, looked at the masked Xutong next to the fat man with great interest.

According to his years of experience in reading novels, every male protagonist has a fat friend, and this masked guy is very likely to be the legendary male protagonist, at least the protagonist of this copy.

As for Mark, that guy looks too upright, either he is the hero's tool man, or he is the hero's tool to sacrifice to heaven, as it is written in the novel.

"This bird doesn't seem to be a polar-devouring beast?"

Although Shan Da was stunned by the familiarity of the other party and couldn't understand what the other party was talking about, it was just that the golden eagle under Baishida made him a little strange. It was obviously not the Pole Devourer, but it still gave him a very strong sense of danger.

"Of course not. My bird is a golden-winged roc. It cost me [-] luck coins to exchange."

Blockbuster proudly said.

Seeing that he used a Condor Heroes slave account in another copy, he thought about getting one for himself, so he immediately bought a mount in the Lord God Mall.

For this reason, he was despised by Karen, but despised was despised, anyway, it was not the first day he was despised by Karen.

As for Kallen, for some reason, she volunteered to fight monsters for the first time, and Best was very pleased with that.

"Hey, you haven't said what you are doing, drag racing? Can you count me in?"

Bai Shida asked, Kallen is already a mature follower, and has learned to fight monsters by himself, so he naturally wants to enjoy life and live a chic life with his wife in the world of mortals.

"Oh? You also like drag racing?"

Bai Yuekui was also interested, and popped his head out: "You said that your bird is a golden-winged roc, the kind that can fly eighteen thousand miles?"

"Sister, car, car, look at the car!"

The faces in the car turned green.

"What are you afraid of, is there anything in front of you?"

Bai Yuekui disagreed.

"No, there are really cars, a lot of cars!"

The voice of Xia Dou in the passenger seat has changed.

Bai Yuekui looked forward suspiciously, and was suddenly a little dumbfounded. He saw a hundred modified motorcycles slapping away on both sides of the city gate, 50 on each side.

And beside each motorcycle, stood a woman wearing a strange armor.

It's sizzling!

Bai Yuekui slammed on the brakes and almost threw Shan Da and Xu Tong from the roof of the car.


Xia Dou's face in the passenger seat was pressed against the windshield, and slowly slid off the windshield.

Bai Yuekui: ...

It's not her fault, it's Xia Dou who didn't wear a seat belt.

"Welcome to the Savior Squad!"

A hundred female masked knights bowed slightly to the armored vehicle, making everyone look dazed.

Savior Squad?what is that?
At this moment, a red blanket rolled out from the city gate and rolled in front of the armored vehicle. Wang Duoyu appeared at the city gate, walking towards the armored vehicle with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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