Chapter 659
Bai Yuekui didn't budge, the door of the armored car opened automatically, got off the driver's seat, and looked at Wang Duoyu calmly.

Shan Da and the others also unfastened their seat belts, got out of the car, and looked at this group of weird-looking people with vigilance.

Everyone has been together for so long, so they naturally know Bai Yuekui's habits. Normally, Bai Yuekui will put the knife aside at will, because she is absolutely confident in her own strength, but now it is obvious that she is not confident in her own strength .

This is also a matter of course. I also know that on this continent, even the polar devouring beasts can't fly, but now there are a group of people who can fly. No matter how you think about it, you know that these people are not ordinary.

"It hurts..."

Xia Dou covered her face and got out of the car crying. Although there was no blood, she felt that her face was deformed, maybe disfigured.

Crowd: ...

The tense atmosphere broke instantly, Bai Yuekui looked helplessly at Wang Duoyu who had walked for a long time and hadn't reached her, and said, "You are their leader."

"No, I am the lord of this city."

Wang Duoyu is wearing a fancy suit, not to mention, he looks like a dog after being dressed up, at least he looks like a rich man.

"Isn't it a meaning?"

Bai Yuekui frowned, thinking that this guy was playing tricks on her, and seeing the female warrior in strange clothes, he was even more dissatisfied. Could it be that people in this city like to force women to do such indescribable things?

She came from before the end of the world, completely experienced the evolution of the entire end of the world, and saw all kinds of inhuman indulgence and madness.

"Hao Jian, what are you doing, making such a big fight, are you pretending to be aggressive?"

Baishida jumped off the golden-winged roc with his wife in his arms, having fun.

"Go away, I'm on a mission!"

Wang Duoyu was not in a good mood. Every time he saw this guy, he was showing off his wife. He suspected that this guy had a hatred for the rich. Isn't his wife playing games?Isn't it possible to cancel the sage mode?What's so great...Damn it, I'm so envious!
"Mission, I seem to have heard what they said about the rescue team just now, this task is not small."

Baishida rubbed his hands, expressing that he also wanted to join in.

"It's really not small. If you make trouble, I will tell Aizen."

Wang Duoyu sneered.

Baishida's face froze for a moment, it was a numbness, it was actually that fellow Aizen, and he knew that he had said a lot of bad things about Aizen.

"No, I have to withdraw, go to another copy, this copy is too dangerous!"

Bai Shida and Bai Yan jumped on the golden-winged roc, ready to call Karen back, and prepared to run, but their expressions changed slightly before they left.


Bai Yuekui raised her eyebrows. Unlike people born in the last days, she has the experience of living in a civilized society. Even the level of technology on this planet is more than one grade higher than that of the player world. Spaceships can be built.

Blockbuster said unluckily, when it comes to players leaking secrets, sometimes people really have to look at their faces. People in ancient times and other worlds don't know what the word "duplicate" means, so it doesn't matter if you say it casually, but modern people are different. up.

But modern people can also divide into pre-apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic. People who have played games before the apocalypse will naturally know it, but people after the apocalypse may not necessarily know it.

Fortunately, the luck coins deducted for the leak are not large, so the players don't care, and sometimes the more you deduct, the happier the players talk.

Naturally, Zhang Chen might put them into silent mode, not to mention that the players feel that their rights have been violated, and even the aborigines may be at a loss.

But fortunately, the behavior of players seems crazy to most aborigines. After all, in any world, a group of guys who call themselves players suddenly pop up. Everyone’s first reaction is not that our world is a game world, but This guy has a brain problem.

"So you are Hao Jian!"

Xia Dou leaned in front of Wang Duoyu and asked curiously.

"you know me?"

Wang Duoyu is also very strange. Could it be that this is the pre-mission?

Not to mention that Wang Duoyu was strange, even Bai Yuekui felt strange, how could Xia Dou know the Lord of Xiazhu City.

"do not know."

Wang Duoyu was speechless, so what did you say?
"I just heard my elder sister talk about you. She said you are the King of Hades. By the way, the bird rider just now is a brat. It's really difficult."

Crowd: ...

For a moment, everyone didn't know if the little girl was joking, or if she really got it wrong.

However, the king of Hades is the king of Hades!
"That's right, that guy is a brat, you have to remember to keep a distance from him in the future, he is really difficult to deal with!"

As long as you scold Blockbuster, we are good friends!
"It hurts..."

Bai Yuekui pinched Xia Dou's ear with his right hand without a knife, pulled him behind him, looked at Wang Duoyu and said, "I want to know, what's going on with the Savior Squad?"

Wang Duoyu also realized that he had talked too much with the other party, and hurriedly invited: "Sorry, I forgot, our leader is waiting for you, and I have something to discuss with you."

"Boss, are you so arrogant?"

Xu Tong had a strange air of yin and yang.

"Xu Tong!"

Bai Yuekui glared at him, raised his chin slightly, and motioned for Wang Duoyu to lead the way.

What to pull, be careful to become Aizen's hot weapon.

Wang Duoyu secretly cursed in his heart.

When playing PC games, everyone thinks that NPCs with personality are very interesting, but when it comes to reality, and encountering NPCs who don’t want to kill you, sometimes it’s really frustrating. What’s more annoying is that these NPCs are still Can not kill.

After this period of construction, most places in Xiazhu City have been able to operate. Many players even put their houses there and started selling them.

"Sold light and shadow armor, 100% simulation, handsome and cool!"

"Selling the bones of the beast, here comes one, the knife cuts like a god!"

"Pearl milk tea, pearl milk tea! Back to blue and back to blood!"

"Egg fried rice, delicious and full!"

Seeing the hawkers along the street, and the hurriedly coming and going streets, everyone was deeply shocked. Is this really the end of the world?

Why does it feel like they are having such a good time!

"Brother Yan Wang, I want to drink that milk tea, it smells so good!"

Xia Dou pointed to Jin Yuanfeng who was desperately selling, but the business was very bleak.

"you sure?"

Wang Duoyu had a strange expression on his face. Jin Yuanfeng's pearl milk tea business was not bad at first, but when the players stabilized, they didn't need to work so hard, and fewer people bought it.

After all, the name of dog milk is too deterrent, and the timid people dare not try it at all.

"Does it cost us anything?"

Bai Yuekui also moved his Qiong's nose, Jin Yuanfeng's handicraft is still worth mentioning, he knew it was delicious just by smelling it.

The ground gathering place is different from the lighthouse, and there is no so-called contribution point, and it is a big pot meal.

"That's not enough." Wang Duoyu felt that it was better to speak clearly, and pointed to Jin Yuanfeng's giant dog: "That dog is called Pearl, and the milk tea is its milk."

"What's the problem with that?"

Xia Dou was puzzled.

Wang Duoyu was speechless and could only give her a thumbs up, you are uneducated, you are awesome!
(End of this chapter)

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