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Chapter 660 This World Is Yours

Chapter 660 This World Is Yours

"What do you think of her?"

Inside the castle, Zhang Chen sat on the Iron Throne, and below him were Qi Yu and others. As for the beauties who played the violin, they had already left.

"I think that milk tea seems to be quite delicious."

Qiyu looked at Bai Yuekui and the others who were drinking milk tea with deep eyes.

Zhang Chen is speechless, he was the one who brought this guy here to gather the number of people. Although he has no intention of getting involved in this world, he also wants to establish a good cooperative relationship with him, so he needs to think carefully about who he chooses as an agent up.

"The will of the God Lord is my will."

Zhi Ziyingyin bowed slightly to Zhang Chen, and Little Binet followed suit and bowed slightly.

"Only the strong are worthy to be my teammates."

Estes said coldly.

Zhang Chen nodded: "She is just an aborigine in this world, and she is not detached. If you really want to compete with her, then remember to hold back."

A master of the world, even if he is not a strong one, must have the heart of a strong one, just like Nilu in the Death God World, although she became the spirit king with his help, she herself grew up in fighting .

Even Lily, who was regarded as a backpack by Zhang Chen, grew up in a rogue organization like the Sumo family. She often deceived adventurers and had a dark belly.

"what are you guys saying?"

Mark couldn't help but spoke again.


Estes snorted coldly, and Mark instantly turned into a block of ice.


Ran Bing was startled, reached out to touch the ice cube, couldn't help shivering, and hurriedly transformed into a Kamen Rider, trying to smash the ice cube.

However, not to mention that the other party's Kamen Rider is a counterfeit, even if it is true, it is a mass-produced Kamen Rider, how could it be possible to break the ice made by Estes.

"Don't make trouble."

Zhang Chen glared at her, although he also felt that Mark was a little annoying, asking questions.

"So why did you bring this guy here?"

Fubuki couldn't help asking, these two people are not your candidates.

Estes snapped his fingers, and the ice immediately disintegrated. Mark turned white and shivered from the cold. Ran Bing felt a little distressed when he saw it. mind.

Zhang Chen shook his head, the world is getting worse, people's hearts are not old!
"He is the savior Bai Yuekui wants, so I plan to give it to her as a gift."

During the conversation, the gate of the castle opened slowly, Bai Yuekui and others threw away the milk tea in their hands, restored their original momentum, and walked into the castle.

In the hall, a man in white was sitting on a high platform, and on both sides of him, ten people of different shapes lined up, also looking at them with scrutiny.

"I'm so bored, can I go?"

Qiyu said helplessly, he wanted to go back to play games.

"Saitama, your salary for this month is gone."

Zhang Chen is angry, didn't you see me pretending to be aggressive here?

"No, boss!"

Qiyu screamed, covered his mouth, and then seemed to think of something, and asked, "Then can I go now?"


Zhang Chen covered his face, he shouldn't have let Qiyu serve as the background board, and his painting style has been ruined.


Saitama nodded, decisively dodging.

Bai Yuekui and the others watched the farce quietly, but their pupils couldn't help shrinking when they saw Qiyu disappear. They couldn't see it at this speed.

It's this kind of near-teleportation method again. Before they saw players outside the city using this ability to fight against the Extreme Devourer, as if everyone could teleport.

"Bai Yuekui, right?"

Zhang Chen knocked on the handrail, pretending that what happened just now didn't happen, and said.

"it's me."

Bai Yuekui nodded, looked directly at Zhang Chen, and didn't mention what happened just now.

"Our origin, I think you have already inquired."

"So what are you going to do, what do we need to pay?"

Zhang Chen raised his eyebrows. It is easy to talk to people who understand. The people in the lighthouse think they can control the power of the players, so they let Mark act as cannon fodder.

But Bai Yuekui knew the truth about the end of the world, knowing that the end of the world was not brought by people from another world, nor was it brought by aliens, so he believed that the players really came from another world.

And if the players come from another world, there is one problem that cannot be avoided, and that is why?
Just like you were a big hero when you were young, contributing to the future of mankind, but when you grow up, you will understand that the world is made up of chains of interests.

It is impossible for countries to become friends, let alone the world and the world. People from other worlds save you for no reason, why?
If one or two do good deeds, it’s okay to be the savior. Thousands, tens of thousands of people came to save your world. Are you sure you didn’t come to conquer the world?

"You join us, the world belongs to you, and you belong to me."

Zhang Chen said concisely.

"Leave it to me, you mean to rule the world?"

Bai Yuekui was confused.

"It's up to you whether you want to rule the world or not. The sand outside...all the murderous people are under your control. You can use them to save your world."

Now not only Bai Yuekui and the others were shocked, even Mark raised his head from Ran Bing's chest and looked at Bai Yuekui expectantly.

Although he didn't know who Bai Yuekui was, he had already heard that Bai Yuekui was from their world, and it was naturally better to have this world in their hands than in the hands of this group of people from other worlds.

As for the purpose of exploring the strength of the players at the beginning, Mark has long since left it in his mind. Not to mention that Wang Duoyu casually created a group of Kamen Riders, but the fact that the number of players is increasing has already made them more and more powerful. I'm getting more and more frightened, what if the entire alien world moves to this world to settle down?
At that time, even if they have thoroughly researched the Kamen Rider belt, how could they possibly be able to beat the entire other world? God knows how many people there are in the other world.

Maybe there are so many of them that they don't need servants anymore, and all these aborigines have really become dust people.

"What if I refuse?"

Bai Yuekui was beyond Mark's expectation and asked another question instead.

"Forget it. I just need a spokesperson. It's okay to change someone. You are as white-haired as her. I think she is pretty good."

Zhang Chen pointed to Ran Bing at the side.

Ran Bing: ...


Nonsense, you obviously want to choose a beautiful girl!

"Are you provoking me?"

Bai Yuekui pulled out the Tang knife in his hand and looked at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen grinned: "You can think so."

This is a doomsday world, and people are already used to it. Whoever is stronger is the truth, just like the people in the lighthouse, do they really believe in the Lord of Light and Shadow?It's just that they have no choice.

Bai Yuekui's figure instantly disappeared in front of everyone.

Estes held the ice blade, his smile gradually distorted.

The entire Wencheng Castle exploded in an instant, Zhang Chen waved lightly, and all the people present appeared in the sky, watching this real woman fight.

(End of this chapter)

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