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Chapter 661 So we really want to mine?

Chapter 661 So we really want to mine?

Bing Ren and Tang Dao collided with each other. Both women grew up from killing. Although Bai Yuekui looks young, in fact, it is no problem to be Esther's grandma.

Of course, Esdeth's strength is not underestimated. Even without Zhang Chen's development, a single person in the original time and space can affect the weather of a continent. If Aizen comes, he may not be able to beat him without Bengyu.

Bai Yuekui kicked Esdeth into Jin Yuanfeng's shop, and the whole floor collapsed in an instant.


The ice spread under Estes' feet and turned into an icicle, heading straight for Bai Yuekui.

Holding the Tang knife in both hands, Bai Yuekui was pushed into Da Wenxi's laboratory, and then came out with a wrench on his head, and the laboratory had been directly pierced by icicles.

A blue luster bloomed from Tang Dao, Bai Yuekui did a backflip, and an arc of sword energy struck towards Esdesh.


Another ice blade appeared in Esdeth's hand, and the two swords crossed, blocking the sword in an X posture.

"A very good ability, a bit like spiritual pressure, and a bit like spiritual power."

Estes asked with interest: "Is this all your strength?"

"Who knows."

Bai Yuekui flicked his short hair, and the wrench on his head fell to the ground. With his feet gathering strength, he slammed on the building under his feet.

The fast food restaurant in the cooking class shattered instantly, causing screams.

clack clack...

This time the Tang Dao hit the ice blade, and the ice blade was actually cut with a cut. Estes was a little surprised and said, "It's not weak."

Although this ice blade was made by her at will, but with her current strength, the ice blade she made can't be said to be a thousand-year-old black ice, but in the world of martial arts, it is a magic weapon.


Bai Yuekui was also a little surprised, he didn't expect that he would strike with all his strength, but was easily blocked by the opponent.

What she didn't know was that this was the reason why Esther deliberately lowered his own strength, and simply competed with her in a normal state.

The entire Xiazhu City seemed to be bombed by shells during the crazy battle between the two women. A wall was missing here, a pillar was missing there, a roof was missing here, and an attic was missing there.

It was also thanks to Zhang Chen who brought everyone with him when he transferred them to the sky, otherwise there would have been terrible casualties.

Uh, well, now the casualties are terrible.

"My Xiazhu City!"

Wang Duoyu was furious, flew into the sky, and roared: "Stop fighting, if you continue to fight, my city capital module will be dismantled by you."

The players are also angry, you fight if you fight, why demolish my house?
Regardless of whether they would be debited of luck coins, they all launched attacks on the two of them.

"Breaking the Way 63 Thunder Roar Cannon."

"Breaking the Way - 88. Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon."

Looking at all kinds of colorful energy attacks, Bai Yuekui was a little dumbfounded, why did you even hit your own people?

And Esdeth's smile could no longer be described as distorted, it could be said to be rampant, she directly placed an ice cube for Bai Yuekui, protected it inside, and then looked at the players.

"Absolute zero!"

The body like an ice sculpture rushed into the group of players, and each blow took away the life of a player.

"卍解·Everything is a sword!"

Blockbuster grabbed Esdesh's fist with one hand, trying to use it as a weapon.

clack clack...

However, when the sword touched Esdesh's fist, his arm instantly turned into a piece of ice, and then spread all over his body.


Estes swung his fist down, smashing Baishida into shattered ice, and then punched Baiyan again, making the two couples live and die together.


Estes turned his head back, and looked at the broken sword in his hand in flip-flops, saying that it was a magic weapon.

"I said I was passing by, would you believe me?"

Flip-flops threw away the broken sword, activated the Rabbit Charm, turned and ran.

Estes smiled coldly, threw out an ice blade, and inserted it straight into the back of the flip-flop. The flip-flop instantly turned into an ice sculpture and fell to the ground and shattered.

An ice blade was condensed in his hand again, and Esdesh appeared in front of Kirito with a Shunpo.

Kirito: ...

"I'm just passing by!"

"So what, go to hell, hahaha!"

The twin swords of fetters and the ice blade collided wildly in the air, and their hands turned into afterimages.

"Shining Asuna!"

A white light flashed, and Asuna stabbed directly between Esdesh's eyebrows.


The body like an ice sculpture shattered in an instant, and before Asuna and Kirito could rejoice, Esdesh had already appeared behind Kirito, flying with two blades, and directly smashed Kirito into thousands of pieces.


The excited eyes finally fixed on Asuna. Asuna swallowed, and was about to return the copy directly, but found that the button of the copy had disappeared!


The sword light flickered, and Asuna and Kirito truly became one.

"Fuck, the NPC is crazy!"

"Help! Killed!"

"Oh my god, it's Estes!"

At this moment, the players finally recalled the fear of being dominated by Esdeth again, so they immediately dispersed and fled.

"Haha, you bastards are only worthy of digging in the ravines. After so long, you are still such bastards. How dare you kill me back then!"

Estes looked at the fleeing players who were provocative wildly. Some players refused to accept, they raised their knives and went up, and then down...the kind that shattered into ice slag.

Mining is just mining, I heard that what kind of bitcoin can be earned.

Zhang Chen also swallowed his saliva. He thought Esdeth's mind was normal except for his distorted personality, but he didn't expect that someone would go crazy.

In desperation, Zhang Chen could only issue one task.

[System Announcement: Hidden mission triggered, Esdeth's invasion.

Mission description: Esdeth is a terrible dungeon manager who likes to kill players who cross the dungeon.

Task requirements: Survive under the pursuit of Estes. (Note: You cannot exit the instance during this mission, nor can you escape from the city. Of course, you can resurrect for free after death.)
Task reward: You can get a lot of reinforcement materials for this instance if you survive, and you can get Esdeth's gift of Demon God Appearance Demon Essence by killing Esdesi. 】

Zhang Chen is sure that no player can kill Esdesh, but there is still a dream, and giving players a little hope can also make Esdesh kill more vigorously.

"It seems that Estes has been suffocated recently."

Zhang Chen said with emotion that although Esdeth has become Kelly, and the players are bruised, but it is Esdeth's hobby to torture people, and her hobby is to kill.

Seeing that the resurrection is free, and there are rewards for killing Esdeath, the players can bear it, so whether it is players outside the copy or players in the copy, they swarm up one by one, and they can kill Esdeath once , Naturally, it can also kill Esdesi for the second time.

The aborigines were stunned, what the hell, killing their teammates if they disagreed?

(End of this chapter)

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