Restart the main god game

Chapter 662 Brothers Come Cut Me!

Chapter 662 Brothers Come Cut Me!
From the player's point of view, although Esdesi killed blood into a river, but because of the color of the blood, it is colorful. It is said that the blood is flowing into a river, it is better to say it is light pollution. Those who don't know it think it is emitted by that black factory. What about sewage?

But in the eyes of the residents of the lighthouse in the air, it is simply inhumane. No one survives wherever Esdece goes.

At this moment they remembered, don't look at these sand sculptures of people from other worlds, but sand sculptures are not scary, what is scary is that sand sculptures have the power to destroy the world.

Ran Bing couldn't help asking: "This... my lord, why do you want to kill your partner? It doesn't make sense!"

madman!A complete lunatic!

Originally, she and Mark quite agreed with this group of people from other worlds. After all, it was better to live under the notice of people from other worlds than to live under the siege of extreme devouring beasts.

Just like the old saying, I would rather be a dog of peace than a person in troubled times.

No matter how dangerous people from other worlds are, can they be as dangerous as polar devouring beasts?
At least people from other worlds take care of food, housing, and safety, and as long as you do what you are doing, you can do whatever you like. In this doomsday, is there a more satisfying job than this?

However, the facts tell them that people from other worlds are not a question of whether they are dangerous or not, but a question of whether they are crazy or not!

It's fine to demolish the city if you don't agree with each other, but what kind of trouble is it to slaughter the city if you don't agree with each other?

Zhang Chen touched his chin and asked KING, "How about we hold this kind of event every month?"

For military training, players can't always face the attacks of stupid beasts, wild gods, etc., and they are afraid of pain when they go to Valkyrie. It's not bad to have a world boss every month.

Ran Bing: ...

are you crazy!

"Once a month is a little bit less, once a week is more appropriate, and the rewards have to be richer, and they have to give them hope to kill Esdeth."

KING touched the scar on his face and analyzed.

The aborigines were terrified when they heard it, what the hell, this thing happens once a week, can't they survive that time?

Xia Dou was even scared by King's fierce face and shrank behind Shanda, looking worriedly at Bai Yuekui in the Ice Cube, fearing that she would also be stabbed to death by Esthers.

"Makes sense."

Zhang Chen nodded. This is just like the world bosses in many games. If the players survive the siege, the experience of the game must be terrible, and the keyboard can be dropped.

"Then let her return to the original state."

Zhang Chen thought for a while and snapped his fingers.

clack clack...

Esdeth's crystal-like body instantly changed back to human form, and the ice blade that was originally like crystal in his hand became a sharp blade that was more like ice.

"Well, that's fine."

Estes looked at the ice blade in his hand, tilted his head, flicked it casually, and inserted it into Chen Haonan's heart.

Flames shot up from Chen Haonan's body, the Sun Golden Wheel melted the ice blade directly, Chen Haonan's body quickly repaired, and the Moon Golden Wheel spun out from behind him and shot towards Estes.

"That's what makes it interesting!"

Esdeth laughed and shouted, "General Binglan!"

In an instant, the entire Xiazhu City changed color, and snowflakes fell one by one. In just a few breaths, Xiazhu City became a snow city. Immediately afterwards, countless cavalrymen made of ice and snow climbed up from the ground and charged towards the players.

And Estes pushed his hands horizontally, and an icicle several meters wide rose towards the golden moon.

Click click!

The golden moon wheel spun crazily, but the icicles also condensed crazily, and the broken ice flew, making the players howl.

Although Zhang Chen returned Esdesh's strength to the original state, he did not limit Esdesh's physical strength. Simply put, Esdesh is now in the infinite blue mode.

Of course, due to the decline in strength, fighting with players has become more skill-oriented. This is also the reason why Esdeth made ice cavalry. She can't survive the siege of players intact.


In the end, the golden moon was completely frozen in the ice rock by the ice of Esdeth.

Seeing this, Chen Haonan hurriedly activated the Sun Golden Wheel, and the scorching sun and real fire immediately moved towards Bingyan.

"There is a flaw!"

A chuckle came from behind, and Chen Haonan's head flew directly into the air, and Esdeth was about to make another stab.

"If you are a brother, come and kill me!"

The pheasant was dressed in golden armor, holding a dragon-slaying knife in his hand, and with a loud shout, he fell from the sky.

"Then go to die!"

There was ice under Esdeth's feet, and he also flew into the air, not to be outdone, with his double blades crossed.

However, the pheasant did not speak to Estes, but Hong Xing's members. When they heard the pheasant's words, they immediately launched an attack, but it was the pheasant who attacked.

All kinds of attacks hit the pheasant. Not only was the pheasant unscathed, but a green light shone on the armor, and then gathered on the dragon-slaying knife in his hand.


The Dragon Slaying Knife burst into light, and chopped Esdesh and the icicles under his feet into pieces.

This trick was created by Pheasant by developing his own Zanpakuto. First, he blesses his teammates through Zanpakuto, and then asks his teammates to return the power to himself. With the blessing of his teammates, the blessing returns to himself, and his power will be greater. Amplitude rises.

"Ever heard of mirror image?"

Just as the pheasant breathed a sigh of relief, Estes' voice reached his ears.

clack clack...

The pheasant only felt a chill on its back, and then it turned into an ice sculpture. Esdeth raised his left hand and flicked the ice sculpture with his fingertips.


The statue of the pheasant instantly turned into shards of ice.


A flash of cold light flashed by, and Esdeth jumped back in a hurry, trying to avoid the blow, but because his left hand was stretched out, it was too late to retreat, and his left arm fell to the ground instantly.

Moon Golden Wheel turned around again and attacked Estes.

Estes glanced at Chen Haonan while jumping back, and saw that his head had grown back, and the Rijin Wheel had once again turned into a shield to wrap it inside.

"You've learned to be smart."

An ice blade spread out from the severed arm, Esdesi lifted his right leg high, and an icicle moved towards the golden moon, killing Chen Haonan.


Before he got close to Chen Haonan, Esdesi slammed on the brakes and swung the ice blade with his right hand to the right.


A stream of ice mist spewed out from Estes' mouth, and the figure of the flip-flop appeared again.

"Beauty, can you be gentle this time?"

Flip-flops laughed.

Just as Estes was about to speak, the ice blade of his left arm swung down to the left side again.

It's sizzling!

Another flip-flop appeared in front of Esdeth, holding a long laser sword, directly vaporized Esdesh's ice blade, and then chopped off Esdesh's entire left arm.

"Hiss, it seems that I can only give up the title of one-armed hero."

Baishida also held a lightsaber, appeared in front of Esdesh, and stabbed Esdesh's chest with a sword.

Esdeth stomped on the ground, and his figure was lifted up several feet by the icicles, but this was of no use. The players had already dealt with the ice cavalry and surrounded her again.
(End of this chapter)

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