Chapter 663
"Ice Giant!"


All kinds of attacks hit the cold giant transformed by Esdeth, opening holes, but they healed quickly again.

Infinite Blue gives Esdeth's Frost Giant super self-healing similar to that of a player, and her hard body gives her powerful lethality.

Zhang Chen snapped his fingers again, summoning Bai Yuekui who had been completely forgotten by Esdesh, and said, "Do you still want to practice with us now?"

Bai Yuekui's complexion was a little ugly, and the gap in strength was too obvious, but she still gritted her teeth and said, "It's impossible for me to join an organization that doesn't take human life seriously."

Zhang Chen was stunned and said, "Aren't they all on top?"

Yeah, they're already starting to shiver.

Bai Yuekui looked at this group of unlucky wolves who had just escaped from the tiger's jaws. She also knew the system of the lighthouse, and it was because of this that she left the lighthouse.

Even those masked female knights were trembling. On the one hand, they were afraid of heights because they were transported to the sky by Zhang Chen out of thin air.

Human beings do not rule out killing. No matter how kind people are, they may not bear to see someone killing chickens and sheep, but they will only take it for granted.

But if they kill the same kind, they will be terrified, because they are also one of them.

Well, maybe those ultra-vegetarians think so too, only their kind may not be human.

Although people from other worlds have extraordinary power, their appearance is no different from that of humans, so it is only natural that the people on the lighthouse have this idea.

"I'm talking about your men."

Bai Yuekui is speechless, if you do this, no matter how many people you do, you will kill them. Wait, is it because of this that he came to this world to recruit his men?
Zhang Chen didn't know that Bai Yuekui had such a big brain. He pointed to the players in the middle of the battlefield and reminded, "Don't you see that they look familiar?"

Bai Yuekui turned around to look, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, familiar?I don't know them.

But soon, as Esdes continued to kill and the players came back to life, Bai Yuekui's pupils shrank, exactly the same!Those people who died were exactly the same as the people now!
Multiple births?
Or... a clone?

Thoughts flashed through Bai Yuekui's mind, and then they were rejected one by one, and finally came to a terrible conclusion: this group of people can be resurrected!

That's it, no wonder they don't take death seriously!

"I agree with your request."

Bai Yuekui's expression changed for the first time, and he looked at Zhang Chen nervously: "But you have to promise me one thing, resurrect my brother."

"This kind of thing, after you become the master of this world, you can do it yourself."

Seeing Bai Yuekui's expression, Zhang Chen couldn't help feeling a little emotional. Sure enough, no matter who he is, he has his most important things in his heart. This has nothing to do with good or evil, but just the softest side of being a human being.

Uh, probably not including Estes.

Looking at the farce below, Zhang Chen thought that it would be better not to hold the next World Boss in the city.

But after thinking about it, if you don't do this, the player might not even bother to enter the instance. After all, only one person can kill the boss.

As for the aborigines.

Well, when the time comes, come to a siege mode like a giant, slowly advance into the city, hit the city lord's mansion all the way, catch the city lord and tie him to the pillar.

Zhang Chen had already thought up the lines for the World Boss, and said to the city lord sadly: "City lord, sit down, why is the city so easily breached?"

At that time, whether it is the city lord or the players watching the live broadcast, they will definitely die of anger, perfectly inheriting the essence of giants.

"Moon Golden Wheel!"

"Scissors with Qi!"

The fierce battle below is still going on, and the infinite mana allows Esdeth's ice giant to heal itself quickly, so players can only play cutting.

Chen Haonan and Meng Xiaojun, a fake copycat and a real pirated version, turned into two huge cutting machines, crazily cutting up the frost giant, trying to kill the most central Esthers completely.

Other players can only attack from the outside, all kinds of ghosts bombarded indiscriminately, the ice giant's limbs grew and broke, and when they broke and grew, they could be called ghost animals.

In the end, Estes felt that it was boring, so he detonated the ice giant directly from the inside, shooting countless ice thorns to the surroundings, and the players made a mess again. If they were lucky, they only lacked arms and legs, and they grew out after a while , Those who are unlucky will be unlucky, and they will directly turn into ice sculptures and fall to the ground, breaking into slag.

And Esdeth in the Ice Giant also died in this explosion... and then revived beside Zhang Chen.

Sure enough!

Seeing Esdeth appearing suddenly, Bai Yuekui sighed secretly. This group of people said that they were people from another world, but in fact it is not an exaggeration to say that they are gods from another world.

"This group of guys are still too lacking in combat awareness."

Zhang Chen shook his head. Fortunately, he found a group of real masters. These guys should be regarded as cannon fodder and tools for collecting luck.

"Then let's talk about your business?"

Zhang Chen looked at Bai Yuekui, and finally asked, "Tell me, do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to"

Is this a test?
Bai Yuekui slandered secretly, nodded and said, "I think so!"

Zhang Chen nodded in satisfaction, signed Bai Yuekui's contract, and then transmitted the information that a tool person must know to Bai Yuekui, then turned to Nilu and said, "I'll leave it to you."

Nilu walked up to Bai Yuekui and smiled gently: "Let's go, I think you have a lot of questions to ask."

Bai Yuekui pressed his temple, and a new memory inexplicably appeared in his mind. Although he didn't feel any pain, he still felt a little weird and uncomfortable.

Zhang Chen put the aborigines down and asked them to do what they should do.

The aborigines expressed their frustration, what could they do? The house they lived in for a few days was demolished, what else could they do?
Players don't care, they just build after the houses are gone, even if the current players don't know how to build infrastructure, they always have several houses with them, and they can just throw them away and create a home.

Only Wang Duoyu expressed his frustration, his Xiazhu City had to be rebuilt.

"Duoyu, I think this matter has something to do with Hong Xing."

Zhuang Qiang whispered into Wang Duoyu's ear.

"What's the matter, could it be said that Esdesh was attracted by Hong Xing?"

Wang Duoyu said doubtfully, it makes sense to say so, Hong Xing is a veteran gang, and also the first gang to build a city, seeing them build a city, maybe they will do it deliberately.

And they have also been in contact with Esdeth. It is said that after killing Esdesh at that time, they even courted Esdesh once, and they seem to have a good relationship with her. The possibility of letting her come to make trouble is indeed very high.

"Hua Yingxiong, have you forgotten that legend?"

Zhuang Qiang reminded, is that the point?The point is Hua Yingxiong and they fought the boss together just now!

Wang Duoyu's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help saying in grief and indignation: "Hua Yingxiong, I will never die with you!"

"Hey Chirp!"

Chen Haonan, who got the first kill from Estes, looked at the bottle in his hand at this moment, thinking whether to drink it directly, or use it as a strengthening material to strengthen the Moon Golden Wheel, sneezed suddenly, and raised his head suspiciously. Blamed him again?

(End of this chapter)

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