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Chapter 664 Lord of Light and Shadow Bai Yuekui

Chapter 664 Lord of Light and Shadow Bai Yuekui

After becoming a reincarnation, Bai Yuekui sorted out the memories in his mind and began to analyze how to manage the players and how to manage the people in the gathering place.

The first is to place the players' residences outside the gathering place. She intends to use the players as the periphery to block the attacks of the Pole Devourer, and even expand to the periphery.

Next is the lighthouse!

Except for a small number of players, most people are not interested in the lighthouse, and the only ones who are interested are the tool people inside.

But for Bai Yuekui, she is an aborigine of this world, so she naturally hopes that people in this world can live safely.

The lighthouse and Bai Yuekui's gathering place are two completely different concepts.

The former looks at human genes, while the latter tries to integrate into the doomsday, that is, the Mana system.

The two concepts cannot be said to be good and which is bad. After all, superhuman beings like Mark and even Bai Yuekui cannot be considered human to some extent. When all human beings in the world are transformed into existences like Mark, are human beings still human?
But in the apocalypse, if you don’t choose to fight, you can only wait to die. Bai Yuekui imitated the mana ecology to create their own spiritual energy, so as to strengthen themselves, so that people on the ground have the ability to truly survive in the apocalypse Even if they have lost their human genes, as long as they think they are human in their hearts, they will always be human.

[System Announcement: Capture the Lighthouse!

Mission description: Bai Yuekui, the Lord of Light and Shadow, decided to completely gather the human survivors, but the power above the lighthouse disagreed.

Task requirements: drive everyone above the lighthouse off the lighthouse.

Task reward: NPC number X10 luck coins. 】

"It turns out that she is the real Lord of Light and Shadow!"

Asuna said with emotion, during this period of time, the players who claimed to be the master of light and shadow, and that self-proclaimed master of light and shadow, were like Chinese cabbage.

"However, an NPC is only 10 luck coins, which is not as good as the price set by the city lord Hao Jian before."

Kirito might as well go pick people up under the lighthouse.

"You are stupid. Before, you had to wait for others to jump down, but now you are directly stronger!"

Asuna gave Kirito a health ball.


Kirito scratched his head and smirked, is he stupid?Can you find a girlfriend without being stupid?
"Come on! Today I will fight against a hundred!"

"Hmph, I want to resist a thousand!"

"I want to resist 1!"

The players also came to their senses very quickly, and flew towards the lighthouse one after another. They didn't even think that there were only tens of thousands of people on the lighthouse. If one person took away 1, all ten people would be rounded up.

While the players were leaving, Bai Yuekui summoned a cloud to gather the citizens of the city and bring them to the gathering place.

"Drip drip!"

Thousands of players flocked to the lighthouse. Naturally, it was impossible for the lighthouse to be unaware. The alarm sounded immediately in the control room of the lighthouse.

"What happened?"

Commander-in-chief Jing Nan rushed into the control room. She had several roles, so naturally she couldn't stay in the control room all the time.

"There are a large number of people from other worlds coming to our side."

A soldier reports.

Jing Nandai frowned slightly. It was not a day or two that people from other worlds came to deceive the dust people, but the number of them was actually not many. On the one hand, some dust people felt that it was safer to wait and see. The majesty of the lighthouse was It is deeply ingrained in their hearts, if after jumping down, the lighthouse defeats the aliens and captures them back, wouldn't it be embarrassing?
On the other hand, there are not so many players who are too idle. Since picking up people can be called mining, it must not be a good job. It's better to go to fight monsters and feel comfortable.

"Turn on the megaphone."

Jingnan thought for a while, ordered his subordinates, then picked up a communicator, and said in a stern tone: "People from other worlds, please stop flying and explain your purpose, otherwise we will launch an attack!"

The players who were flying were delighted when they heard it.

"Hey, you're still a girl, come on, come on, hit me with your cannon!"

This is for driving.

"Laughing, your lighthouse is almost like a public toilet. It's not the first day we came in."

This is arrogant.

"Captain, don't shoot, your own!"

This is not Mark and the others, this is a sand sculpture.

Jing Nan's face turned blue, there was no other way, what he said was indeed the truth, if he could really hit people from another world, the players wouldn't be jumping like this.


At this moment, Lord Morgan and Charles also appeared in the command room, and Lord Morgan spoke slowly.

"City Lord..."

In fact, there are quite a few thermal weapons on the lighthouse, and it is not impossible to even kill this group of people from other worlds, but all of them require energy supplies.

Lighthouse flights need energy, weapons need energy, and people's lives also need energy...

The lighthouse can't fight a battle, especially a tough battle with high consumption. This is why Santo Morgan has been reluctant to make up his mind to attack the players. Once a full attack is made, the lighthouse may not even be able to fly!

"Do you think they are here to negotiate?"

Charles interrupted Jingnan's words, narrowing his narrow eyes slightly: "Now we have only one choice, and that is to hurt them so that they don't dare to make plans against us."

"Charles is right, they are not satisfied with plundering part of our population, they want to swallow us completely."

Lord Morgan coughed several times before taking a deep breath and said, "This battle is inevitable. This is a battle for the survival of mankind."

Jing Nan also looked heavy when he heard the words, nodded, and slowly spit out four words into the communicator: "Full fire!"

In an instant, the entire lighthouse began to close. The original open-air platform was covered by pieces of steel, and the entire lighthouse became an air barrier.

clack clack...

Various gun barrels popped out from the lighthouse and aimed at the players.

Da da da!
Missiles, lasers, armor-piercing shells...

The technology in the world of "Spiritual Cage" is at least 100 years ahead of the real world. Among other things, before the end of the world of "Spiritual Cage", someone has already created a spaceship to escape from this planet, although it failed in the end.

There is also the MU2 heavy body dedicated to wild hunters. Although it is quite strong, beating the beast is like beating a son. If the beast can be reborn, it is not enough for Mark to kill.

But in fact, this thing was pieced together by survivors using existing technology. It belongs to the kind of hammer and stick. You must know that the lighthouse was originally a prison. How much technology can there be in a prison?
"Fuck! What the hell?"

"Die or die, I'm on fire, I'm on fire!"


The original cake turned into a hedgehog by the way, and now it's the players' turn to drop like dumplings.

"Tao Binding 26 Curved Light!"

"Binding Dao 73: Inverted Mountain Crystal!"

"Binding Dao 81: Breaking the Void!"

Of course, not all players were half a beat behind. The quick-reacting players immediately used the binding to block in front of them... and then the unlucky one who used the curved light was killed.

(End of this chapter)

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