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Chapter 669 Jurassic Pigs Must Be Delicious

Chapter 669 Jurassic Pigs Must Be Delicious
"Where's the pig? Where's the agreed pig Luo Ji?"

In the train around Jurassic Park, Ling Lingqi, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, began to doubt life. He didn't see pigs, but there were a lot of people.

Isn't that you the pig?

Shi Jin clenched his fists, wanting to give Ling Lingqi a punch, but Ling Lingqi's level was right there, and after this punch, he might leave the army again.

Obviously, after Da Wenxi went to find Ling Lingqi, he told Ling Lingqi the copy of "Jurassic World", and Ling Lingqi decisively made the suicide level zero.

It's outrageous, this time is obviously to test the actual combat of the power armor, and explore the technology of this dungeon by the way, but now, it has become a pig hunting operation?

"This is unscientific. According to the speculation of modern scientists, creatures like dinosaurs cannot adapt to the current air."

Da Wenxi looked at the thunder dragon outside the train and fell into confusion.

The environment of each epoch is completely different, which is also the root cause of the mass extinction.

The Mesozoic Era, to which the Jurassic Period belongs, is located between the Triassic Period and the Cretaceous Period. According to speculation, the oxygen content in the atmosphere is between 12% and 15%.

It seems that there is no problem, but the problem is that this data is 20%~21% lower than today.

If humans go to the Jurassic, although they will not be suffocated to death, they will definitely be suffocated.

Similarly, when animals from the Jurassic period came to modern times, they could inhale themselves and pass out just like they overinhaled oxygen.

Looking for science in the game, is this science?
Shi Jin has already learned how to complain about loneliness, and reminded by the way: "Just look at the cover and mission description. In today's modern society, someone has built a Jurassic Park to develop tourism."

"This idea is simply genius!"

Ling Lingqi patted her thigh: "Jurassic pigs must be delicious!"

"Well, there were no pigs in the Jurassic."

Shi Jin clenched his fist again, how did this retarded man become an agent, he didn't even have basic common sense.

Ling Lingqi was shocked and said: "What! Such a big brontosaurus, if you don't sell its meat, what's the point of keeping it!"

Although things are rare and expensive, there are also those with small profits but quick turnover.

This brontosaurus, which is all over the mountains and plains, is easy to feed at first glance. Elephants are pitifully small in front of it. If they are killed and sold for meat, they can hold up to fifty or sixty pigs.

"Indeed, this brontosaurus is the most suitable substitute for pigs."

Da Wenxi agreed, although according to science, during the Jurassic period, the vegetation grew extremely fast, no matter how big the brontosaurus' food was, it was enough for them to eat.

But the brontosaurus in this dungeon is obviously unscientific. Although the island is big, if it were a genuine brontosaurus, it would have been destroyed by them long ago.

So there is only one answer, that is, these brontosaurus are easy to feed!
Well-founded and convincing!
Ling Lingqi and Da Wenxi high-fived to express that you are worthy of it, you are simply a genius.

Shi Jin: ...

Although what they said made sense, they always felt that the topic was off track.

He decided to ignore the two sand sculptures, concentrate on collecting data, and picked up the brochure on the train.

Through the dinosaur genes in amber and fossils, clone and clone dinosaurs...

Shi Jin suddenly realized that the blame had to be scientific, and the feelings they made were not necessarily genuine dinosaurs.

While flipping through the materials, Shi Jin thought, according to the above, the cloning technology in this world should be very strong, and it might be able to be used in that human cloning device by then.

It was given by the soul Spider-Man in the copy of "Spider-Man: Multiverse", but it was restricted by him, only body tissues could be cloned, but the brain could not be cloned.

In contrast, they have not yet figured out the cloning technology.

Soon, the sightseeing train arrived at the station, and the three of Shi Jin got off the train, looking at the surrounding environment curiously.

Looking at the surrounding buildings, if it is not a replica, it is probably similar to modern times.

Shi Jin took out a tablet, turned on the network connection device, and began to search for information in this world.

As for why you didn't surf the Internet in the sightseeing train... You think the whole world is about the same as Huaxia, and you can surf the Internet wherever you go!
In 2015, the second earth Kepler-452b, prawns cost 38 yuan each...

Are you sure the last one isn't being sarcastic?
It's 2021, okay?I don't know if the boss has fined 9 yuan?
38 yuan a prawn is not as important as the appearance of dinosaurs?

Oh, and dinosaurs have been around for more than 20 years, and everyone is tired of watching them.

So is there really dinosaur meat?
Oh Nope……

After some searching, Shi Jin roughly understood the historical process of this world. Except for the addition of dinosaurs, the rest is similar to the real world.

Of course, there is another technology that is not available in reality, that is: holographic projection technology!
The three of them followed the flow of people to the exhibition building of Jurassic Park, and a holographic projection of dinosaurs appeared in front of them, vividly.

Looking at the holographic projection dinosaur in front of them, the three of them immediately realized that their harvest might be even greater this time!
Although they also obtained holographic projection technology in "Black Bullet", and it was even immersive, but because there is no material to replace the metal, this technology cannot be realized in reality.

And the historical trajectory of this world is exactly the same as the reality, that is to say, once they have obtained this technology, they can also achieve it in reality.

What?Is it important to have technology for the main mission and side mission?
If Owen dies, he will die. Let him die for Huaxia Technology. If it doesn’t work, they will name the holographic technology Owen Holographic Technology in honor of his outstanding contribution to China.

"No, I think it's more appropriate to call it the Dawenxi system."

Da Wenxi disagreed.

"Laughing, Wenxi System? Could it be that you plan to make a holographic system with a taste, why not call it the Aqi holographic system."

Ling Lingqi said that it is most suitable for him to leave his name in history.

"Aqi Holographic System, this name is not a serious name at first glance, it will teach children badly."

Wen Xi is pronounced similarly to Wen Xiang in Cantonese, while Qi refers to a male brother in Cantonese, so the names of the two people are not serious names in Cantonese, and it is hard to imagine what their parents are holding. Mentality named them, especially Dawenxi. After all, Ling Lingqi's name was just his agent code name.

"Okay, let's take a step back each, or call it Xiqi Holographic System!"

Ling Lingqi put one hand on Shi Jin's shoulder: "Cantonese is called Xiqi Holographic System, and Chinese is just called Shijin Holographic System. The pronunciation is almost the same, perfect!"

Perfect for your sister, my name becomes more interesting when you say that, okay?

Also, I didn't get anything, so you guys should grab it!

There were too many pitfalls, and Shi Jin almost yelled at him, but fortunately he had undergone professional training, and he was a boring gourd himself, so he just held back.

"Wait a minute, two officers, I think this ball is also very technological."

Shi Jin pointed to a spherical manned vehicle on the holographic projection to divert the attention of the two sand sculptures to prevent himself from being accidentally injured.

(End of this chapter)

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