Chapter 670
"It doesn't make sense at all."

Da Wenxi looked at the spiral sightseeing ball above and couldn't help complaining.

As the name suggests, this ball of light is divided into two balls, the inner and outer balls. The outer spherical glass ball rotates and moves, while the inner glass ball stays still, so that people in the ball can see those huge or extremely ferocious dinosaurs at a closer distance. .

"So this thing is likely to be a magnetic levitation system."

Shi Jin analyzed.

Although there is a magnetic levitation system in reality, and large trains have already been used, but the technology contained in the magnetic levitation system can be applied to a small sightseeing ball, which can be imagined.

Da Wenxi was surprised and said, "You understand all this?"

I understand this and I'm really sorry!
Shi Jin rolled his eyes. Being a soldier these days, you can’t be a good soldier if you don’t know a little about machinery. You are not required to build tanks with your bare hands, but you must be able to repair them. During a war, you don’t have to take a break to return to the factory for repairs.

"Let's get in the car and have a look."

The three left the exhibition hall and came to the short-distance sightseeing area. They were dumbfounded for a moment, only to see densely packed people in front of them.

"Didn't you say you're tired of seeing dinosaurs?"

Ling Lingqi was speechless.

"There are so many people in the world, there are always people who want to see it."

Just like the old saying, traveling is when you leave the place where you are tired of staying, go to the place where others are tired of staying, and return to the place where you are tired of staying like a tired dog.

If you are tired of watching it, it does not mean that others are tired of watching it. There are dinosaurs here in the whole world. Even if there are tens of thousands of visitors every day, there are only more than 1000 million people a year. Like Ling Lingqi, selling dinosaurs like pigs.

Ling Lingqi discovered the blind spot in an instant. As expected, the other party adopted the idea that rare things are more expensive, not small profits but high sales!

In desperation, the three had no choice but to line up, and then a short yellow-haired white man appeared beside them.

Although crooked nuts are generally taller, not everyone is taller than 180. For example, Robert Downey Jr., when he was filming Avengers 3, he needed to stand with Juan Fu on his feet.

"Brother, do you want to buy a seat?"

The pure Chinese made all three of them turn their eyes to him.

The yellow hair showed a big white tooth, showing that he was a person with a dentist, and pointed to several black people in front of him: "One person, one Franklin, how about it?"

Good guy, black and white cooperation, no wonder no one dares to take care of it, if you take care of it, you won't be sprayed to death.

"Young man, you have a good eye."

Ling Lingqi pulled out a pack of Franklins, and under Huangmao's surprised gaze, he pulled out three Franklins, then lit the remaining Franklins with a lighter, and lit a cigar with the stack of Franklins.

Yellow hair: o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)
Damn rich man!

After exchanging positions, it was the turn of the three within a few minutes, but when entering the sightseeing ball, the three encountered a problem, because the sightseeing ball can only accommodate two people.

"The dungeon I played with Shi Jin, naturally it is more suitable for the two of us to sit on the same ball."

Da Wenxi spoke first.

"If you want to study yourself, what's the matter with Shijin?"

Ling Lingqi was not to be outdone.

Shi Jin: ...

Crazy, this can be argued, he is not a beautiful girl, what good is sitting with him.

However, the brain circuits of mental patients are obviously different. They think that only by pulling back on Shijin can they have the opportunity to name the newly acquired technology.

It is exaggerated to say that the two are about to enter the earth, but it is definitely not true to say that they are old people. Although they want to live forever, they have received the education of atheists and they naturally know that it will not be possible. Very caring.

Naturally, Shi Jin didn't understand that the two old guys were interested in him for no reason, so he went directly to the sightseeing ball, wondering whether the love would come or not.

"Da Wenxi, I warn you, I am your superior."

"Laughing, you are retired, let alone I am a researcher, who will I not be on?"

"Without my reminder, those studies of yours are nothing!"

"Linglingqi, you can't be a human being, what the fuck, you sneak up on me! Watch me monkey pick peaches!"

"Watch me double dragon catch the pearl!"

"Look at me as a chicken!"

Soon the verbal dispute turned into a fist fight, you hugged my thigh and bit, I kicked your abdomen...

The scene was so brutal that Shi Jin couldn't bear to look directly at it, so he threw the two creatures into the sightseeing ball and signaled the staff to drive.

The man who operated the instrument was a young man who probably had never seen a sand sculpture before. He was stunned for a moment, and only after Shi Jin reminded him did he activate the sightseeing ball.

Facts have proved that the sightseeing ball is indeed as advertised. No matter how the people inside vibrate, the seats in the sightseeing ball have not changed, and there will be no sudden rotation and handstand.

Shi Jin sat in the sightseeing ball alone, and because he was alone, he was charged an extra Franklin ticket.

"So the starting price of this island is Franklin?"

Shi Jin couldn't help complaining. Although he knew about US dollars before, he only knew about them. After all, ordinary people use US dollars.

But it’s different now, there are so many dungeons, and there are so many kinds of currencies. Ordinary players may not care about it, and the big deal is to just pay for gold, but organized like him, the space ring naturally has all kinds of currencies. exchange rate.

To play a game, you need to learn the exchange rate, which is outrageous!

Although Franklin is not the largest amount of US dollars, it is still 100 US dollars, which is more than 600 yuan in RMB. If it is in 15 years, it is estimated to be more.

But it's normal when you think about it. It's the only dinosaur park in the world, and the entrance fee is estimated to be tens of thousands of dollars. Uh, strictly speaking, they are considered fare evasion.

Wait, so how did that yellow hair make money just now?
Is it possible that this guy is an insider, and the staff of the sightseeing car are in the open and in the dark, charging in both directions?

Shaking his head and getting rid of those messy thoughts in his mind, Shi Jin watched the video tutorial on the sightseeing ball. The operation method is very simple, similar to driving a car, but... why use bulletproof materials to make a sightseeing car? !

Is America already this dangerous?

Well, this is to prevent the dinosaurs from being attacked, but Shi Jin still feels very nonsense.

Whether the resurrection of dinosaurs can be realized is another matter. The most important thing is that this matter is completely unnecessary. Why resurrect it?
And there are so many types of dinosaurs, what if there is one with a talent for reproduction?

Eating dinosaur meat is just a joke. The ghost knows whether dinosaur meat is good or not. Although Chinese people focus their talents on eating, they don’t eat everything, such as phlox and African giant snails. The thing is, if you dare to eat it, you will die on the spot.

Even if you dare to eat it, it may not be useful to eat it with the power of the whole country. For example, rabbits look harmless, timid, and the quality of the meat is good, but you can see it in Australia. Every year, a rabbit killing competition is held, but it is still rejected. The rabbit rubbed against the ground.

Looking at the huge triceratops outside, Shi Jin can only say one thing, rich people can really do whatever they want.

 When I was a child, I ate rabbit meat. It was raised by my neighbor. It felt similar to chicken.

(End of this chapter)

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