Chapter 671
Da Wenxi and Ling Lingqi experienced a violent car shock, and finally proved that the quality of this sightseeing ball is really high-tech.

"What's next?"

Da Wenxi asked through the team channel.

The method of directly grabbing the sightseeing ball is a bit low-end, and even if you grab it, you may not be able to reverse research it. It is better to find a way to directly obtain technology.

"Since the technology of the sightseeing ball can be used for tourism, then this thing should not be a secret technology, and the holographic projection is the same."

From the perspective of life today, under normal circumstances, high technology is transferred from military use to civilian use. The technology on the sightseeing ball may have nothing to do with military use, but holographic projection can definitely be applied to military use, and it can even be said that it is not a military secret. Too much.

"You can't say that, don't forget, this is America."

Ling Lingqi shook his head and said, he has already checked the island on the Internet, and it feels outrageous. You must know that these dinosaurs were cloned. A company that has mastered the cloning technology knows how it will affect the entire society.

But it makes sense, because this is the United States, capital can control everything.

"So we're going to find out the research institute on this island?"

Shi Jin suddenly felt that Ling Lingqi was not completely useless, at least he was well-informed.

"Wait, then why are we doing sightseeing balls?"

Shi Jin suddenly came to his senses, since all the high technology is in the research institute, why did they come out for sightseeing?

"Because we can see dinosaurs!"

Ling Lingqi and Da Wenxi said in unison.

Shi Jin: ...

It was he who was overthinking, and shouldn't have too much hope for sand sculptures.

A crocodile-like mouth with a crocodile-like mouth, a Baryonyx that lived near water, a lizard-like Microceratosaurus that was shaped like a puppy, and an Ankylosaurus that had thick leather-like skin...

I have to say that if you look at these creatures tens of millions of years ago with a tourist mentality, you really have the feeling of going through the tunnel of history and coming to the Jurassic.

Whether it is the Dragon King of the East China Sea or the Pole Devourer, compared to the fantasy creatures that appear in other dungeons, dinosaurs may be just a group of weak creatures that cannot adapt to environmental changes and become extinct, but for Shi Jin and others, they are real, at least , used to exist.

Shi Jin suddenly understands why some people want to clone dinosaurs. Maybe some people are too obsessed with dinosaurs and want to know the real style of dinosaurs, right?

"It's unscientific, why are there no hairy dinosaurs?"

Da Wenxi touched his bare chin and sighed again.

Although dinosaurs are not as similar to chickens as those folk science masters said, some dinosaurs do have long hair, especially juvenile dinosaurs, and some are even evidenced by fossils.

"Could it be that this game can't simulate the dinosaur form thousands of years ago?"

Shi Jin was a little surprised. If this is true, it can only prove one thing, that is, the technological level of the aliens is not as high as they thought.

"It doesn't make sense. A copy of "I, Robot" has a very high level of technology, and we have already confirmed its feasibility."

Ling Lingqi also joined the discussion.

"No, there is another direction!"

A light called wisdom shone on Da Wenxi's glasses.

"Don't forget, this game also has a function, which is to speed up time!"

Da Wenxi's words made the two of them suddenly realize, and then their faces became a little ugly. If this is the case, then this game is very likely created by aliens who took a fancy to human creativity.

By simulating the ecology of people on earth, then performing magic changes, and then accelerating time, and finally obtain the future technology of people on earth to strengthen themselves!

"This is what we expected a long time ago, isn't it?"

Da Wenxi smiled lightly: "It's just that it's more confirmed now, at least we already know that they can't go back in time thousands of years ago."

"But wouldn't human technology be plundered by them in this way? What if they observe human beings and think that human beings are too dangerous and destroy human beings?"

Shi Jin couldn't help asking.

"Do you know about brains in vats?"

Da Wenxi asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

Shi Jin is puzzled.

"Using our current state, it is actually the brain in the vat. All your senses tell you that everything is true, but you know, it is false because you have logged into the game. However, if in reality, Is it just a game you don’t know about?”

Da Wenxi's words were very simple, but it made Shi Jin feel cold all over. That's right, since aliens can let people enter the game, why can't it be another game that aliens let them enter in reality?

"So, is everything about us fake?"

Shi Jin murmured, feeling that his outlook on life had collapsed.

"of course it's true."

Da Wenxi said speechlessly: "If it's fake, we can't feel fake at all."

Shi Jin continued to fall into a daze.

"If the aliens really just want to get access to our future technology, then there's absolutely no need for them to make the game public."

People are dying every minute and every second on the earth. Since aliens have the ability to create brains in vats, they can capture tens of thousands of people for experiments without anyone noticing, and there is no need to make everyone known. Tell the world that this game is an alien product.

Shi Jin fell silent for a moment, and after a long time, he couldn't help but said, "So what is your purpose for saying this?"

Ling Lingqi said without hesitation: "Of course it depends on your willpower, young man, your willpower is good and you haven't collapsed."

I can really thank you!

The world view was almost shattered, the values ​​were almost collapsed, and the outlook on life was almost rewritten. Shi Jin wished he could kill these two guys with a gun.

Tremblingly, he took out a sniper rifle. Although the bulletproof glass can protect against bullets, it can't stand the sniper rifle. With his current technology, it's no problem to kill twice with one shot.

Forget it, Dawenxi technicians, can't be killed.

Then get rid of Ling Lingqi first!

No, hold back, they are your bosses!

Bear with me, if you kill him, you might be able to change your boss. Letting Xu Sanduo be your boss is better than two psychopaths being your boss!

Drop drop!
At this moment, the operation interface on the sightseeing ball suddenly turned on a red light, making Shi Jin tremble with fright.

The bullet passed through the barrier of the sight-seeing ball, punched a big hole in the glass, and shot at the sight-seeing ball of Ling Lingqi and two people, piercing it across and shooting it into the distance.

"Ah..." X2
Two young-sounding screams sounded from a distance, and the three of them fell into silence as they looked at the dense forest ahead.

Ling Lingqi: Not good, the joke is too big, it drives people crazy.

Da Wenxi: Not good, someone wants to steal my title of mental patient!
Shi Jin: Not good, you won't kill the NPC, right?Probably not, luck coins were not deducted.

(End of this chapter)

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