Chapter 672
A few people hurriedly jumped out of the sightseeing car and walked through the jungle. They happened to see two children who had been frightened. One should be fifteen or sixteen years old, and the other is less than ten years old. It seems that the protective facilities of this sightseeing tour should be very good Otherwise, the two children would not be allowed to break into this area.

Of course, the bigger reason is that most of the non-aggressive herbivorous dinosaurs in this area lived in the water, and the only aggressive crocodile-like dinosaur could not be approached by the sightseeing ball.

"You, what are you, don't kill us!"

The big boy stretched out his hands very much, signaling to the little boy to do the same, and the two gave a French military salute to the bandit together.

Ling Lingqi and Da Wenxi looked at Shi Jin immediately, feeling embarrassed, and said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, my gun misfired, and it wasn't intentional."

The two little ghosts obviously didn't believe it, but the older boy still said cautiously: "Then can we go?"

"of course."

Shi Jin said helplessly, he never thought that one day he would become a big villain that children would be afraid of.

The big boy hurriedly turned the joystick, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong quickly, and then pulled out the joystick.

big boy:……

Shi Jin: ...

"As expected of you, I heard that Sanduo said that you are a sharpshooter, but I still don't believe it. My little Li Feidao can't match this level."

Ling Lingqi gave Shi Jin a thumbs up. This is a sincere compliment. After all, there are dense forests blocking it, and even if you want to aim, you can't see the target.

"We have two sightseeing balls there, you can pick one up yourself."

Shi Jin was speechless, pointing to the sightseeing ball behind them.

The two little ghosts looked at each other, and finally decided to go sightseeing first.

"To be honest, I still find it outrageous."

Da Wenxi took out a signal detector, which showed that there was no signal at all, and he didn't even find a monitor.

It is understandable that there is no monitoring. Americans have an almost perverted obsession with privacy. They like to hide their own privacy and also like to see the privacy hidden by others, so they don't like others to install surveillance everywhere.

But in such a big place and a tourist attraction, even the mobile phone model is so bad, it always feels like a joke.

Regardless of this, it gave a few people the opportunity to test the power armor. Although they are not afraid of NPCs, it is very troublesome to come here to make trouble.

"Try Triceratops first."

Ling Lingqi quickly put on a set of power armor for himself. Compared with the power armor that Shi Jin wore before, this set of armor is thicker, and he has gained a lot of weight. Uh, you can put it another way, that is, strong a lot.

Ling Lingqi came to a Triceratops and had a peek at it.

Triceratops: ( ̄(●●) ̄)
Take a look: ( ̄︶ ̄)
Ling Lingqi swung his fist and aimed at its abdomen with a left uppercut.


The poor Triceratops screamed, and the whole dragon fell directly to the ground.

"It's amazing!"

The current Lingling paint is already a blank slate, so the damage to Triceratops is all provided by the power armor.

Don't look at the Triceratops being knocked to the ground, but the size of the Triceratops is there, and the tank is no one's weight. If this punch hits the tank, it can turn the tank into a tortoise that cannot turn over.

"This is version 2.0 of the Power Armor, some of the technology is derived from the copy of "Spiritual Cage"."

Shi Jin explained, although he didn't know which techniques were used.

"hold head high!"

Although the Triceratops was punched, it quickly stood up, staring at Ling Lingqi with two basketball-sized eyes, then raised its head and swooped towards Ling Lingqi.

Obviously, although Ling Lingqi's punch did some damage to it, it didn't really hurt it, but enraged it instead.

The Triceratops crashed into Ling Lingqi like a speeding bus.

"A bullfight?"

Looking at the Triceratops rushing towards him, Ling Lingqi quickly reached out with both hands, and then grabbed the horns on the Triceratops' head.

chi chi chi...

Ling Lingqi put her feet on the ground, and wanted to try to pull the mountain, but the tonnage of the Triceratops was there, so she was dragged by the Triceratops all the way and left here, leaving only two deep trenches for Shijin and Dawen. West as a guide.

Shi Jin felt tired, but he and Da Wenxi put on power armor and chased after him.

It has to be said that the Triceratops is still very powerful, at least the current power of the power armor is simply not comparable, but the problem is that there is no need to compare.

The sniper rifle is more lethal than the pistol, so the pistol is eliminated?

Tanks cause more damage than sniper rifles, so why are sniper rifles eliminated?
As the old saying goes, even a piece of toilet paper has its uses, not to mention weapons, each has its own use.

The two quickly caught up with the Triceratops, not because of their speed, but because Ling Lingqi was driven into the small hill by the Triceratops.

However, this incident also proved that the protective power of the power armor is quite good. At least the two of them knew through the team channel that Ling Lingqi was not turned into Lingling sauce by the Triceratops.

This is a power armor realized in the game using materials that are available in reality, that is, if they are manufactured in reality, they can still defend against the attack of the Triceratops.

Uh, although there is no Triceratops in reality.

It is estimated that the defense against armor-piercing projectiles and the like is impossible, but the defense against rockets and the like is completely fine, even better than the defense power of a tank that is already comparable.

The only flaw is the combat effectiveness. Although Ling Lingqi knocked down the Triceratops with one punch, efficiency is the most important thing in combat. You knocked down a tank with one punch, but if the tank keeps firing several times in a row, your entire team will be defeated. It's gone, no matter how strong the defense is, it can't resist the crazy output.

"hold head high!"

The Triceratops shook the dirt on its front corners, presumably feeling that Ling Lingqi had hung up, so it let out a triumphant cry, as if showing off, and turned around slowly, wanting to go back to where it was grazing before. place, and then saw Shi Jin and Da Wenxi who were not sure what to do.

Both of them were wearing power armor. Although the Triceratops might not be smart enough, they could tell that it was the same creature that attacked them before, so they rushed towards the two iron bumps again.

It's just that Shi Jin and Da Wenxi didn't like Ling Lingqi's head-to-head, they just turned sideways and dodged, and the Triceratops ran into a hill again.

Ling Lingqi dug himself out of the soil. Although he didn't turn into Ling Lingjiang at this time, the power armor on his body had been broken into pieces, and it was obviously scrapped.

Triceratops shook its head, pulled itself out of the soil, turned to look at Shi Jin and Da Wenxi, and charged again.

Triceratops: ( ̄(●●) ̄)
Lingling paint: (°ー°〃)
Ling Lingqi was smashed into the soil by the Triceratops again, and the Triceratops pulled it out again by itself, looking at the two iron bumps that still hadn't hit it, with a confused expression on its face.

Maybe because it felt that things were a bit complicated, Triceratops decided to give up thinking, so it turned around slowly and went back.

Lingling paint, hit the street!

(End of this chapter)

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