Chapter 673
Ling Lingqi died, but his death was well deserved. His death let the people in the research institute know that the power armor could not resist the fierce encounter of the Triceratops, let the people in the research institute know the limit of the power armor, let...

Well, Shi Jin really can't make it up anymore. Anyway, Ling Lingqi just came here to join in the fun, and he died as soon as he died, and it didn't affect their exploration of the technology of this Jurassic Park.

"I think it is necessary to equip this armor with a stealth system."

Da Wenxi suggested.

The idea is very good, but it is difficult to realize. Don't look at many people who have made so-called invisibility cloaks in reality, but to put it bluntly, it is to blur the vision. Wanting to be completely invisible is tantamount to nonsense.

But if they can get holographic projection technology, as long as they use it properly, they may be able to do it well.

Retrieving the armor on Ling Lingqi's body, the two decided to sit on the sightseeing ball and go back first.

A warning popped up on the sightseeing ball before, saying that there was a problem with the maintenance of the park, but the three of them didn't take it seriously, and they happened to test the power armor.

Now that the power armor has been tested, although it was scrapped directly, it also shows that its defensive power is very impressive, comparable to that of a tank.

Now, taking advantage of their park's problems, they sneaked into the park and found the main system.

I have to say that Nabral Island is quite big, otherwise it would not be able to raise so many dinosaurs, but because it is a tourist-profitable island, many places are marked out, excluding those that can be visited, those What is forbidden to visit is obviously the key information.

However, at this moment, a sight-seeing ball drove towards them and had a face-to-face with them. It was the two brats just now. They looked terrified, but it was not because they saw Da Wenxi and Shi Jin again. , but behind the sightseeing ball is chasing a huge dinosaur similar to Tyrannosaurus rex.

"Run, run!"

The two little boys were quite kind, and they yelled at them, then drove the sightseeing ball and continued to run forward.

"I'll go, this dinosaur park is interesting, and there are such activities!"

Da Wenxi turned around and started running, feeling a bit like playing a big pirate in an amusement park.

Shi Jin was speechless. He felt that the matter was not that simple. Obviously, this dinosaur should not appear here. After all, it was too aggressive, and the sightseeing ball could not hold it.

"Strange, this dinosaur should not be a Tyrannosaurus rex."

Da Wenxi looked at the dinosaur chasing behind him with a puzzled expression on his face.

"When did you become a dinosaur expert?"

Shi Jin finally couldn't help asking, why is this guy so serious today?
A trace of nostalgia flashed in Da Wenxi's eyes, and he said with emotion: "Actually, I was an expert on dinosaurs a long time ago. It all started when I dug out Ling Lingqi with my discerning eyes. Dinosaur skeleton, but I saw through his plot at a glance, and finally subdued him, and then I became interested in dinosaurs..."

Although he felt that Da Wenxi was talking nonsense, Shi Jin still listened with interest. After all, it was the glorious history of the older generation. Thanks to these people who carried the burden for them, Huaxia is where it is today.

Wait, I always feel that something is wrong!


The unmanned sightseeing ball directly hit a tree and stopped instantly.

The shock absorption system of the sightseeing ball is good. Neither of them felt the vibration, nor did they have a 180° rotation. The only problem was that they were followed by a dinosaur that looked like a Tyrannosaurus rex.


When the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex saw the sightseeing ball stop, it immediately roared at the sightseeing ball, then opened its mouth and bit it down.


The bulletproof glass of the sightseeing ball was directly pierced by the sharp teeth, but it was not directly crushed.

"This glass is a bit strong."

Da Wenxi was stunned. He didn't pay attention to Shi Jin's sniper rifle before, but now after the bite of the Tyrannosaurus rex, the defense power is already comparable to that of ordinary armored vehicles. Don't forget, the glass of this sightseeing car is not thick. Yes, the defense is not bad.

After finding that the bite was fruitless, the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex spit out the sightseeing ball, stretched out its claws, and seemed to want to grab it.

"Stop talking nonsense and hide away!"

Shi Jin immediately put on the armor in the space ring, but this time what he put on was not the power armor, but the Mark50 nano armor.

Although Malala damaged the Mark50 nano-armor at the beginning, the research institute did not dislike it as a piece of junk. Through some debris research, although the nano-armor could not be mass-produced, it could still be repaired by itself.

If there is no confidence, how could the research institute allow Ling Lingqi and others to commit suicide casually? After all, high-end combat power is also very advantageous in exploring new dungeons.

Condensed with light blades from both hands, Shi Jin directly cut through the glass, and then slashed at the front paws of the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex with his sword.


It's a bit like a chicken's claw, but the front paw, which is as tall as a man, was cut off by Shi Jin's sword.


Blood splattered, the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex retracted its front paws, looked at Shi Jin with some horror, turned around and ran away.

"This guy seems very smart."

Da Wenxi walked out of the sightseeing ball, a little surprised.

The previous Triceratops was not so smart, and the first reaction after being knocked down by Ling Lingqi was not to turn around and run away, but to attack the provocateur.

But this dinosaur ran away directly after feeling the threat, without the slightest hesitation.

Although the damage received by Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus rex is not the same, don't forget that animals don't think about what to do in the future, so from the perspective of animals, there is actually no difference in the attacks of the two, both of which can They do harm.

Shi Jin didn't care what Ling Lingqi was thinking, he flew directly into the air, came to the Tyrannosaurus rex, and the light blade slashed across the head of the Tyrannosaurus rex, and directly slashed his head with a sword.

[System Announcement: Player Lu Qianhu killed the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus Rex and obtained 1000 luck coins. 】

At any rate, it is the Mark50 nano armor that has fought back and forth with Thanos. If it can't beat a dinosaur, it is estimated that Thanos will be able to survive.

Because of the light blade, the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex's wound was burned directly, and it didn't even cause a large-scale spurt of blood. Da Wenxi deeply regretted this.

"According to Western legends, the dragon slayer will become an extraordinary person after bathing in dragon blood."

Shi Jin rolled his eyes. Lu Zhanbo had eaten dragon meat. It was said that it was the meat of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Apart from filling his stomach, he hadn't seen any changes.

"But speaking of dragon meat, I don't know how dinosaur meat tastes like, but dinosaur eggs should be pretty good, right?"

Da Wenxi asked suddenly.

"Sir, I think you should focus on technology."

Shi Jin gritted his teeth and reminded.

"That's right. Dinosaur eggs are also a part of technology. They are prehistoric creatures thousands of years ago, and they are of great research value."

Da Wenxi argued that he was wrong just now, he didn't want to eat dinosaur eggs, no, he never said that he wanted to eat dinosaur eggs, he just thought dinosaur eggs were good, he didn't say they tasted good.

(End of this chapter)

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