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Chapter 674 Goblin Slayer is called Brother Kill, you are his older sister, so call him Brother Kill

Chapter 674 Goblin Slayer is called Brother Kill, you are his older sister, so call him Brother Kill!
It is naturally impossible for Jurassic World Park to throw dinosaur eggs to the dinosaurs to reproduce on their own, but to collect them and place them in the incubation room.

"Tao Binding 26 Curved Light!"

This ghost way is a primary ghost way, and it can be done at the current level in history, and it doesn't consume much spiritual pressure.

The two entered stealth mode, came to the incubation room, and then started stealing, ah, no, taking dinosaur eggs, after all, scientific things, can it be called stealing?

Then they downloaded the information inside, and downloaded what they wanted by the way.

Things went smoothly unexpectedly. According to the news they heard when they were invisible, a hybrid dinosaur escaped from the laboratory and killed many people. In order to find this dinosaur, the whole team ran to the surveillance hall. ,Standby.

It's just strange that the dinosaur didn't know how to do it, and it actually caused the locator to fail. The entire Ingen company was in a state of desperation, and even invited a dinosaur trainer to analyze it.

In fact, after the hybrid dinosaur was killed by Shi Jin, Da Wenxi conveniently put it in the space ring, and prepared to go back and ask Guan Gu to help cook a big meal. It's no wonder he could locate it.

"I didn't play with sand sculptures."

Zhang Chen has some regrets about this. After all, the Xingjue in this world is quite serious. He still expects Ling Lingqi and Da Wenxi to assimilate him into sand sculptures. Who knows that their sand sculptures belong to sand sculptures, but what should be done is still done. Well, except Ling Lingqi.

At this time, he was temporarily staying in the main city of the world of "Spiritual Cage", holding his chin, staring at the Yuan Lingshi in his hand.

I have to say that Master Lai is really talented. This kind of thing is a natural treasure for many worlds, and the most important thing is that this thing can produce energy!
After thinking about it, another red flower appeared in Zhang Chen's right hand.

The flower of Mana, the culprit that made the whole world of "Ling Cage" come to an end!

It is also the absorption of life substances, but Yuan Lingshi is more inclined to emotions, while the flowers of mana are all.

But this is also a matter of course, the purpose of the Flower of Mana is to destroy the world and reshape the world, and the Yuan Lingshi is just man-made.

But this man-made thing also has its magical function. Zhang Chen was surprised to find that this thing can not only be used on the Zanpakuto, but can even be used as a belief value.

Although this thing is useless to Zhang Chen, it is very useful to one person: Goblin Slayer!
Ashamed to say, this guy has been completely forgotten since Zhang Chen threw him on the gods and demons chessboard. If he hadn't been thinking about which world has gods, he probably wouldn't have remembered it.

In fact, strictly speaking, the gods in the world of "Goblin Slayer" do not need faith. After all, all living beings are created by them, but all living beings need to believe in them in order to use their power.

For example, the little priest, who believes in the Mother God, has mastered the Holy Light, Healing, Silence, Holy Wall Protection, and Purification, but the later purification was banned by the Mother God because of improper use.

Therefore, in the world of "Goblin Slayer", it is almost impossible to get rid of the control of the gods, because this is a world full of dangers, you have to believe in a god to protect yourself, even if it is Goblin Slayer, you have to find someone to buy scrolls use.

Although Goblin Slayer was turned into a god by Zhang Chen through the universal version of the reality gem, but also because the gem in his hand is the universal version, so this is the limit, and the aborigines who want to truly protect the world of "Goblin Slayer" , you need to find another way.

Previously, Zhang Chen's plan was to grind slowly, but with this thing, Goblin Slayer can completely follow the path of faith and become a god with faith, and Zhang Chen may recycle his own general version of the reality gem.

After dispelling the Mana flower in his hand, Zhang Chen appeared in the world of "Goblin Slayer". Instead of going to the chessboard, he found Goblin Slayer's sister.

"Goblin Slayer's older sister, uh, Goblin Slayer is called Brother Sha, you are his older sister, so you can call him Sister Kill! Sister Kill, I need you to build a temple."

Zhang Chen said.

Goblin Slayer's older sister wears the same armor as her younger brother. People who don't know her think she is Goblin Slayer. In order to prevent others from accusing him of cheating numbers, Zhang Chen decides to ask her to kill her sister.

Sister kills: ...

There are too many slots, she doesn't know where to spit it out, does she have a name, okay, her name is XXX.

"Sorry, people from outside the world can't hear your name at all."

Zhang Chen spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

How could you not hear it, you did it on purpose, definitely on purpose!
However, this is the fact, just like the young boy in the ten-cold world, Ah Xu in Suzumiya Haruhi, and Accelerator in the catalog of forbidden books of magic, the rules of the world are like this, no matter how loud you shout, I can't hear you.

"How could there be such an outrageous world rule!"

Sister shook her side ponytail and said speechlessly, if this is true, then the rules of this world are too boring!

"In addition, your hairstyle is also very dangerous. I doubt it. It was because of this hairstyle that you died in the first place."

Sister Kill's head froze immediately, she looked at her blond side ponytail, and fell into deep thought.

Reason told her that Zhang Chen was talking nonsense in a serious manner, but the problem was that Zhang Chen was a god, even a god who could travel through multiple universes. Is it necessary for gods to lie to themselves?

Moreover, she did die with a side ponytail back then...

"Don't get off topic, return to the theme, build the Goblin Slayer Temple, let the residents here believe in him, and we will send angels to protect them."

To put it bluntly, Zhang Chen intends to use the players as summoners. Once the aborigines of this world are in danger, as long as they are pious enough, Goblin Slayer can summon the players through this system.

And Goblin Slayer can also use this system to condense godheads, and then deliver these godheads to people he trusts, such as lizard monks and others, so that they can also become gods and join the gods board.

Obviously you let the topic go off the rails.

Sister Sha was very depressed, but she respectfully said that she would do it right away.

[System Announcement: There is a time-limited task in the "Goblin Slayer" dungeon, and the construction of the temple is limited to one day. The blueprint rewards [-] luck coins, and the construction rewards are several. 】

That's right, as a mature tool man, Sister Sha has already learned how to use the tool men under her hands.

The players who were killing monsters couldn't help being a little dazed. The construction task has not been released for a long time. No, there has been no serious task for a long time!
They have done a similar task before, that is to build Hestia's villa, but the rewards at that time were much richer than this time.

"No, it's official. This can also depreciate. After all, it's a temple. It can't be worse than a villa, right?"

"That's right, it's not easy to earn some luck coins these days, you still play this way."

"Damn it, everyone, listen to me, don't go, let this temple of labor and capital not be built, and don't let the authorities use us as tool people!"

On the world channel, players called their friends and said that they would advance and retreat together without giving the official any sweetness, but in the team channel, they had already started calling their friends to draw a map of the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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