Chapter 678
Strictly speaking, players don't know if Yang Jian is right about Andy, but Yang Jiao is absolutely wrong. This guy often clamors to marry Andy as his wife.

The consequences are obvious, being beaten by his father and mother in mixed doubles, that's why he shut his mouth very aggrieved.

But Yang Jian was too kind to Andy. Not only did he give Andy his three-pointed double-edged knife, but he even gave her the armor. No matter how you look at it, he has ulterior motives.

"So you plan to ask me to pretend to be Yang Jian for the benefit?"

Jin Enjun is speechless, Andy looks like Yaoji, Yang Jian's family loves Wuwu, so it is natural to give her some benefits, but he applies Andy's method, not to mention whether he can succeed, if he succeeds, wouldn't he have to give to his two parents?
"You can go to Yang Chan."

For Zhang Chen, the players are low-level tool people, while the reincarnated people contracted by him are high-level tool people.For example, Yang Jian is recasting the Heavenly Court in the world of "The Great Sage of Love", and is responsible for issuing tasks to the players.

Yang Chan, on the other hand, is reshaping the human government in the world of "New God List: Nezha Rebirth", and is also responsible for issuing tasks to players.

Jin Enjun was a little moved. He couldn't handle being a son psychologically. After all, he was about the same age as Yang Tianyou, but being an older brother was good. After all, Yang Chan was just a little girl, although she was old enough to be his daughter.

Seeing Jin Enjun's heartbeat, Malala struck while the iron was hot: "You don't know, Yang Chan adores his brother, if he sees you, he will definitely be shocked by you..."

"Forget it, I'll try my best."

Jin Enjun shook his head, always feeling that this was taking advantage of others.

"The recruitment thing..."

Malala said cautiously, this is [-] a day, and it cannot be slipped away like this.

"Yes, if you are not at ease, you can end it every day."

Jin Eunjun knew what he was worried about. After all, this was just a game. Although the potential of this game was endless, were there still few people being cheated in the game?
In case Malala took him to practice the Swastika, Malala would have nothing to reason with if he didn't give him the money. The "Lord God Game" is in charge of luck coins, so it's impossible to freeze his bank deposits, right?
If you really want to do this, not to mention whether the banks dare or not, neither do the players. Playing a game can freeze the bank deposits, isn't it too dangerous?
Ugh, though most players probably have less than triple-digit bank balances.

"Thank you Boss Yang, let me analyze that boss for you."

As soon as money was mentioned, Malala became excited, and immediately began to help Jin Enjun analyze: "You are now level 10, and you need plot points to activate the auxiliary system, so your next step is to go to the next one-time instance."

Jin Enjun nodded, he thought so before.

Malala continued: "I searched for one-time copies just now, and one of them is the most suitable for you."

While speaking, he popped up a virtual box: "Wudang".

Another Yang Jian?
Jin Enjun looked at the characters above and explained that the white-haired self was Zhang Junbao.

"As expected of me, I am the protagonist in any world."

Jin Enjun let out a sigh of shame.

"The combat power of this dungeon is actually quite strong, so I will lend you this dress first."

Malala took out a black leather case and handed it to Jin Eunjun, which was the Black Panther suit.

This is what he exchanged with the research institute with the discarded Mark50. This thing is actually a piece for the research institute. Back then, the zombie panther exchanged a lot with them for eating meat.

Jin Eunjun also knows Malala's black panther suit. It's not good at fighting, but its defense is against the sky. It can block missiles when it comes.

I have to say that even if there are restrictions, there are still a lot of props that Gaowan can help novices. After all, this game is similar to reality, and there are no occupational restrictions. question.


Jin Enjun was very satisfied with this, so he changed his clothes directly, thought for a while, and put on an ancient costume outside.

After all, I want to go to the martial arts dungeon and integrate into society.

Malala was very enthusiastic, and gave his inventory to Jin Enjun, such as grenades, bazookas, ghost fire motorcycles, AK47, Tec Promise...

On the one hand, it is to increase Jin Enjun's soft power, and on the other hand, it is to clear the inventory. These are all things he managed to get in the past, but after the level has risen, these things have become a burden instead.

Jin Enjun was speechless, looking at the Tieke Wuji, he couldn't help asking: "What can this thing do?"

Before the closed beta, there was a projection Zanpakuto for sale, but it was canceled after the closed beta. After all, this thing is too unbalanced. KING believes that low-level players must have sub-children of low-level players. Why are they so powerful.

"Give yourself a BGM!"

Malala stroked Tieke Wuji, and said with nostalgia: "I specially ordered this from Da Wenxi."

Back in the day, he was still that boy running with the wind, with nothing but dreams, walking around the rivers and lakes alone with a guitar... and then being beaten severely by the rivers and lakes.

Gently plucking the strings, a virtual projection appeared in front of Tieke Wuji: "There are more than 1 songs built in, which can be searched by voice, and can also be screened by yourself!"

Jin Enjun was shocked and said, "More than 1 songs, so many?"

How boring it is to find more than 1 songs and put them in the guitar, no, this thing can no longer be called a guitar, this thing is obviously a stereo, okay?

"Of course, this is what Da Wenxi found in various dungeons, such as the special BGM for the Avengers, sharpening the scissors. Let me tell you, with this BGM, my combat power index can soar to [-]."

Let the club die under this BGM!
Also, what is the combat power index, and when did it exist in the game?

"In that case, this artifact is for you to use!"

Jin Enjun put other things into the space ring, leaving only the guitar, and solemnly handed it back to Malala.

Only the strong deserve to have this thing, and Malala is obviously the strong one.

Malala took out a Tec Promise again, and said with a smug smile: "No, I already have a new one. Look, the flashing effect!"

I saw the Teike Wuji in his hand bursting with colorful light, dyeing the entire spaceship in colorful colors. Those who didn't know thought it was a space nightclub.

"I used to ask endlessly, when will you come with me, but you always laugh at me and have nothing..."

The corners of Jin Enjun’s eyes twitched, so you still gave it to me with a look of reluctance. If you dare to go, you like the new and dislike the old. Also, can your lip-syncing be a little bit more fake?
"Fuck, is this thing so cool?"

Seeing this, the other passengers in the spaceship exclaimed one after another, leaned in front of Malala, and said curiously: "Brother Dog, get one for you, too."

"That's right, this thing is simply a walking BGM. With this thing, I don't need to carry a stereo to fight monsters in the future, just carry it on my back."

"Haha, why would I learn guitar with this thing!"

Kim Eun Joon: ...

Miscalculated, he is still a newcomer after all, and underestimated the sand sculpture level of the players.

(End of this chapter)

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