Chapter 679
[Main task: Survive for 30 days.

Mission reward: 1000 luck coins]

[Sub-quest 1: Help Zhang Junbao marry Xue Ying and Shen Rong.

Task reward: 2000 luck coins

Side task 2: Help Zhang Junbao become number one in the world.

Mission reward: 5000 luck coins]

[Sub-quest 3: Help Zhang Junbao rule the world.

Mission reward: 10000 luck coins]


Jin Eunjun looked at the sky speechlessly, what the hell, is this Junbao the real son of Yuyou?He helped him marry a wife and helped him fight the world, why didn't he get such a good treatment?

God ignored him and rewarded him with a trick of pouring rain. Jin Eunjun held up an umbrella and walked in the mountains and forests.

This task seems difficult, but with the help of Malala's ammunition, let alone help Zhang Junbao rule the world.

"Zhang Sanfeng should be from the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, but that's not necessarily the case. In the world of martial arts, it's only natural that the timeline is chaotic."

Jin Eunjun, dressed in an ancient costume and holding an oil-paper umbrella, strolled in the heavy rain, like an exiled fairy, strolling in the courtyard.

Of course, he was thinking about some messy things in his mind.

Isn't Zhang Sanfeng a Taoist priest?

Can priests get married?

It seems to be able to, and it seems not to be able to.

But even if you can, marrying two wives is a bit outrageous. What about monogamy as agreed?

Damn, twins, so envious!

Bah, no, although the copy of martial arts is ancient, but martial arts also have to teach the basic law, the three wives and six concubines have long been thrown away by the times, okay, no one reads harem articles these days.

Wait, Tai Chi in the martial arts world, isn't that the legendary Yan Fang Tai Chi?
Jin Enjun has practiced Taijiquan. After all, he is nearly 40 years old. How can he do without practicing some health-preserving skills? Isn't it just to live a long life if he makes so much money?

For things like martial arts, some people praise them, praise them, criticize them, and criticize them, but the most fundamental reason is that people expect too much from it, and the culprit is martial arts novels.

The hero blasted the gate of the city into pieces with one stroke of Tathagata palm, the young hero stepped on a reed and crossed the river to the opposite side of the river.

Readers were excited to see it, and couldn't stop it...and then they took it seriously.

This is not the most embarrassing thing, what is even more embarrassing is that the martial arts in those books are taken seriously in reality, so jokes appear one after another, martial arts masters are punched down by boxers who don't speak martial arts.

For example, the peerless martial arts "Yi Jin Jing" commonly used in the world of martial arts, its real function in reality is not to open up the two veins of Ren and Du, but... to activate the muscles and bones!
In fact, it can be seen from the name that it is to activate the muscles and bones, and then look at the requirements: mental relaxation, calm consciousness, and no additional thought guidance.

Just to let you not think so much, just move around a bit, and do what you should do.

In Jin Enjun's view, martial arts is definitely not as strong as it is boasted in martial arts novels. If it is really so powerful, a pair of eighteen bronze men sent by Shaolin Temple during the Anti-Japanese War could beat Japan to the point of crying.

But martial arts are not useless, martial arts, martial arts, martial arts is naturally the method of fighting, to put it bluntly, it is fighting skills, used in ancient wars, killing skills, useless who would dare to learn?This is the skill of survival.

"One month, I can solve it in other dungeons."

It is probably impossible to help Zhang Junbao rule the world, but he can still help Zhang Junbao marry two wives, which is a great medicine.

Flipping through the space ring, Jin Enjun found helplessly that Malala didn't have that thing, but it was a matter of course, all players in the sage mode, it's useless to ask for that thing.

The heavy rain was still falling, and Jin Enjun's eyelids jumped when he saw it. This broken copy, it's fine if you don't give the road map, but it's still raining, and it's even sending him to the wilderness.

In desperation, he could only look around to see if there was any shelter from the rain.

Closing his eyes, Jin Eunjun still sensed the spiritual pressure around him, as long as he found someone, he could find a place to shelter from the rain.

Two spirits!

Jin Enjun narrowed his eyes, turned his direction, went to the right, and appeared in a cave.


The cave is not big, about ten cubic meters, but it is not dark, because there are two people inside who are warming up the fire, and they are looking at him nervously at this moment, but after seeing his face, they turn into astonishment .

"You, who are you, to pretend to be me!"

Zhang Junbao pointed at Jin Enjun and said angrily.

In the world of martial arts, such things as disguise are naturally very common. Although Zhang Junbao has never seen such a thing, he has heard of it, so when he saw Jin Enjun, he immediately thought of disguise.

Jin Enjun raised his eyebrows, which is really a coincidence, maybe the dungeon did it on purpose.

Putting away the umbrella, Jin Enjun smiled gently: "I'm sorry, brother, I didn't use the disguise technique."

When Shen Rong in the cave saw Jin Enjun, her heart trembled, he was so handsome!

As the saying goes, clothes and saddles depend on people. Jin Enjun and Zhang Junbao also have a Yang Jian face, but Jin En is dressed in a crescent white brocade robe that fits well, making his figure even more tall and straight, giving people an indescribable dignity and elegance.

As for Zhang Junbao, he was dressed in patchwork clothes, commonly known as sackcloth, and because he was carrying water and farming in Shaolin, his complexion was a little darker than Jin Eunjun's.

Of course, Shen Rong laments that Jin Eunjun is handsome, but it doesn't mean that he is infatuated, but simply thinks that he is good-looking, just like when a man looks at a woman, he always looks at his appearance first and then his figure.

There's no such thing as love at first sight, it's not love at first sight, it's the same for men and women.

"how is this possible."

Zhang Junbao protected Shen Rong behind him, feeling that the other party was talking nonsense, if it was a real face, then the other party should be as surprised as he was, instead of calmly saying that his face was real.

Jin Eunjun shook his head helplessly, no wonder this guy still needs the player's help to marry his wife, with such a startled character, he would be scared away by you even if he has a wife.

"Believe it or not, I just came in to take shelter from the rain."

Jin Enjun wanted to pretend to be Zhang Junbao's half-brother like those old players, but who knows if Zhang Junbao in this dungeon has a real brother? Not every NPC is like the boy father and mother in "Flying Fairy". It's so foolish.

So he decided to take it slowly, be a pure passerby, and finally talk about it, let Zhang Junbao marry Shen Rong and Xue Ying, and let them care about it happily.

"I'm Yang Jian, I don't know if the two of you are..."


Zhang Junbao couldn't help laughing out loud, you deserve to be called Yang Jian, where's your three-pointed two-edged sword?
"Little girl Shen Rong, if you are just here to shelter from the rain, please show your true colors."

Shen Rong also felt that this guy was lying, and the name was not distracting at all.

"If you don't believe me, you can pinch my face to see."

Jin Enjun spread his hands helplessly, my real name is Yang Jian, look at the ID [Yang Jian] on my head!
Can't you see the big two characters?

Well, they really can't see, they are tool-man type NPCs.


  While listening to the song, I suddenly heard Ben Xi's song, and I was a little emotional. I have been listening to her song since I was in junior high school, and it turned out...

  Then I searched for Benxi with a little fantasy, but I saw an article on station B, which used divination to analyze the truth of the Benxi incident. To be honest, I was surprisingly angry. This kind of person is really disgusting , and said that doing so is disrespectful to the deceased, it’s sorry, but you really know that you shouldn’t post it if you really know that it’s disrespectful. People nowadays really do anything for the sake of popularity (it’s an article from 18 years), so it’s easy I clicked a report, but I don't think it's useful, it was blocked long ago if it was useful
(End of this chapter)

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