Chapter 685
This is the so-called Son of Destiny in the world, and some people can predict the direction of the world's will through divination.

Qiu Chuji, Shi Le Guoshi and the future Liu Bowen all have this ability.

Of course, they can only figure out a rough idea, just like the old woman who threw Kim Eun-joon aside.

The name of the old lady is unknown, but she has a famous husband, Wang Chongyang. The purpose of this chance encounter with Zhang Junbao is very simple, that is to introduce Zhang Junbao to the Wudang sect.

Obviously, Shen Rong is not suitable to go to Wudang with Zhang Junbao. Firstly, the future head of Wudang cannot get married. Second, Shen Rong is a burden. Going to Wudang now is looking for death.

Although it is ridiculous that Wang Chongyang can get married and Zhang Junbao can't, but who makes God the biggest, God is definitely right.

At this time, Wudang was about to be given to Chi Bilie by the Yuan Dynasty, and Qiu Chuji feigned death to escape. To put it bluntly, it was like tempering Zhang Junbao and then teaching Wudang to Zhang Junbao.

Originally everything was predestined by heaven, according to the divination, the old woman should save Zhang Junbao's life, but she waited for a long time and couldn't wait for Zhang Junbao, so she had to come out by herself.

Zhang Junbao couldn't be saved, but she could still let Shen Rong and Zhang Junbao leave, so she decisively changed her plan and prepared to send Shen Rong into the city.

Jin Enjun got up from the ground in a daze, are all the old people so powerful nowadays?What about back pain and leg cramps?

Seeing the carriage running farther and farther, Jin Enjun didn't have time to think about anything else, he rushed to the carriage again, stopped in front of the carriage, and then punched out.

The poor horse didn't know what happened, but was knocked to the ground by Jin Enjun's fist, spitting blood at the mouth, and he was about to die.

Hmph, if you can't hit someone, I'll give you a big deal!

Jin Enjun sneered and said: "Old woman, I advise you to let Miss Shen go, or I will be rude."

What he said was straightforward, even in the rivers and lakes, it is impossible to meet a martial arts master casually, and Gu Long dared not write like that when he came.

Therefore, Jin Enjun has every reason to believe that this old woman has an unruly heart towards Shen Rong. Even if she is not famous, it is impossible to send Shen Rong to the brothel, it is very likely that she is happy to see the hunter in the legend and intends to capture Shen Rong back to herself. Martial arts as apprentices.

That's okay, this is what Jin Enjun intends to give to Zhang Junbao as his wife, you can go back and teach me, how can I complete my task after you finish teaching me.

The old lady also looked at Jin Enjun with some astonishment. This person didn't seem to know martial arts, but he seemed to be born with supernatural power. If she was a few decades younger, then maybe...Wang Chongyang would take him as his apprentice.

She has never been an apprentice in her life, and she really wants to send Shen Rong home.

The carriage stopped suddenly, Shen Rong leaned on the door and poked her head out, begging a little: "Brother Yang, I don't think you are a villain, why did you do this?"

Yes, I want to know too!

Jin Enjun rolled his eyes, pointed at the old woman, and said righteously: "Miss Shen, be careful, this old woman has martial arts skills, she is not a good person."

Shen Rong was stunned, but seeing Jin Enjun and the old woman confronting each other, it was obvious that Jin Enjun was afraid of the old woman, so she couldn't help feeling a little suspicious.

There is a difference between active exposure and passive exposure. In the former, I open my heart and tell you the truth, while in the latter, I deliberately conceal it. No matter how I explain it, it will make people feel ill-intentioned.

"I just saw that she deliberately asked you to leave Zhang Junbao. I suspect that she wants to sell you to a brothel."

Jin Enjun took a blame on the old woman's head without any hassle, but this was not considered a scapegoat, that's how he suspected it now.

At this remark, Shen Rong's small face was instantly pale with fright. Although she grew up in a boudoir, she is not a fool. The more I feel that what Jin Enjun said makes sense.

Granny: ...

This scapegoat was caught out of the blue, but it was well-founded. If she hadn't been the person involved, she would have almost believed it.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense, what's wrong with the old woman who walks in the rivers and lakes and knows how to defend herself with fists and kicks?"

The old woman snorted coldly, she had never been so insulted at such an age.

"It's you who will hum, Miss Shen, you know me, I will not hurt you, I will only send you to Zhang Junbao's side, but if you follow this old woman, the consequences will not be certain."

Jin Enjun speaks the facts and makes sense, and I am half-knowledgeable anyway, but this old woman may not be sure.

After all, Shen Rong is just a lady who has never seen the world. She is a person who has no opinions. The more she listens, the more she feels that Jin Enjun has a point, so she climbed out of the carriage, walked around the old woman carefully, and said: " Then you send me to Brother Zhang."

"No!" The old woman shook her head and said, "I promised that young master that I would send you to the city. This man has not dared to show his true colors to others, no matter how you look at it, he has no good intentions."

"Miss Shen, you see, she won't let you go."

Jin Enjun's words made Shen Rong's hands and feet cold. It seemed that the old woman might really sell herself to a brothel, so she ran behind Jin Enjun decisively.

Granny: ...

The good guy and the bad guy switch instantly, and I get very angry.

The old lady flickered, pointed at Jin Enjun's acupuncture points, and comforted Shen Rong: "Miss Shen, you misunderstood, if I really wanted to plot against you, I would have long ago..."

Before he finished speaking, Jin Enjun punched him. Although the old lady was a little surprised, she still blocked her body and hit Jin Enjun's chest again.

However, Jin Enjun didn't care about these, and threw out another punch.

The old woman took a few steps back and said in astonishment, "Is King Kong not bad?"

The first time she touched Jin Enjun's acupuncture points, she didn't use much internal force, but the second time she used a lot of force, but Jin Enjun was still unscathed.

And she could feel that every time she tapped on Jin Enjun's body, it was like tapping on a steel plate. There was no other way to feel this kind of feeling except the indestructible magic of King Kong.

Kim Eun Joon blinked, what happened?

Fortunately, he couldn't read many martial arts novels, so he hurriedly said to Shen Rong: "Go to Zhang Junbao quickly, I will stop her."

Shen Rong always felt that something was wrong, did you want to kill me a lot before?
Fortunately, her brain finally became clever once, and now neither Jin Eunjun nor the old lady can be trusted, the only one who can be trusted is Zhang Junbao.

So she turned her head resolutely and ran back. Although the carriage was galloping, the ancient means of transportation naturally couldn't go anywhere. If she wanted to run for a cup of tea, she should be able to find Zhang Junbao.

"Miss Shen!"

The old woman was about to go after her, but Jin Eunjun would not let her go, so he put on the black panther helmet, and then killed the old woman with a sister in his arms, ah, no, it should be an old woman in his arms.

The old lady didn't know whether she was frightened by Jin Enjun's moves or appearance, she flew up and landed on Jin Enjun's chest.

However, Jin Eunjun was unscathed, and hugged the old woman's right leg tightly, hanging on the old woman's leg like a pendant.

"Miss Shen, run!"

Shen Rong couldn't help but look back, only to see the old woman kicking Jin Enjun's body with her eyes watering down, but she still gritted her teeth and continued to run towards Zhang Junbao.


(End of this chapter)

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