Restart the main god game

Chapter 686 Opportunities came like raindrops, but I just passed by 11

Chapter 686 Opportunities came like raindrops, but I passed them by one by one
Although Shen Rong has a sprained foot, it is not a question of whether it hurts or not. It is about her reputation and the lives of others. No matter how painful it is, she has to run. She limped to Zhang Junbao, but Zhang Junbao was closing his eyes. practice martial arts.

The "Tai Chi" given to Zhang Junbao by Jin Enjun is not a martial arts secret book, but the kind he used to practice in the park, which is completely commonplace.

It's not that Jin Enjun is stingy, but everyone knows that Zhang Sanfeng's standard configuration is "Tai Chi", and it can't be justified not to "Tai Chi".

After the players' continuous death experiments, they have gradually gained some experience.

Under normal circumstances, giving the protagonist martial arts cheats will not be punished, but it is very likely to gain benefits, such as Zeng Xiaoxian, that guy will get a title.

And sending cheat books to some big villains will have serious consequences, ranging from deduction of luck coins to downgrade.

As for how to distinguish the protagonist and villain, you can start with the red name and the white name, and the name is supplemented.

Just like Zhang Junbao, it can be said that players have not seen Zhang Sanfeng as the villain before, but they cannot be 100% sure. For example, Ji Fa and King Zhou in "Wu Geng Ji", in most of the dungeons, Ji Fa is the righteous party.

Although Zhang Junbao is still a novice in martial arts, he is a man of destiny. Once he started "Tai Chi", he fell into the epiphany mode again. charm.

Shen Rong couldn't understand, but she was greatly shocked, but she didn't know what epiphany is, so she shouted directly: "Brother Zhang, it's not good, Brother Yang was beaten."

Interrupted by Shen Rong, Zhang Junbao's epiphany was instantly interrupted, and then he said with a blank face: "Wouldn't this be better?"

It's not that he is ungrateful, who asked Jin Enjun to do everything, just force him to practice kung fu, but once he is threatened by Miss Shen, isn't this poking him against the scales?
Shen Rong hastily explained what happened just now, and Zhang Junbao was shocked into a cold sweat, secretly feeling that the people down the mountain have so many hearts, it's too scary.

But since that Yang Jian saved Miss Shen, he was his brother. How could he ignore his brother being beaten.

"Hide here for a while."

Although he felt sorry for Shen Rong, Zhang Junbao could tell the difference between the serious and the serious, and a Wudang Tiyun Zong plundered towards the front.

Don't ask him why he knows Wudang Laiyun Zong, just ask him that he is a genius who knows himself without a teacher.

Soon Zhang Junbao arrived at the scene of the incident. After all, the carriage didn't run very far, otherwise Shen Rong wouldn't have come so quickly.

At this time, Jin Eunjun was not trampled on the ground by the old woman as Shen Rong said, but was...

"Don't run, I'm coming!"

"Don't run, I'm coming over again!"

Zhang Junbao: ...

The scene was once very eye-catching, it was simply unsightly.

The cause of the incident was very simple. Although Jin Eunjun was invulnerable in the black panther suit, the old woman was not a mortal, and she couldn't kick Jin Eunjun away, but she was able to shrink her muscles and let her legs slip away from Jin Eunjun's hands.

But how could Jin Enjun let the old woman run away, so he rushed forward.

It's just that the old lady's dodge was not covered, and she dodged it very easily.

But escaping does not mean that Jin Enjun can be left behind. He is a level 10 player. Although his combat power is not good, his physical fitness has already surpassed that of ordinary people, and his speed is not slow.

Thinking that the face under the helmet was his own, Zhang Junbao's face became even darker, and he always felt that his reputation had been victimized, but he still knew the priorities, and immediately shouted: "Brother Yang, I'll help you!"

After finishing speaking, he made a Taijiquan starting gesture, and with a stroke of white crane spreading its wings, he slapped the old woman.

The old lady also felt that her reputation had been victimized. Although she was already very old, she was a married woman. To be entangled by such a psychopath was simply a crime.

Palms and fists intersected, Zhang Junbao took a step back, and the old lady took a few steps back, looking at Zhang Junbao in astonishment, this kid wasn't that strong just now, should he be replaced?

"Grandma, I trust you so much, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Zhang Junbao was very sad. He saw the old woman's kind face just now, and subconsciously believed her. Looking back now, he was really careless, and he didn't even pay attention to Miss Shen's safety.

Granny: ...

Tired, destroy it!

If she had known earlier, she would not have gotten involved in Wudang's mess. Whether Wudang is good or bad is none of her business. Wang Chongyang has been dead for so long, so he has nothing to do with Wudang.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. If it wasn't for her strong inner strength, she would probably vomit blood from the anger.

But seeing Zhang Junbao's aura of a master, the more he looked more like Wang Chongyang back then, the old woman finally said with emotion: "Young man, don't be nervous. In fact, I am Wang Chongyang's wife, so I should be regarded as your ancestor mother-in-law."

"Laughing, you say yes, but I still say I am Wang Chongyang!"

The old woman clenched her fists tightly, wanting to kill this lunatic with one punch, but Jin Enjun was wearing a black armor, which could not be cut by a knife or drowned, and she spent a long time without putting Jin Enjun down.

Fortunately Zhang Junbao was still very polite, he cupped his fists and said, "Senior, no matter what you said is true or not, let's leave it at this point. Also, although I respect Wang Chongyang, I am not from the Wudang sect."

"Will do!"

The old woman smiled slightly.

Jin Enjun squinted his eyes slightly. Others don't know what Zhang Junbao will do in the future, how can he not know?

But this person also knew that Zhang Junbao would become the head of the Wudang School in the future, so it was a bit mysterious. Could it be that this person was really Wang Chongyang's wife?

"Hmph, our family's Junbao intends to fight for the hegemony of the martial arts world and dominate the world. How could it be possible to become the head of Wudang?"

Jin Enjun expressed dissatisfaction, no one can stop the task he wants to complete, and it is useless for Wang Chongyang's wife to come.

Zhang Junbao shook his head repeatedly when he heard the words, let alone contending for hegemony in the martial arts world, he didn't even want to be the head of Wudang.

Opportunities came like raindrops, but I passed them one by one.jpg!

There is no way, Zhang Junbao is a good boy, he will not be rewarded for nothing, and he was born in Shaolin Temple, the most important thing is that all the four are empty, he plans to find a ruined temple to stay for a few years.

Anyway, after watching "Tai Chi", he only felt that his whole body was transparent, and his unstable inner breath calmed down instantly, and his inner strength increased several times. It should be no problem to live a few more years.

"Junbao, I've already thought about it. You will rule the martial arts world, and I will rule the world. In the end, it will all be in your hands. How about it?"

I think you are trying to fart!
Zhang Junbao was speechless, and he became more and more suspicious that this person was not the so-called Zhang Junbao ten years later, but an old fairy playing in the world. As for why his face looks like this, the old fairy must have some special means, otherwise can he be called an old fairy? ?

I heard that there is a famous martial artist named Immortal Immortal in Jianghu, so I think it is Yang Jian.

Not old, not old, you mean a young god. As for this old lady, she is a lot of age, and she is definitely not an old god.

Granny: ...

To be honest, her title is Immortal Immortal, and she still wears the Immortal Flag.

 Because money is a bit tight recently, I decided to update three times a day. Sure enough, money is the biggest motivation for updating.

  PS: The remuneration has not been paid yet, and I still owe Huabei more than 400 yuan
(End of this chapter)

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