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Chapter 691 It's Love That Brings These Three Newcomers Together

Chapter 691 It's love that brings these three newcomers together

"The warm spring flowers take away the sentimentality of winter, and the breeze brings a romantic atmosphere. Every love song is suddenly full of meaning, and I suddenly see you at this moment..."

Inside the ruined temple, the original god statue had been thrown outside the door, and the whole ruined temple was decorated with lights and festoons, and the ground was cleaned by Zhu Yuanzhang and others. Those who didn’t know it thought someone was getting married here.

Shen Rong and Xue Ying were wearing red wedding dresses. Of course, they said they were red wedding dresses, but they were actually red dresses. This was what Jin Enjun found out from the space ring.

After all, no matter how boring Malala was, she would not stuff her wedding dress into the space ring, and it was an ancient wedding dress, and the white wedding dress was about the same.

Zhu Yuanzhang and others divided into two tables at this time, and the table was provided by Jin Enjun, and it was even filled with banquets.

Not to mention Jin Enjun, a local tyrant, even if it is a random player, as long as there is a space ring, the food in it must be indispensable, not only must it be available, but also delicious.

So everyone ate it so that their mouths were full of oil.

"Jun Bao, congratulations, you've got a beauty back!"

Zhu Yuanzhang toasted Zhang Junbao with a glass of wine, and drank it first without being polite.

"Jun Bao, treat Miss Shen well!"

Ma Zhilan did not give in to her male eyebrows, and also toasted Zhang Junbao.

"This wine is really good!"

"Delicious, this pig's trotter is really delicious!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's other brothers didn't know Zhang Junbao, so they ate it on their own. They can't be blamed for being ruthless. In their opinion, Zhang Junbao must bear the blame.


The fire wolf was tied to the temple pillar, his eyes were red.

I heard that I am going to marry Zhang Junbao tonight, not to mention Xue Ying, Shen Rong is not willing, not to mention the ancient matchmaker's words, but you just find a ruined temple and let them get married, Shen Rong feels that she can't bear this grievance .

Girls, for the first time, ah, no, hey, it seems right.

Anyway, the first marriage must be very important, don't ask for the red flags to be displayed and firecrackers to be fired, but it must be a lively one, right?
Kim Eun Joon felt that what she said was very reasonable... so it became like this.

As for Xue Ying, she was more stubborn, saying that she would rather die than surrender.

Jin Enjun is happy, he would rather die than submit, you are looking down on my player's brain hole!

"If you don't agree, I'll kill Fire Wolf!"

"Junior Sister, leave me alone, let him kill me, I am willing to die for you!"

Fire Wolf said that if he wanted to move Xue Ying, he had to step over his corpse first... So he was tied to the temple pillar and gagged.

Xue Ying was a little hesitant, Huo Lang grew up with her, and she always treated Huo Lang as her own brother.

But in exchange for his own innocence for the safety of Fire Wolf, although he is a son and daughter of the world, he also values ​​the innocence of his daughter's family.

Not to mention in ancient times, even in modern society, most girls love themselves very much.

"just kill me!"

Xue Ying had tears in her eyes. Like Zhang Junbao, it was her first time going down the mountain. She didn't expect the mountain to be so scary. If she had known it earlier, she would not have gone down the mountain.

"Think beautifully!"

Jin Eunjun thought that the two would commit suicide by doing this, so he decided to treat the villain to the end: "If you die, I will strip you naked and hang you on the city wall of Hangzhou for people who come and go to watch."

What a vicious approach!

Those who are in the rivers and lakes, they pay attention to killing people without nodding their heads, and they will not even do such things in crooked ways.

Shen Rong was so frightened that her face turned pale. It's none of Xue Ying's business if she doesn't commit suicide. Anyway, Brother Zhang has already said that it's just a fake marriage. But the problem is that Xue Ying has her face. If she is killed Hanging on the city wall, wouldn't that mean she...

"Ahem, today is a good day, it is fate that brought us together again, it is love that brought these three newcomers together..."

Jin Eunjun is very happy, the task is about to be done, can you not be happy?

But Zhang Junbao felt that there was a lot of information, which made him doubt life.

Why is this happening?

It is the first time to have someone I like, and the first time to see a brother who may have been lost for many years. These are two happy things. These two joys will bring me a lot of joy, but, Why did it become like this now...

"Worship heaven and earth!"

Jin Enjun was very happy, Shen Rong was a little shy, Xue Ying was expressionless, and Zhang Junbao was worried. He always felt that all this was caused by him.

"Second worship high hall..."

The three looked at Jin Enjun with dead fish eyes, Gaotang, where is Gaotang?
That's right, Gao Tang's parents are here, where can he find their parents?
Jin Enjun looked around, pondered for three seconds, and sat in the original position of the Buddha statue.

I will help you officiate the wedding, it is no different from your living parents, there is nothing wrong with being this high hall.

Crowd: ...

Everyone glared at Zhang Junbao, stone hammered, that's right, all of this was caused by Zhang Junbao, a bastard.

"Bye husband and wife!"

A man and two women faced each other and worshiped each other. Those who didn't know it thought they were sworn brothers.

"Send to the bridal chamber!"

The bridal chamber was naturally a tent made by Jin Eunjun, and the three obediently got in under the strong onlookers of the crowd.

Jin Enjun nodded with satisfaction, and then found that the task was not completed.

"That doesn't work either?"

Jin Eunjun is going crazy, isn't he already married?
As for letting Zhang Junbao push Shen Rong and Xue Ying now, although he has a bad taste, he is not so perverted, it is no longer something that humans do.

"That's only plan B."

Kim Eun-joon shouted, "You three come out!"

The three people in the tent peeked at each other, Zhu Yuanzhang and the others showed suspicion, and there was a bit of excitement in their eyes, so Ma Zhilan wanted to stop it, but she touched her pig's head and closed it sincerely mouthed.

The three of them were very obedient, and walked out of the tent, their clothes remained unchanged except for some wrinkles. Obviously, Zhang Junbao didn't intend to do things that adults should do if he wanted to follow him.

Of course, it is also possible that there are too many people and I am too embarrassed to do it.

"You stand together, you put your arms around Jun Bao's waist, you hug your neck, get closer, your mouth pouts..."

Jin Enjun began to direct the three of them to pose, and the eyes of Zhu Yuanzhang and others became even more strange. Are you really planning to teach on the spot?Is it so exciting?

However, Jin Eunjun was not so impure. Seeing the three of them posing, he immediately took out a Polaroid and gave them a set of extreme crazy shots. He kept shooting the stock of Polaroids before he was satisfied.

"Okay, what are you going to do, it's okay if you don't sleep together."

are you crazy!

Zhang Junbao tore off his big red robe, found a random place and lay down, his body was very tired, but his heart was even more tired.

Xue Ying and Shen Rong exchanged glances, got into the tent, and put on the zipper along the way.

Margarine: ? ? ?

What do you mean, I am not a woman anymore?
"It's none of your business, you can get out!"

Jin Enjun waved his hand, indicating that you guests can leave.

Where are we going in the middle of the night!
Zhu Yuanzhang and others wished they could turn the tables on the spot. You were the one who made us stay, and you were the one who made us go. Aren’t you bullying honest people?

Jin Eunjun: It's a joke, if it's not for the fun, no one cares whether you have a banquet or not.

(End of this chapter)

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