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Chapter 692 Who said that this world is not a serious world?

Chapter 692 Who said that this world is not a serious world?

The ten people from Zhu Yuanzhang did not leave. After all, ancient times are no better than modern times. If you live in the wilderness, wolves will dare to take you away.

So the ten people could only make do with it and lie in the enclosure for one night. It was a bit aggrieved, but at least their lives were still there.

It's just that before dawn the next day, Zhu Yuanzhang cut off Prime Minister Boyan's head, and ran away with his brothers. As for Zhang Junbao, it's good that he doesn't harm others.

Obviously, because of Jin Enjun, Zhang Junbao, who was originally loved by everyone, has been rejected by his friends.

It's just that before taking them away, Jin Eunjun stuffed them with a few photos.

Although the idea of ​​unifying the world is good, the time is too long, and the task of marrying a wife is simple and rude. As long as you do the task, are you afraid you won't be able to complete it?
Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the incomparably exquisite picture in his hand, with a strange expression on his face. Could it be that this psychopath is planning to torment Zhang Junbao in another way?Let Zhang Junbao act as a model to draw erotic pictures?
Brother, when I rule the world, I will definitely bring an army to rescue you!

Zhu Yuanzhang had tears in his eyes. He still had feelings for Zhang Junbao. At any rate, he was sworn brother. Although they had only met each other for a few days, they definitely congenial, otherwise they would not have sworn sworn brothers.

Zhang Junbao was also speechless, he couldn't beat Jin Enjun with ten people together, but was flattened into eleven pigs' heads. Now that his good brother left, he was left to continue to suffer from Jin Enjun.

No, and his two wives, uh, even though they didn't admit it.

Ashamed to say, he was a little excited to marry Shen Rong and Xue Ying, not to mention Shen Rong, she was the goddess he had been secretly in love with, Xue Ying and Shen Rong looked exactly the same, it was double the happiness.

Of course, if he dared to laugh out loud, then Shen Rong and Xue Ying would dare to let their old Zhang's family cut off their children and grandchildren. If they can't cure their mental illness, they won't be able to cure you?

After all, the two women who look exactly the same are somehow related. Although Shen Rong thinks she is Shen Wansan's daughter, Xue Ying knows that she is an orphan since she was a child, and thinks that Shen Rong is probably her long-lost sister.

In short, the husband and wife seemed to be in harmony, Shen Rong held Xue Ying's hand, and looked at Jin Enjun... and Zhang Junbao with the same hatred.

Zhang Junbao: ...

It was very wronged, just like Xue Ying would feel that they were related by blood when he saw Shen Rong. He felt that even if Jin Enjun was not a blood brother, he was still a cousin. No, he must be a cousin.

The ruined temple was not far from Hangzhou, otherwise, they would not have bumped into Zhu Yuanzhang who was going to the city to arrest Prime Minister Boyan. The four of them walked all morning and finally came to Hangzhou City.

Where is Fire Wolf you ask?

Of course it is tied to the pole.

Anyway, with his strength, he can always break free after struggling for a day or two. At least he grew up on the mountain, so he shouldn't starve to death in the wilderness.

Naturally, there is nothing to say about the ancient towns. In Jin Enjun’s view, although they are antique, they can’t hide their lowliness and clutter. In addition, it is the end of the Yuan Dynasty and there is a lot of chaos. Although Hangzhou has not suffered from military disasters, people are also panicked.

Jin Enjun casually stuffed an ingot of gold to the soldiers at the gate of the city, and then posted a photo stick on the gate of the city.

Shen Rong: ...

Now that it's over, her reputation is completely gone.

Jin Eunjun walked to the most famous restaurant said to be the most famous restaurant, and then followed the same pattern, saying that as long as you post this picture, I will give you money.

Who can refuse this kind of good deed, not to mention that the painting is not an unfashionable picture, and the three people are very good-looking, and the shopkeeper's determination is the same.

Zhang Junbao had already given up struggling, and no longer cared about the rules and regulations, he said to Xiao Er: "Serve all the food and drinks in your shop."

Xiaoer is a little confused, there are only four of you, you have money and not such a waste?
"Go, go, the more the merrier."

Zhang Junbao apparently forgot that since Jin Eunjun can conjure countless foods, he can also make them disappear.

"Where are you going to follow us?"

Zhang Junbao couldn't help asking, he fulfilled the three requirements anyway, whether the number one in the world can be achieved is another matter, but he also has to work hard for a long time, and to rule the world, he thinks that Zhu Yuanzhang should be able to do it, and Zhu Yuanzhang is his sworn brother Brother, this requirement can also pass.

But all of this takes time, and there is no such thing as ten or half a year, so don't even think about it.

Jin Enjun smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, haven't you met your parents yet? Speaking of which, I didn't expect that your father-in-law is actually Shen Wansan."

Shen Rong glared at Zhang Junbao when she heard the words. They had already agreed that Jin Enjun was actually Zhang Junbao's relative, and the reason they did this was just to make up for him. ,
It's just that this guy who calls himself Yang Jian is obviously out of his mind, otherwise he wouldn't be wearing a helmet everywhere he goes now.

Jin Enjun is self-aware, if he dares to take off his helmet, Zhang Junbao will dare to blow his dog's head off, and if he is tossed like this, he will be able to throw away the other's ashes.

With enough food and wine, Jin Enjun went to several restaurants and distributed photos one by one in order to achieve a purpose: the whole Hangzhou city knew that Sister Shen Rong was married to Zhang Junbao.

Shen Rong refused to go home. After all, she took a sister and a husband as soon as she went out. If she had a hot-tempered father, her legs would be broken on the spot.

But it is obvious that this version of Shen Wansan is an old father who dotes on his daughter, so he chased Zhang Junbao all over the yard with a stick.

As for Jin Eunjun, because he was wearing a black panther suit, not to mention sticks, knives were useless.

" stop."

With one hand on his hips, Shen Wansan put the stick on the ground, panting, and scolded: "You shameless bastard, you actually ruined my daughter's innocence, and you even made her an ordinary wife!"

In fact, there was no such thing as an equal wife in ancient times, at least not in this era. There has always been only one official wife, but who is to say that this world is not a serious world?

"You think I want to!"

Xue Ying rolled her eyes, if Shen Rong and Zhang Junbao were forced to get married, then it was a disaster for her, and Dou E did not blame her.

Shen Wansan looked at Xue Ying and said with emotion: "It seems that you are really sisters."

Xueying is naturally not Shen Wansan's long-lost daughter. In fact, Shen Rong is the baby girl he bought outside the Great Wall. He didn't have much money at the time, so he could only buy one. When he raised enough money later, he couldn't find the other. Arrived.

"see this!"

Jin Enjun impatiently took out a piece of 1 cube of silver, and patted the silver: "This is my brother's dowry, how about it, is it enough?"

Fuck, where did this thing come from?
"Rong'er, tell Dad, are you willing to marry this bastard?"

Shen Wansan is obviously a daughter-in-law. He doesn't care whether Jin Enjun is strong or not, and how much money he gives. He just wants to make his daughter happy. In the original plot, he actually looked down on Zhu Yuanzhang, but because his cabbage was raped by Zhu Gong, he also I can only grit my teeth and admit it.

Shen Rong's pretty face flushed and she bowed her head in silence.

Shen Wansan sighed: "Forget it, if you want to marry him, then marry him."

 There is another chapter, the third shift failed. I had no idea last night. I originally planned to do the fourth shift today, but last night I thought about insomnia. I didn’t sleep at all. It was so uncomfortable.
(End of this chapter)

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