Restart the main god game

Chapter 694 If this broken car can drive, he can only respect the other party as a man, the kind tha

Chapter 694 If this broken car can drive, he can only respect the other party as a man, the kind that gives titles

"Sure enough, the will of the world will only do things that are beneficial to it?"

Zhang Chen muttered to himself.

Don't look at Zhu Yuanzhang's resignation of personnel in the later period, not to mention killing Shen Rong and wanting to kill Zhang Junbao, but he did reach the position of emperor step by step. Although his reputation is not right, his coming to power is indeed of interest to the world.

You must know that Zhu Yuanzhang was a beggar at the beginning. Although some people have figured out his future, he is different from Zhang Junbao. Zhang Junbao has a lot of people helping him, such as Qiu Chuji, Wang Chongyang's wife, Jueyuan, Shile Guoshi...

Coupled with his extraordinary talent, it is no exaggeration to say that he has been hanging out all his life, but what does Zhu Yuanzhang have?Some are just narrow escapes.

It can only be said that Zhang Junbao played a good hand in the later period, and he played a good hand, and he seemed to be very good, but in fact he was a bit evil.

He was a guest of honor wherever he went. Many people, such as Ma Zhilan and Zhu Yuanzhang, invited him to fight the world together, but Zhang Junbao simply refused because he yearned for a quiet life.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility may be a bit of a moral kidnapping, but for the will of the world, you have enjoyed so many benefits, but you are unwilling to do things that benefit the world.

It is true that Zhang Sanfeng is a master of a generation, but his contribution to this world is definitely not as great as Zhu Yuanzhang. At least he made most people full and avoid disputes.

"Sure enough, even if it is the will of the world without real thought, He will choose the best option."

Zhang Chen said with emotion.

Zhang Junbao was pushed towards the throne in his life. He is not good at refusing, so when Shen Wansan and Shen Rong asked him to fight for world hegemony, he could only accept it, just like in the original plot, he wanted to leave with Xueying Wudang, but after Qiu Chuji died, he made him the head of Wudang. He could have left, but he still agreed to act as the head of Wudang temporarily.

As for Zhu Yuanzhang, he actually has no choice. He is different from Zhang Junbao. Zhang Junbao's character is willing to be ordinary, but he is not willing to be ordinary. Watching the Buddha yelling, it feels like he is putting down the bowl and scolding his mother.

What made Zhang Chen even more astonished was that because Zhang Junbao fought for the world and supported Guo Zixing, Ma Zhilan did not marry Zhu Yuanzhang, but still fell in love with Zhang Junbao.

"As expected of the Child of Destiny, everyone loves her."

Zhang Chen sighed, he couldn't do it anymore, and Chuuxue still had a cold face towards him.

Bai Yuekui is fine, but she likes playing games more than falling in love. She plays games with Xia Douwo in the city lord's mansion all day long, and even sleeps together, which is really enviable, bah, it's disgusting ,a waste of resource!

Zhang Chen is not idle, because of the large-scale slaughter of players, the spiritual world has begun to condense, that is, Xingxuan has already begun. Once condensed, the new soul world will be born. At that time, as long as Nirvana Get a converter and throw the [-]th Goutei team into it, and a new reincarnation will appear.

"I think it's better to be called Yama."

He called Bai Yuekui and told them that they should be able to enter Xingxuan in a few days.

But Bai Yuekui is still entangled in the title of the Guarding Team Thirteen, she is a national style girl who is proficient in the five elements and gossip, what is her name as the captain of the first team, those who don't know think she is just for nothing.

What, she's old enough to be a grandma?Rumor, absolute rumor, she will always be an 18-year-old girl!

"How can this be done? I promised Matsumoto Rangiku and the others that they will rebuild Goutei [-]."

Zhang Chen snorted a few times, if you don't make me happy, then I will make you unhappy too.

They are planning to rebuild the Goutei Thirteen Squad in their own world!What use are you building in our world!

"Hmph, this name sounds like a woman's name. I guess you must have been seduced by beauty. Look at our captain, he is magnificent, he has long legs, he has white hair... ouch!"

Xia Dou imitated Zhang Chen and hummed twice, touched Bai Yuekui's left chest with one hand, and touched his right leg with the other, and then Bai Yuekui slashed on the forehead with a knife, and crouched with his head in his arms.

Where did this little girl learn such nonsense?

Zhang Chen is speechless, it's not good to have too much contact with players, he will drive if he disagrees with him, and he will be turned into a sand sculpture if he is not careful.

And when it comes to breasts, Bai Yuekui is really inferior to Matsumoto Ranju. You can't just look at people's chests. At least Bai Yuekui's appearance is higher than Matsumoto Ranju's in Zhang Chen's eyes. Coupled with those long legs, Zhang Chen What else are you looking for Matsumoto Ranju?Who is Matsumoto Rangiku?

Of course, the problem is that he doesn't have one. Whether it's Matsumoto Ranju or Bai Yuekui, he can't hold him. He can only hug the loli version of Nilu, because he can't hold the adult version of Nilu.

Fuck, I was led astray by the players again!
Zhang Chen conveniently handed over the blame to the players. The thirteenth Goutei team was indeed established by Matsumoto Rangiku and others through Nilu's request, as Xia Dou said. Yes, otherwise the world of "Reaper" would still be nothingness.

Just like Qin Shihuang, he has mixed merits and demerits, and he cannot veto the unification of others just because Qin Zheng is harsh. The organization of Reaper does protect the creatures in the world of "Reaper", but the protection is not good enough.

But since the "Reaper" world has formed a thirteen-team team, other worlds should not be left behind. Zhang Chen has already figured it out. At that time, the teams in each world will form a thirteen-team guardian team, and there will be a talent duel once a year. , After you sing, I'll wait for the show, it will definitely be lively then.

Although this matter sounds silly, but Zhang Chen has considered it carefully. Players are cannon fodder, so naturally there is no need to think about it, but the more creatures like younger brothers, the better. If he chooses younger brothers, younger brothers must also It's not right to select a group of younger brothers. If all the younger brothers are like Hestia and only want to sleep with him, then who will fight for him?

"The word Hades is too evil."

Zhang Chen murmured, "Bai Yan Wang, if you don't know, you think it's Bai Yan Wang, and what if someone says that I want to be Bai Yan Wang's man?"
The sand sculptures of the players have to be guarded!
"Or call it Tianting, and you will be the Jade Emperor."

Zhang Chen didn't believe it anymore, the One Piece had a man, but the Jade Emperor could have a man?If this broken car can be driven, he can only respect that the other party is a man, the kind who gives him a title.

Bai Yuekui: ...

Well, the Jade Emperor is the Jade Emperor, it sounds better than the [-]th Guarding Team, at least the people under him can still be called Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals.

"Hee hee, I said that as long as you appear in front of the boss wearing a suit, he will definitely agree to your request."

Complacent, Xia Dou patted Broken Star's shoulder again, and shook his finger: "You can't do it, the boss won't even look at you."

Broken Star: ...

Why are you so proud, doesn't the boss even look at you?

"Hey, has this thing come out yet? But counting the time, it should indeed be here."

Zhang Chen suddenly gasped, smiled, and disappeared in front of everyone.

 Chapter 2 may be too late, but don't worry, it must be three more

(End of this chapter)

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