Restart the main god game

Chapter 695 Use the official setting to defeat the official setting

Chapter 695 Use the official setting to defeat the official setting
"Fuck, today's boss is too strong!"

"Who modeled this boss? Nima has tentacles. It's disgusting."

"Strange, shouldn't there be magical girls with tentacles?"

"There is no magical girl, but there is one magical aunt."

"Magic aunt, who is it, why didn't I know there was such a number one character in the game?"

"Master Fei!"

"Ultraman Tiga" world, the earth, a dark earth.

The intrusion of the players did not affect the recovery of the evil god Gatanjae. After all, he was only sleeping, not dead.

The setting of the evil god Gatanjae is very interesting. He destroyed the super ancient civilization 3000 million years ago. In theory, he is naturally a super villain.

But it did not completely exterminate human beings, but left a part for them to continue to thrive, and then revived again, destroying modern civilization.

To some extent, it is actually breeding humans, the more people there are, the faster it will wake up.

But this is from the perspective of good and evil. In fact, the world of "Ultraman Tiga" is a world of idealism, and the power of the mind is extremely important in this world.

Human beings are extremely degenerate beings, there is no doubt about it. When you have enough food and clothing, all that is left is to have fun. It’s just that some people feel happy being a good person, and some people want to be happy being a wicked person, but obviously The latter is more attractive.

Like most games, the protagonists are positive characters, but most of the scenes are either fighting or fighting.

Even a purely construction game like "Minecraft" also has activities such as killing pigs and killing zombies.

Even farming games have the function of stealing vegetables from friends. How many people set alarm clocks in order to steal vegetables from other people's homes, just to steal Chinese cabbage from other people's homes.

To put it bluntly, the reason why the evil god Gatanjae is called the evil god is that he is the condensed form of human desires. Human beings are full of destructiveness, so he is naturally full of destructiveness.

Why didn't You Lian tell the great ancient evil god Gatanjae where he was at the beginning, and let him directly give him a sap while the evil god Gatanjae was asleep?

Because the evil god Gatanjah cannot be found at all, he is a condensed body of evil desires, unless he transforms himself into a robot like the super ancient man Duke, otherwise he will not be able to escape the final judgment of the evil god Gatanjae.

"So strong!"

Dagu, who became Tiga again, watched the players fight against the evil god Gatanjae, gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

At this time, the whole world has been plunged into darkness. Except for him, everyone has lost the ability to fight... Although it doesn't matter if there is no winning team for Tiga.

Compared with the hesitant victorious team and even the whole world, the players are in a carnival. This boss is so beaten, so it goes without saying that it must be a super boss.
The players immediately summoned their friends and rushed to Gatanjiehe, outputting crazily.

But Gatanjehe's strength is not weak. In the original plot, Dijia was almost like a rookie in front of him. When the petrified light came down, Dijia knelt down on the spot.

Now Dagu doesn't have to suffer this kind of attack, because the players bear it for him, and because of the huge number, they just fall into the water like dumplings.


Gatanjah suddenly let out a scream.

"Haha, I cut off one of its tentacles, I don't know how it tastes!"

"Fuck, you dare to eat this stuff?"

"Just kidding, this is an anti-magic (magic girl) sacred weapon, eating it will definitely unlock the sage mode!"

"It makes sense, use the official setting to defeat the official setting."

Confronting the official has always been the daily life of sand sculpture players, especially those who want to drive. They have always hated the holy light, mosaic, and sage modes.

Gatanjae is just like the original book, its shape is similar to a nautilus, of course, its body shape is different, and it looks full of evil, such as its dense tentacles.

The attack method is similar, either using tentacles to attack, or using petrified light.

Countless attacks hit Gatanjae, but did not cause any damage to it. Fortunately, the players could cause damage to its tentacles, so they attacked Gatanjae frantically.

Compared with other intelligent monsters, Gatanjae is more like a monster, so even if it is attacked, it still does not hide in the shell, but attacks more frequently.

However, the players are the bodies of heroic spirits, and it is daily life to live and die, even if they are afraid of the killing of Gatanjae, they still fight bloody battles.

Dagu also knew the abilities of the players, so he simply put the player on the back of Gatanjaer to output wildly. He didn't believe it, and he couldn't break through this shell.

"Is it so easy to deal with?"

Zhang Chen was speechless, he thought there would be a fight between dragons and tigers, but in the end, it turned out that what was agreed was turned into light.

In fact, Gatanjae is so weak that he has to blame himself. On the one hand, the monsters on the earth are pushed by players just like bosses. The players rubbed against the ground, especially the gates of hell, which were immediately wiped away by the players.

Another person who is responsible is not Ti Jia, but Hong Qiye!
This old man set up an Angel Cult in Tiga World. The teaching is that no one will be rejected. It doesn’t matter if you believe in Jesus or he believes in Tathagata, because these angels are sent by them.

There is no way, the players have all kinds of strange shapes, and it is not a problem to pretend to be angels with two wings on their backs. They will admit it as a matter of course if they are called angels, after all, they can't count the titles on their heads.

In the beginning, Hong Qiye just wanted to gallop his horse, but the sage mode made him just watch and make mosaics.

So he also gave up on this idea, and instead concentrated on setting up the Angel Cult. Here, he informs the players that there will be monsters, and earns some information fees. On the other side, the saints who pretend to be able to communicate with angels, let those Followers help him gather information.

Not to mention the nasty things in various religions and even the gods. The reason why most believers believe in religion is just the hope in their hearts, hoping that someone can help them. This is why the Angel Church can develop and grow
The fundamental reason is that most believers are not fanatics, they just want peace of mind.

Blessed by the miracles of the angels, the light of hope for mankind will naturally not be extinguished, and it is only natural that Gatanjae will be weakened between the ebb and flow.

Of course, weakening is weakening, but Gatanjiehe is not a vegetarian, and with a roar, he summoned his three younger brothers.

So Camilla, Durham, and Hitler, who were supposed to appear in the theater version, appeared on the stage, and then saw Yuan Dagu in the form of Tiga at a glance.


The voice full of resentment made the players tremble. Camilla whipped Tiga off Gatanjeh with a whip, and then the three surrounded him with punches and kicks.

Seeing this, the players thought about it for three seconds... Continue to attack Gatanjae, how can you fight the mobs first when you fight the boss, who knows how many mobs the boss will summon.

(End of this chapter)

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