Restart the main god game

Chapter 696 Children can become light, but adults can't become light?Who do you look down on?

Chapter 696 Children can become light, but adults can't become light?Who do you look down on?

Tiga is being beaten, and Gatanjeh is also being beaten.

Righteous gang fights VS evil gang fights.

Gatanjae overlooked one thing. Although Camilla and others are Gatanjae's subordinates, they are more inclined to besiege Tiga than to destroy the world.

Not to mention that Camilla was abandoned by the scumbag Tiga, but just that Durham and Hitler, who have been called brothers for so many years, have followed Tiga to kill all the giants of light, and are preparing to help the boss. Backhand stabbing my sister-in-law and two younger brothers, and even taking away their strength, can this be tolerated?
Even Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't do such a thing, how could he start killing heroes before he became emperor?
As for Camilla, it's even worse. As Di Jia's girlfriend, the other party directly attacked without an explanation. Isn't this a clear distrust of his girlfriend?
You want to go to the light, you say!
You want to become a giant of light, you say!
You are the boss, shall we object?
Can the three of us beat your strongest dark giant together?

The big deal is that we can become giants of light together. There are so many giants of light who died in the Luluye ruins. You, the darkest giant of darkness, can become a giant of light. Why can't we?
Camilla and others actually have feelings for Tiga, otherwise they would not have been persuading Dagu to return to the darkness in the original plot, and even gave him a dark light stick. The fundamental purpose is to make the dark Tiga become theirs again Boss, otherwise Dagu in human form could be killed with one slap.

But in the same way, because there was no killer, Gatangie was miserable. He was surrounded and beaten by the players all the time, and his huge body crackled like being thrown firecrackers.

The attack effect of the players was obvious. Although Gatanjae was still not killed, it also made Gatanjae shrink its strength, that is to say, the darkness that spread to the whole world was taken back into its body.

On the contrary, the whole world has regained its light, and various devices have also recovered their communication functions.

So everyone saw Dijia being beaten, but there was no wave in their hearts, and they even wanted to laugh a little.

What becomes light, there are angels, and the angels are their light!

"Watch me chop the palm of the god!"

Hu Fei, who was full of crimson strength, slashed on Jiatanjiehe's body with her palm, but there was no damage to the shell.

After all, compared to Gatanjaer's mountain-like body, Hu Yifei's palm was like an ant kicking an elephant.

"Split the God's Palm!"

"Split the God's Palm!"

"Splitting God's Palm" is the only skill in the game that doesn't need to use plot points to learn. Although it is troublesome to learn, but who are the players, as long as they can spend free time, they are willing to spend more time.

Countless players climbed up Gatanjae's back like ants, and then slammed into Gatanjae's hand with one move.

Here is why the players are unwilling to become gigantic. Giganticization means that the players will suffer more attacks. Just look at Dijia and you will know that he was beaten so badly.

What the players don't know is that under the blessing of the consciousness of this world, or the hope of human beings, each palm of their splitting god palms begins to be accompanied by the power of light, and then they split Gatanjie one palm after another. Er's dark shell.


The sound of a bull but not a cow resounded throughout the sea area again, and the broken shell obviously hurt the inside of Gatanjae. Although he is the embodiment of darkness, he is also a dark entity.

And his cry finally attracted the three Camillas who were trying to physically persuade Tiga to join the darkness, so Durham and Hitler followed up to save the field.

As for Camilla, she is a persistent girl, and she will never give up if she doesn't wear Tiga pajamas, bah, persuasion.

"Haha, let's see Emperor Xia [-]v[-]!"

Zhang Wei turned into Emperor Xia, and immediately became huge. Holding the Emperor Sword, he felt that his arrogance was leaking.

"I really don't accept Emperor Xia!"

Another Emperor Xia appeared in front of everyone.

Players are even more envious. This is not just cosplay. You can pretend to be Lu Bu by wearing a self-made armor. If it wasn't broken, it would be embarrassing if it turned into petrified people. Those who didn't know it thought it was a clothes hanger.

Lu Ziqiao smashed his own stone statue, put the armor on his body again, and looked at Zhang Wei enviously, when will he be so handsome!

Players' weapons and even their equipment are bound. After all, even people are projections. Naturally, there is no need to worry about losing them. But similarly, the things players get cannot be used directly on themselves unless they return to the Main God Square.

Of course, it is also possible to project things like Rage God's clothing, but obviously, only the rich can afford it. A guy like Lu Ziqiao who asks for a treat when opening a house naturally has no spare money. If it weren't for this game, food and clothing would not question.

Therefore, thinking about Zhang Wei and Neo's self-contained skins, players are naturally very envious.

To put it bluntly, he is handsome. If it were left in the past, Zhuge Dali would not be able to stand Zhang Wei's appearance as a golden armored warrior.

The players were surprised to find that their hands had added special effects, and Zhang Chen was also a little dumbfounded, guys, you really have become naked!
[System Announcement: Your heroic deeds have been admired by people all over the world, and you have received the blessings of the world, temporary power, and the light of Ultra! 】

Although I didn't know exactly what happened, it didn't prevent Zhang Chen from making a system announcement. After all, players always need to give a reason to become stronger.

But if you think about it carefully, it is only a matter of course why Tiga will be resurrected, because in the original plot, it is not Diga who is fighting alone, but children from all over the world will gather together the light of hope to recharge Tiga, and finally form Shining Tiga.

Children can become light, but adults cannot become light?Who do you look down on?

Who hasn't dreamed yet, those who cry 'do you believe in light? 'Nine out of ten guys are adults.

Although the light of adults is not as pure as that of children, the problem is that there are so many adults!

Not to mention the light of adults, the light of children is robbed by players, they don't add BUFF, who adds BUFF?

As for how they knew the situation here, it was naturally a certain war reporter Hong Qiye. Affected by the dark field, you can't see it at all.

But it's different now. The whole world was plunged into darkness before. Children may not take it seriously, but can adults not be in a hurry?

So they turned on the TV one by one, and watched nervously as the players besieged Gatangieh. It was an anticipation, and they wanted to work with the players to eliminate this guy who didn't look like a good bird at first glance.

As a result, the players' hands glowed white, and each of them slapped the conch shell of Gatanjaer into pieces, and then slapped Gatanjaer into black smoke.

The world has returned to peace, and everyone has a smile on their faces... except Dagu who is still being beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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