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Chapter 697 It was Dijia who abandoned Camilla, what does it have to do with Yuan Dagu?

Chapter 697 It was Dijia who abandoned Camilla, what does it have to do with Yuan Dagu?
The strength of the three light giants Camilla, Durham, and Hitler is not bad. After all, it was impossible for Tiga to destroy all the light giants on the earth 3000 million years ago, right?

However, Zhang Wei and Neo's strength has also risen rapidly after some honing (for nothing) in the world of "Armor Warrior". They cannot fight one-on-one, but they can still be entangled.

As for Camila, she only has Dijia in her eyes, and she is trying to persuade Dijia to abandon the light and turn to darkness, and then begins to shake the history of Dijia.

Under Camila's narration, memories from 3000 million years ago flashed in Yuan Dagu's mind from time to time. He hanged up the Giant of Light, stabbed his teammates in the back, and left his girlfriend...

It's just that Yuan Dagu shouldn't carry this pot strictly. It was Di Jia who abandoned Camilla, so what does Yuan Dagu have to do with him?
Because human beings were bewitched by the flower of Chijera 3000 million years ago, Tiga thought he didn't need the giant of light, so he left his body and left the earth. Yuan Dagu was theoretically just a successor.

In addition, the flower of Qijiela bloomed not long ago, and was burned by the players as firewood.

It's not that the players are tenacious, but that their mentality has been ruined by Qijiela's flower.

To put it bluntly, the flower of Zijla can satisfy all your fantasies, making people indulge in fantasies and unable to extricate themselves, and finally only willing to stay in dreams.

But the problem is, all the players are in the sage mode, and those who want to drive have a mosaic all over their eyes, can this be tolerated?

Those who don't want to drive, dream that they have reached the pinnacle of life, and then find out that they still have to move bricks when they go offline.

Zhang Chen remembers a poisonous chicken soup in "The Witch's Journey", saying that a husband collected some beautiful scenery to make his seriously ill wife happy, but the wife was even more desperate after reading it, and finally even put the camera on a fruit knife On, the meaning is obvious.

As Emily Dickinson said, I could have tolerated the darkness if I hadn't seen the sun.

Things that are too beautiful do not necessarily make people yearn for, but instead make people resent.

We often say that there is everything in dreams, but people can't dream all their lives, can they?
Perhaps some salty fish people think that this is not bad, and stay in the dream all the time, but the problematic players are not all salty fish, some players still have dreams, maybe, if you kill it, you can master the ability to create dreams?
On the other hand, regardless of whether their mentality collapsed or not, they all agreed that killing Qijiela's flower is the kingly way.

And Zhang Chen felt that they were just trying to kill a monster and explode their god-level skills, so they gave some luck coins casually. Corpse, ready to take back to taste.

It was later proved that this thing cannot be eaten at all, but it can be made into incense instead, which will greatly increase the NPC's favor towards you.

Because the human body doesn't know how to play, Dijia was repeatedly whipped by Camilla, and he screamed. When the players saw it, they suddenly... felt very exciting!
"This Ultraman has a girl."

Lu Ziqiao said with emotion: "One thing to say, this female Ultraman has a pretty good figure, and she is the type I like."

"I used to think it was great, but now looking at this giant, I have no desire at all."

Zeng Xiaoxian entered the sage mode, shaking his head with emotion.

"That's because you're used to your girlfriend's steamed buns!"

With the help of other players, Zhang Wei finally solved Durham and complained mercilessly.

"Hmph, it sounds like how many girlfriends you have..."

Zeng Xiaoxian immediately refuted.

On the other side, Camilla, who was still whipping Tiga, saw a group of small ants suddenly surrounded by her, looking in the direction of Gatanjae, and was instantly dumbfounded.

The three of them stayed in the Ruins of Luluye all the time. They didn't even know that there was a group of strange guys on the earth. They thought that with their backs against Gatanjae, they could push all the way. You must know that Gatanjae destroyed the super ancient civilization. evil god.

So they are very confident, as long as they entangle Tiga, it will be fine, especially Camilla, Tiga is the strongest dark giant, and now he is weak like this ghost, and his men are not much stronger. go.

But unexpectedly, she just chatted with Di Jia about the black history of 3000 million years ago, and Gatanjee died, and died quite simply, without even saying hello.

Camilla is a little bit square. She just escaped from the Ruins of Luluye, but she doesn't want to be sealed for 3000 million years, let alone be separated from Tiga again.

"Dijia, as long as you promise me that you don't abandon me anymore, I will join the camp of light!"

Camilla put away her whip and said softly.

The players' eyes widened, and they felt that they had eaten a shocking melon. This plot, no matter how you look at it, is a scene of a scumbag throwing his wife away!
Neo pierced through with the imperial wind eagle thorn, and then began to watch. Seeing this, the female Ultraman can be whitewashed!
The players suddenly felt bad, and if the other two Ultraman they killed also followed suit, wouldn't they have to torture them to death after resurrection?
At this moment, they remembered the fear of being dominated by Esdeth. That crazy woman was killing all directions in Xiazhu City a while ago, and they heard that she would do it again from time to time in the future.

So they didn't dare to heat up this female Ultraman anymore. According to past experience, the more beautiful she is, the more likely she is to be brought into the harem by a guy named Aizen.

Yuan Dagu looked confused. He really wanted to say that he was not Dijia, but he was indeed Dijia who inherited Dijia's body. Maybe it was this body that Dijia used when he fell in love with Camilla. How to deny it?

"I'm not Dijia, my name is Yuan Dagu, I just inherited the ability of the ancient giant of light."

Yuan Dagu finally explained.

Lu Ziqiao nodded: "I'm familiar with this trick. I used to use vests a lot when picking up girls, such as Lu Xiaobu, Ai Pode, Hollywood, Zhang Yida, Zhang Wei..."

Dijia turned his head, and his expressionless face seemed to be glaring.

Zhang Wei: "Wait, why did my name become your vest?"

"You worry too much. According to statistics, there are more than 30 Zhang Wei in the country, but my vest just happens to have the same name as yours."

Lu Ziqiao spread his hands and said, "Just like everyone is a man, you can't say that I copied you, can you?"

"How could there be so many people named Zhang Wei!"

Zhang Wei also glared at me. Although my name is common, it is definitely not that popular.

"That's right, Ziqiao, you're wrong, it's just that nearly 30 people are called Zhang Wei."

Zhuge corrected vigorously.

Zhang Wei:  …

Where are you standing?
"Wait, don't we talk about my belonging, and the issue of life and death now?"

I was angered by countless Camillas, and they really regarded me as a Chinese cabbage. Believe it or not, I will absorb the dark energy dissipating around me right now, and turn into a Dimogee on the spot for you to see!

All eyes turned to Dijia immediately, waiting for his reply.

(End of this chapter)

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