Chapter 698
It is impossible to change into a dark demon super beast, not to mention that the deity of Gatanjae has been beaten into fly ash here. It is unknown how much dark power she can absorb. How could she have so much light? A warrior of the camp of light.

In fact, the three of Camilla have absolute confidence in Gatanjae, otherwise they would not have been persuading Tiga to return to darkness.

I think that 3000 million years ago, the Dark Tiga pushed the entire Kingdom of Light horizontally with the help of Gatanjae's power, and now they are not a problem with the help of Gatanjae.

But Camila forgot that Tiga is Tiga, whether it is Tiga 3000 million years ago or Yuan Dagu 3000 million years later, it is not because Gatanjaer likes Tiga, That's because people really have the ability, if you have to use an adjective to describe Tiga, it is pure.

When Tija is purely evil, that is the strongest dark giant, and when Tija is purely good, that Tija is Shining Tija.

It sounds very idealistic, but in this idealistic world, it is so unreasonable to gather the light of all people to eliminate the darkness. As long as there is enough faith in the heart, none of the ten Gatanjahes is an opponent of Tiga.

Obviously, the three of Camila are not as pure as Tiga, and Gatanjeh's blessing to them is not so strong.

In fact, this point can be seen from Camilla's resolute defection to the darkness. What she has in her heart is only submission to a powerful force, not reverence. She also said before she died in the original plot that she also longs for the light.

However, Zhang Chen thinks that it is just Camilla's wishful thinking. Her fundamental purpose is just to be with Dijia, but she just thinks that Dijia cannot defeat the darkness. Of course, this does not prevent Zhang Chen from quietly following the players to eat melons.

Gatanjae is dead, but Gatanjae will still reunite. Tiga can defeat Gatanjae this time, what about next time?

But now if she doesn't defect to the darkness, she really can only dissipate in the darkness.

"That, I think you're really mistaken, I'm not Dijia, but if you really want to join us, I welcome it."

Yuan Dagu refused to admit that he was a scumbag. This was the scapegoat of Dark Dijia, and he was determined not to bear it.

"Hmph, I don't even deny it, you still have my power in you!"

Camilla snorted coldly, and her figure rapidly shrank, turning into a beautiful woman.

Strange to say, there was no limit to their transformation in ancient times, but now they can only transform for 3 minutes.

Seeing this, Yuan Dagu also changed back to a human form, and he didn't see an old man with a video camera beside him at all.

"This beauty is not good looking!"

"It seems to be safe, and it should not be able to retaliate against us."

"I'm relieved now."

The players were disappointed that they didn't see the two giants fighting each other, but they were also relieved. Seeing that the beauty's face value was only about 80 points, the hungry ghost of Aizen should not be interested in her.

Not interested!That way they won't be retaliated against!
Zhang Chen, who was originally a bystander in the crowd, was full of black lines, and this group of sand sculptures is ruining my reputation again!
Seeing that Yuan Dagu changed back to human form, Camilla immediately stepped forward and hugged Yuan Dagu's arm, and said with a light smile, "I didn't expect your human body to be so handsome."

Yuan Dagu: ? ? ?

"what are you doing?"

Yuan Dagu wanted to pull out his right hand, but he accidentally moved Camila's Hongwei, and suddenly...he pulled harder.

Don't get me wrong, he just doesn't want to be misunderstood.

"Hey, the new World's No. [-] Budokai is about to start, I miss Yuuki."

After solving the super boss, the players didn't have the heart to go to other places to fight monsters. They used inverted mountain crystals to cast platforms one after another, and then sat on them while fishing, counting their harvest, and chatting by the way.

"This time I must be the top eight."

This is an ambitious player.

"This time I'm going to step on Master Fei and tear Ling Lingqi with my hands."

This is the player with no AC.

"Tell me, can you let Yuuki and her sister be the hosts?"

The players were noisy, and Yuan Dagu ran over to eat and drink while struggling.

He is Ultraman, the strange dishes of the players will not poison him to death, and because he is the NPC who issued the mission, in order to increase the favorability of the players, the players are not disgusted with his behavior of cheating food and drinking, but even more enthusiasm.

He ate, and Camilla naturally wanted to eat too, so the two held hands, like a real couple, and were shopping in the food court.

All the members of the Victory Team who are watching this game that will determine the fate of mankind in the headquarters of the Victory Team are stunned. Some people know that Yuan Dagu is Dijia, but some people don’t. At least Lina doesn’t know that Yuan Dagu is Dijia. .

But these are not the point, the point is, Yuan Dagu actually fell in love with a monster?
This is not possible, as a member of the Victory Team, I have always taken it as my duty to destroy evil monsters, how can I fall in love with monsters, don't you know that the relationship between humans and beasts is abnormal behavior?

Unlike Yuan Dagu, who is a dead pilot, Lina is an ace pilot. She immediately sensed the scene in the Victory Swallow, and then angrily reprimanded Yuan Dagu, and forcibly separated the hands of the two.

The players saw that it was worth it, so they didn't care about the barbecue, and directly took out the melon seeds and French fries in the space ring, put them on the small bench and started watching.

"who are you?"

Camilla was a little upset. She was similar to Yuan Dagu in human body, but a little stronger than ordinary people. Being pushed by Lina like this, she was forcibly separated.

Like an old hen guarding its chicks, Lina guarded Yuan Dagu behind her and looked at Camilla vigilantly: "I am his companion, please stop pestering him!"

"I'm his girlfriend, why can't I pester him?"

Camilla's words are well-founded, and the players nodded one after another. This time they are on Camilla's side.

Lina immediately looked at Yuan Dagu, and Yuan Dagu hurriedly explained: "She is Di Jia's girlfriend and has nothing to do with me."

"Isn't Dijia just you?"

Lina said suspiciously, don't think she didn't see Dijia turned into Yuan Dagu.

"how do you know?"

Yuan Dagu's eyes widened.

Lina pointed to Hong Qiye, who was hiding in the crowd, but was still very conspicuous because of the camera.

Round Dagu:  …

To be honest, because of Camilla's closeness, he unconsciously brought Dijia's memory into him. Although Dijia is a scumbag, he really has nothing to say to Camilla, otherwise Camilla wouldn't be able to follow him wholeheartedly Tiga.

So he actually doesn't reject Camilla, wait, I don't have a girlfriend, why am I guilty?
Yuan Dagu suddenly came to his senses, but when he saw Lina's questioning eyes, he said unconsciously: "I just inherited the power of Di Jia, not the real Di Jia."

Lina naturally believed Yuan Dagu's words, and said to Camilla, "Can you hear me? He's not Dijia!"

The players nodded. It makes sense. I heard that the real Tiga is very strong, but this Tiga is so weak that you can't play it at first glance.

"Hmph, how could he not be Di Jia? His attitude towards me just now is exactly the same as it was 3000 million years ago!"

The players nodded. It makes sense. My wife/husband can never make a mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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