Restart the main god game

Chapter 700 Fireworks Are So Beautiful

Chapter 700 Fireworks Are So Beautiful

"The current players are becoming more and more shameless."

Wang Bo lamented that people's hearts are not old, completely forgetting that he himself is not a good bird.

Wang Li shook her head and smiled lightly. Although they were considered internal beta players, they were not interested in fighting. Instead, they were interested in some hidden things in the dungeon, such as exploring Hestia's villa, unannounced visits to the world of souls, Bamboo Center wandered around the city.

They don't want to be thieves, but the idea of ​​stealing is still unstoppable. It's just a hobby, and they don't want to change it. Anyway, in their view, this is just a game. If they can't steal NPCs, they might enter a copy and steal a copy. This time, he also ran over to join in the fun.

After Wang Wei's victory, he was naturally replaced again. This time, it can be said that anyone who has time will come to join in the fun of the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Association.

The closed beta players still took advantage of a lot, because of the establishment of the hierarchy system, players can no longer buy many special superpowers, just like Hu Yifei's crimson power, which is no longer sold in shopping malls.

After all, compared with the heroic body of Chinese cabbage, crimson power also needs luck coins to be converted, and superpowers also need to pay attention to the law of energy conservation.

Not to mention that players think that this ability is amazing today, but that ability is a fortress tomorrow. Where can he give them superpowers that cannot afford conflicts?

"I feel a little bored, do you want to do something else?"

Zhang Chen rubbed his chin, looked at Yuji and Lanzi, or just listen to the players once and let these two appear again?

When the time comes, the players will definitely rub their eyes with tears, crying and shouting that they can't compare, the number one in the world will be given to Yuuki, it's not human to not give it.

The picture was so beautiful that Zhang Chen almost laughed out loud, so he waved his hand, "It's up to you, Yuji Lanzi!"

Youji and Lanzi peeped at each other, and within 2 minutes of being called over, they didn't know what happened, they only saw Zhang Chen looking at them maliciously.

Shouldn't you be sleeping?
As former players, Yuuki and Lanzi naturally knew the rumors about Aizen. It was rumored that he had no sex with women, and because he was a high-level executive of "The Lord God Game", every time he came to a dungeon, no matter male or female, he would push everyone when he saw him. Take away, and take away the strong...

Although after becoming reincarnated, they knew that these rumors were all malicious slander, but the characters had already been set up by the players, and they would always subconsciously think of them, not to mention that the Lord God had tricked them once.

Soon, two players appeared on the field again, Kirito VS Yuuki.

Kirito: ...

Yuuki: ...

"Well, what's going on here?"

Kirito was a little confused, isn't Yuuki already dead?At that time, they even presented flowers to Yuuki, and even visited their graves offline.

The players froze for a moment, and then they realized that they were furious. You are eating human blood!
"Aizen, why don't you be a human being!"

"Aizen, the fireworks made by your immediate family members are so beautiful."

"Ai Ran, your ancestor has manifested in me, he said you are so good."

Sometimes it has to be said that Chinese culture is extensive and profound, no matter how much the curse words are blocked, players will always think of bypassing the block words to curse people, and even driving can do it.

Zhang Chen couldn't do anything about it, he couldn't ask the players to play a silent game, but the players' reaction was beyond his expectations, and he remembered that for the players, Yuji was indeed dead , he pulled Yuuki out again, he was indeed suspected of eating human blood steamed buns.

But this Yuuki is Ben Yu!
Zhang Chen was speechless, this group of sand sculptures were really difficult to serve, he had said that he wanted to see Yuuki before, but when Yuji came, he scolded him for eating human blood steamed buns.

Hey, no, they are scolding Lan Ran, so what does it have to do with Zhang Chen?
Seeing that the players were filled with righteous indignation, Yuuki was a little moved, but still bowed and thanked the players in the audience: "I'm sorry about that, this is what I asked for, although it's a bit too much, but I still want to win the world's number one martial arts championship, Of course, I am an NPC, so the round of fighting with me, regardless of whether I win or lose, is a bye, and if I lose, it means being eliminated."

The players also became quiet when they heard Yuuki's explanation. They did remember that Yuki said that she wanted to win the world's number one martial arts club, which was her obsession, not to mention they also said that it was a bye.

"Your sister is very sensible."

Zhang Chen was very satisfied.

Lanzi secretly slandered, with such an unreliable boss, how could he be ignorant?They are all exercised.

"I surrender."

Seeing this, Kirito is not willing to compare with Yuki, this is Yuuki's only wish before he dies, if he defeats Yuki, not only the players will tear her alive, but his girlfriends, bah, girl Friends can break up with him on the spot.

But how could Yuuki let Kirito let it go, she wondered with her feet that the boss would not agree, who knew what would happen to her next after Kirito gave up.

"No, don't worry, my current level is comparable to yours, but the skills are different. You just met yourself with comparable strength. Don't you plan to try the difference between your own strength and an NPC of the same strength?"

Kirito suddenly realized that this Yuki was just an NPC, not the real Yuki, and the reason why "Lord God Game" created her was just to comfort Yuuki's spirit in the sky. Black box operations made her a titular champion.

After thinking about this, Kirito pulled out his two swords, said with a light smile, "Yuki, I am very powerful now."

"Me too."

Yuuki clenched her fists with a solemn expression.

"Instant coax!"

"Swastika Jie Binds Two Swords!"

The purple thunder and the black figure were instantly entangled, and the thunder on Yuuki's body turned into countless cat claws, heading towards Kirito.

Holding the sword in both hands, Kirito slashed swiftly. Seeing a gap, he directly threw out a long sword and stabbed at Yuuki. After being dodged by Yuuki, sometimes he raised his hand slightly, and the long sword returned again, and then slashed towards Yuuki in a spiral. Yuuki.

Youji leaned back, and the thunder around him gathered again, turned into a long sword, turned over, stepped on the void, and smashed Huashan with force.

The sword of thunder was powerful and heavy, and Kirito's two swords came out together.

Kirito's legs were slightly bent, seeing that he was invincible, a mask suddenly appeared on his face, he opened his mouth slightly, and purple-black energy condensed in his mouth.


The Thunder Sword in Yuuki's hand disappeared in an instant, kicked Kirito's chin, and the purple-black energy instantly shot high into the sky
The false flash finally hit the barrier, like fireworks blooming.

"Wow! The fireworks made by Aizen's immediate family members are so beautiful!"

"Wow! Aizen's immediate family..."

"Wow! Aizen's..."

The players looked up one by one and said with emotion.

Zhang Chen: ...

You are doomed, and Jesus cannot keep you, as I said!

(End of this chapter)

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