Chapter 701

Compared with Hu Yifei's crushing round and Wang Wei's wretched round, the battle between Kirito and Yuki is much more gorgeous, and the attack speed of the two is extremely fast, which makes the players dazzled and confused. On the one hand, they feel that Yuuki's hooking is really awesome, on the other hand, they feel that Kirito's hand speed is so fast when he didn't open it. Doesn't this guy have a girlfriend?Can you be so fast without a single hand?

The field began to shatter, and the players suddenly became vigilant. Although as a spectator, they can be resurrected for free after death, but who wants to die once for no reason?
Fortunately, the protective cover of the duel field seems to be very good this time, no matter how the energy of the two spreads, it has not affected them.

"Looks like that's the only way to go."

Tongren's eyes narrowed, his right hand was still held straight, but his left hand was held behind his back, as if his left hand was not holding a long sword, but a dagger.

"This trick..."

A gleam flashed in Yuji's eyes, and she praised: "You actually learned his moves."

"After all, he is me."

Kirito said helplessly.

'He' naturally refers to Kirito's face-slapping monster Bell, the unlucky guy who was once fooled by the players into wearing women's clothing.

However, his fighting style is different from Kirito's. He is better at using daggers to fight, and because of the gift [One-hearted longing], his strength is almost the same as that of Kaihang, and it is rising slowly.

The so-called [one-hearted longing] simply means that the more you like a person, the stronger this ability is, so as long as this guy fights monsters with Aisi Wallenstein, his experience will increase gradually.

In addition, this skill also has a passive, which is precocious, in the physical sense. In the words of the game, it can be said that the leveling experience is halved. In reality, no matter what this guy does, the difficulty will be halved. , even if someone stabbed him, he would bleed half less than others.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that as Kirito's face bumper, Kirito often helps Bell avoid the persecution of the players, er, and at the same time prevents his reputation from getting worse and worse. The two often practice together.

Yuuki naturally also knew Bell, he was a very shy outsider, but he often found opportunities to mix in with Loki's team, thinking he was hiding it well, but in fact, both the player group and the adventurer group knew about it. Guy likes Ess Wallenstein, which of course Ess Wallenstein doesn't know herself.

As for why Loki can tolerate Bell, it is naturally because the players are very interested in Bell. Who knows what the aesthetics of the players are, obviously their sword girl is a hundred times cuter than that Bell.

But she was also secretly glad that the players didn't intend to harm her family's sword girl, so if they harmed Bell, they would harm Bell.

"Sword Return!"

Kirito suddenly threw the long sword in his right hand and shot it at Yuuki.

Yuuki felt baffled, what kind of ghost move is this?

However, she still condensed a sword of thunder and blocked the thrown long sword.

However, the next scene that stunned Yuuki and even the players happened.

The reason why the twin swords of bondage are called this name is naturally not only because they look the same, but because no matter how far apart the two swords are, they will always gather together.

The long sword that flew out quickly flew towards Kirito's direction again, and then Kirito swung his left hand, and a sword slapped on the long sword, and the long sword swirled and went towards Yuuki.

Yuuki: ...

This trick has nothing to do with Bell!
As it turned out, there was still something to do with it, the revolving sword flew towards Yuuki, and the one in his left hand also swung towards Yuuki.

The mask appeared on Yuuki's face, and Yuuki's speed accelerated again, pulling away from Kirito, leaving only an afterimage.

The sharp blade cut across the afterimage, and Kirito didn't show any surprise on his face. Instead, he threw the long sword in his left hand directly, and took the spinning flying sword backhand with his right hand.

The Thunder Sword swung out and struck the left-hand sword, Yuuki slashed Huashan with all his strength, smashing the entire left-hand sword into the ground, then dispersed the Thunder Sword, and rushed towards Kirito like a female leopard.

The corner of Kirito's mouth curled up, and the sword in his right hand lay across in front of him, trying to resist the blow.

But Yuuki turned around deftly in mid-air and appeared behind Kirito.

Chi X2
The two made an uncomfortable grunting sound at the same time, Yuuki grabbed Kirito's head with a backhand claw, Kirito tilted his head, and a long sword pierced into Yuuki's palm.

Yuuki wanted to use the characteristics of the bond sword to make him suffer the consequences, and Kirito also wanted to use this false opening to hurt Yuuki.

Yuuki snorted, although her palm was punctured, but she firmly grasped the long sword that passed through her palm, and then hit Kirito with the sword.

Kirito was startled by Yuuki's sternness, turned around and chopped off Yuuki's arm with the sword in his right hand.


Kirito was startled, there was no blood!
Although the player's blood is colorful, it is not without blood. He hastily took the sword in his left hand and looked around vigilantly.


Kirito rolled on the spot, and some complained: "You are too despicable, you can still use the clone."

"This is not a clone."

Yuuki opened the palm of her right hand, and a deep wound with visible bone appeared in front of Kirito, and then quickly healed itself.

Kirito frowned, since the sword in his left hand pierced Yuuki's palm, why didn't his right sword cut Yuuki's arm.

"Of course it's an afterimage. As long as your Shunpo is fast enough, you can leave an afterimage."

Yuuki's figure flickered, and several figures appeared in front of Kirito.

"It's not scientific at all!"

Kirito couldn't help complaining, since it's an afterimage, there's no reason to stay for so long!
"But this is a game, and it's also very fantasy!"

Several Yuuki flashed with thunder, and appeared in front of Kirito in an instant, and then exploded like a bomb.


Kirito's body was scorched black, but he still endured the pain and kept an eye on his surroundings.

At their level, ordinary fatal injuries will not harm them at all, but relatively, once they are at a disadvantage, they are likely to be suppressed forever.

[System Announcement: Player Kirito has won and successfully advanced. 】

Kirito: ? ? ?
"What about me, Yuuki, what about Yuuki who is my age?"

"Fuck, it's not good, Kirito killed Yuuki, Yuuki is just an NPC, it's over!"

"Damn, Kirito, why are you so serious?"

Yuuki: ...

"Why are you looking at me? You don't really want to be the world's number one martial arts champion, do you?"

Zhang Chen was surprised.

Then why did you let me go down?

Zhang Chen saw what she wanted to say from Yuji's expression, so he said with a kind smile: "Of course I let you go down to play, and it's not a problem to keep practicing. You see, the battle with Kirito just now was not very hearty." .”

I think you just want to play on your own!
Ignoring the words written on Yuuki's face, Zhang Chen looked down at Kirito with a blank face and the players who had already started throwing things down, hum, this is just the beginning, if you don't torture you to death, you can't comfort Lan The spirit in heaven imbued with heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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