Chapter 702
On the other side, because of the blocking of the protective shield, the garbage in the hands of the players could not be thrown into Kirito, so one by one began to attack the protective shield.

"Broken Path 96 One-Sword Cremation!"

"Breaking the Way: 91 Thousand-Handed Bright Sky Elimination Cannon!"

"Breaking the Way - 88. Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon!"

This protective cover was arranged by Yang Chan casually, but Yang Chan's current strength is comparable to that of Yang Jian before, and it is not a problem to hang all the players, after all, he is a cultivator.

The reason why the players were able to do whatever they wanted in the Heavenly Court was because the Battle of the Conferred Gods had not yet begun, and there was no high-end combat power in the Heavenly Court at all, only a group of heavenly soldiers and generals, and the strength of these heavenly soldiers and generals was not certain As for the little demons who can beat the lower realms, Chen Xiang and his village's dogs can be knocked down with a hoe.

Another aspect is naturally because the world combat system of "Lotus Lantern" is too sloppy, everyone is obviously capable, but if you are not careful, you will be knocked out with a sap, not to mention that Xiaotiangou was knocked out by the Eighth Prince's bone stick, When Chen Xiang ran away, he could step on the Bull Demon King by the way.

Although this version of the Bull Demon King is not as heaven-defying as the prehistoric version of the Bull Demon King, he is still a great sage of peace, lying on the ground and sleeping, not to mention that the sound shakes the four directions, but it is not too much to sense the surrounding movement a little while sleeping, right?
And now Yang Chan is not only proficient in the spells of the world of "Lotus Lantern", but also the spells of the world of "The Great Sage of Love", "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", although he cannot form a world of his own like Nilu, but at least he can Make sure she has strong combat power in other worlds.

This is why Zhang Chen defined the players as cannon fodder, because when they reach the realm of immortal gods, they must have a sense of heaven and earth. If the players are really promoted to the realm of immortal gods, then the world of the players is probably completely messed up.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Chen is using the luck and resources earned by the players to support his younger brothers, who are real reincarnations, such as Yang Jian, Esthers, and Chiyu.

But cannon fodder players also have their advantages. After their unremitting efforts, Yang Chan's protective shield has been shattered.

Tongren's face turned green, what a hatred, didn't he just kill an NPC?
But to most players, even though Yuuki is already dead, the Yuuki in the game is just a fake game character.

But anyway, this is Yuuki's projection, it's as if he passed away, your only thought is a photo left by him, now this photo has been burned, would you be angry if it were you?
Even Kirito saw that the leading player was none other than Asuna, and at this moment, he looked like he wanted to cut him into pieces.

"I misread you, Kirito."

Asuna's tone was disappointing, tears filled her eyes, Yuuki was so moved by seeing it, but she didn't dare to move.

Kirito: ...

Can this be my fault?It's not that I forced her to blew herself up.

"Kirito, return my Yuuki!"

"Kirito, I want to fight you one-on-one!"

"Turn him off!"

The players were filled with righteous indignation, wishing to tear Kirito into pieces.

"Calm down, calm down! She's just an NPC, she can be revived officially."

Kirito hurriedly shouted, if the players hate this, then he won't even want to play games in the future.

After being reminded by Kirito, the players calmed down. It's one thing for Kirito to turn around, but it's another matter whether Yuuki can be resurrected.

Then someone shouted: "Aizen, quickly revive Yuki, we don't want the champion!"

"Yes yes yes! Revive Yuuki!"

"Resurrection Yuuki!"

"Resurrection Yuuki!"

With the unanimous voice of the players, the scene was extremely huge, even if they were watching the live broadcast through a virtual projection, they shouted to the sky, as if shouting like this would really revive Yuki.

"It was so touching!"

Zhang Chen pretended to wipe away his tears, then waved his hand, creating a Youji NPC.

Yuuki: ...

The real Yuki NPC slowly descended from the sky, appeared in front of everyone, and bowed slightly to everyone: "Hi, I'm Yuki."

The players suddenly fell into ecstasy, and instantly felt that Aizen was really handsome.

But some people found something was wrong, especially Asuna, who had interacted with Yuuki's NPC before, felt that this Yuuki was a bit strange.

No, that's too polite!
Although the previous Yuuki was also very polite, but she didn't have such overly polite manners, instead she had a bright smile, and this NPC seemed to be a real NPC.

"Yuki, are you alright?"

Asuna worried, this look doesn't look like nothing!

"Hi, Miss Asuna, I'm Yuuki."

Yuuki bowed again.

The carnival of the players froze instantly, and their smiles gradually froze. What the hell?

"Why do you call me Miss Asuna?"

Asuna was surprised.

"I am the commentator of this year's battle, so I naturally know the information of the players.

Yuuki smiled slightly, very dignified and elegant.

The hearts of the players went cold in an instant, there was something wrong with this Yuuki!
"Why are you so polite, no, do you remember me?"

Asuna asked hastily.

"Yuki has lost her memory."

At this moment, Lanzi appeared next to Yuuki, her face that was originally white and flawless was twitching, as if she was enduring something.

Can you not feel bad?
Serious nonsense, she has a little conscience!
"We are not the real Yuuki and Lanzi, and we don't have Yuuki's memories. We were only able to know you at the beginning because Yuuki told us about her. But this time, because of the broken body, the memory is naturally gone. dissipated."

"Why is that?"

Kirito has been surrounded by the players, although he is unparalleled in combat power, he is still trembling at this time, dare not say, even Asuna is still holding his hand, although it is pinched, but this is already The only warmth he could feel.

"Should it be the so-called system reset?"

Zhuge vigorously analyzed: "It may be because she is an outsider and cannot be backed up."

"Outsider, isn't she an NPC?"

Some people don't understand. As an NPC, Claire can still be resurrected with full blood after death?

"Don't forget, we are in a game, and a game is simply a set of programs."

Zhuge Dali explained: "No matter how perfect the program is, as long as there is a wrong code, the whole program will crash."

"Although what you said makes sense, I still don't understand it."

Lu Ziqiao spoke uprightly.

"What Dali means is that the "Lord God Game" was originally self-contained, but Yuuki and Lanzi inserted it temporarily, and now that it's broken, it can't be repaired."

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes, how dare an illiterate be so arrogant, the most annoying thing is that an illiterate can still be a playboy.

"Cut it in, how do you do it?"

Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up.

Hu Yifei knocked him flying with one punch, but the man could not be saved.

(End of this chapter)

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