Chapter 201 Frost
"Your Majesty Josh, nice to meet you, I didn't expect you to come here."

"It's only just arrived. I'm very honored to watch the battle between the two. It's very pleasing to the eye."

The target of Josh and his party can be said to be very conspicuous. After the battle between Elon and Thranduil, they naturally found them immediately, and then walked to Josh with Galadriel, who had known Josh and the others for a long time. before.

They have great respect for Josh, who can be said to have changed their world's power system.

As they continue to use and exercise these powers, they are also full of confidence that they can smooth out the darkness brought by guys like Sauron in the future.

If you haven't been in contact with it, you will never understand the saying that there are people from beyond the sky. The pride of the elves is obvious to all.

But the gratitude of the elves, I am afraid that except for a few worlds that have expanded to the elves, other worlds will basically maintain an attitude of "repaying the favor of a drop of water and springing up".

Although there are mostly transactions, this is also one of the reasons why Josh won the title of 'Elf King' relatively easily, although he does not have much real power-mainly in military and government affairs.

But Josh doesn't care about these. What he cares more about is how many talents the world can export to him.

"Kyle, are you ready? I have prepared some new magic today and plan to try it out."

"Of course, His Majesty Josh, I also want to see how far I am from an orthodox magician."

Orthodox magician?
Josh always felt a little embarrassed when he heard this sentence. Josh himself knew very well that although his theoretical knowledge was very rich, the basic magic in the textbooks he really mastered was really very little.

Fortunately, in Josh's world, the concept of basic magic is basically fireball, wind cut and the like.

A powerful magician, especially a magician who has reached the fifth level like Josh, creates a lot of magic by himself, because the one that suits him is the best.

Soon one person and one elf came to the center of the training ground. It was almost noon at this time, and many Rivendell elves had finished some things they should do in the morning and approached the training ground. Many elves saw the battle between Elon and Thranduil.

So after they passed on this information, they also attracted many other elves to come and watch.

Elon and the others have also spread the idea of ​​building a new elf empire to a small extent, and this information has long been circulated in Rivendell.

To be honest, these elves are very curious about why they do this, but they have nothing to object to.They are all elves, and there is nothing wrong with being together. Even the elves in Rivendell are discussing where the capital of this empire will be and who will be the first elf king of this elf empire.

In fact, they all thought that the capital should be located in Rivendell, because the beauty and harmony of this place are not comparable to other elf settlements.

And they also thought that the first elf king should be Elon, but when some things were announced, they felt incredible.

Josh Augustus?

They all know this name, because they all know this guy who looks no different from a human, but has elven blood, but they can't understand what kind of abilities this half-elf can make them feel very friendly. Let the three elf kings agree?

Although some explanations were also given afterwards, such as magic and fighting spirit, but only three elf kings practiced magic and fighting spirit, and these elves have no way to get in touch, so they don't know these things at all. What is the use of the thing.

Driven by curiosity, they all wanted to see the effect of these things up close, and they also wanted to see what charm this half-elf, who usually looks very kind, has conquered the three elf kings , and gain their approval to become the only elf king.

Seeing more and more elves gathered beside the training ground, Josh hesitated.

It's not that he's afraid that he won't be able to defeat Galadriel, or an elf who has a fifth rank but has only been exposed to magic for a few months. Josh feels that he can commit suicide.

His main concern was whether he would embarrass Galadriel if he struck too hard. After all, Galadriel was a true leader of the elves. You may encounter some troubles in your choice.

"Do you need to clear the scene?" After thinking for a while, Josh could only ask Galadriel in a low voice.

"No need, Your Majesty Josh." What Josh didn't expect, Galadriel firmly rejected Josh's kindness.

However, the reason given by Galadriel did not give Josh any reason to refuse: "The elves need to see what kind of abilities the new elf king has. This is a very good opportunity. Of course, I will respond to it." Fight with all my strength, and I will use Nanya."

Do you use Lord of the Rings?
Josh raised his eyebrows. The Lord of the Rings is actually dispensable for a magician, but the increase of the Lord of the Rings still exists. For example, the magic elements and magic power in the Lord of the Rings are above the fifth level. For a fifth-level magician, as long as the attributes match, it is definitely a good magic item.

The effect may be a bit mediocre, but the advantage is that it is full of magic power. Galadriel now has her own magic power, so she can use her own magic power to guide the power in the Lord of the Rings, so that she will not be confronted like the first time. For Josh, the result was that his mental power was emptied.

"Well, in this case, you have to be careful."

"I know, let's start, Your Majesty Josh."

In the battle with the magician, Josh had only fought Snape once before, and of course that time was a unilateral crush.

This time is different, although Josh is confident that he will not lose to Galadriel, but Galadriel is also a fifth-level strength after all, and Josh dare not be careless.

In an instant, a light silver magic shield appeared on Josh's body. This magic shield was condensed from water elements.

Everyone knows that water can turn into ice, but the main reason why Josh chose this magic shield is that it is similar in color to the void shield, and Josh can save himself at critical moments.

Galadriel also condensed a magic shield. Like Josh, she is also a magic shield of water element, but her color is blue instead of the light silver like Josh.

At the same time, she also took the lead in attacking Josh. At some point, two water polos appeared behind Josh at the same time, charging towards Josh from left to right.

For this situation, Josh didn't take it seriously at all. Water polo is one of the four basic magics. The damage of this thing is not high, so Josh didn't even bother to move, and just let the two water polo fly On the way here, it directly turned into two ice hockey pucks, and then fell to the ground and shattered.

Josh silently condensed enough magic power, not only Galadriel immediately felt a huge threat, but even the elves watching around also had a very ominous premonition.

The moment the two water spheres turned into ice spheres and shattered, Josh's magic was activated directly.

Roaring, two water dragons rushed out directly from the ground of the training ground, and both water dragons had a faint silver light on their bodies, and they seemed to still be emitting a slight chill under the sunlight.

As if they had received an order, the two water dragons swarmed up and charged directly at Galadriel's position.

Many elves who saw it noticed that the place where the two water dragons flew over actually started to freeze, and with the ear-piercing sound of the dragon's roar, the two water dragons exploded at the moment they were about to touch Galadriel, roaring. The water element directly condenses to swallow Galadriel inside.

"Your Majesty Josh, won't kill His Majesty Galadriel?"

Dumbfounded, all the elves were dumbfounded.

They knew what magic was, especially the older elves had the honor of watching Galadriel cast magic, but it was the first time they had seen such a violent, unreasonable and powerful magic, which made They are very worried.

But fortunately, it didn't take long for them to know that their worries were unnecessary.

Because they saw a huge dark blue water ball with strong magic fluctuations looming in the central area of ​​the radiation blasted by the ice dragon, and there was a figure in the central area of ​​the water ball.

As the water polo receded slowly, Galadriel's figure reappeared again. Although she looked a little embarrassed, she was still in good spirits.

She didn't say much, but launched a counterattack directly.

The huge water polo that was originally protecting her exploded violently, and the waves rushed towards Josh.

This made Josh frowned, isn't this kind of move too old-fashioned?Josh had already encountered magic like this when he first met Galadriel.

The last time Galadriel fell into a coma because of his own lack of magic power, although this time there was no such embarrassing situation, but Josh didn't think he would lose in the same move.

With a twinkle in his eyes, Josh directly guided the magic power to freeze all the water.

But what Josh didn't expect was that the water that rushed towards him spread out before forming an offensive, and the entire training ground was directly covered by the flood.What's worse, Josh didn't react because of this situation, causing all the water to turn into ice the moment it touched him!

Josh didn't think that Galadriel would do such an inexplicable thing, especially after he had frozen all the water, he suddenly felt that the water contained a strong magic that did not belong to him. Josh knew that he seemed to be Did Galadriel a favor.

Quickly adjusted the state of his magic power, and Josh's magic power had already changed from water element to fire element in the blink of an eye, especially the magic shield on his body directly changed from light silver to light gold.

Just after he finished all this, ice cones with strong magic power pierced out of Josh's frozen icy lake.

Fortunately, Josh had prepared early. Although Josh wouldn't suffer any harm even if he didn't change the nature of his elements, Josh couldn't stand being stabbed like a hedgehog.

Moreover, Josh also intends to end this battle.

Galadriel is indeed very strong, but her strength is based on rich practical experience. Simply put, she is fighting with her brain. This reminds Josh not only of the pineapple head in a certain ninja world, but they are also representative of this type.

To deal with this kind of person, Josh felt that instead of spending time with him, it would be better to directly crush him in the strongest way.

Ice and fire can be said to be a story, or they can be said to be two elements that are naturally incompatible, depending on the performance of the controller.

Josh is not afraid of Galadriel because he uses the fire element, and he just wants to try a new magic.

Melting all the pierced ice picks in one breath, Josh gathered his magic power again, and all the elves present felt a heat that they had never experienced before, as if burning in their hearts.

"What is this?"

All the elves felt very uncomfortable, including Elon and Thranduil, all frowned.

And Galadriel on the field also had an ominous premonition, as if reflecting her conjecture, she suddenly found that the entire training ground was covered by a huge hexagram rune, and that terrifying hot The feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

Gently raising his hand, Josh looked at the scattered runes and a faint golden flame in his hand, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's time to end."

(End of this chapter)

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