Chapter 202 Flames
Under the traction of Josh's magic power, the huge hexagram rune immediately exploded with devastating power.

Like a giant dragon roaring, the endless flames quickly filled the entire training ground with the roar!
It was like being in the lava of a volcano, and the scorching breath enveloped the entire Rivendell, which made all the onlookers feel that death was only one step away from them!
The endless flames were tumbling wildly, and Josh, who was in the center of the flames, was like a demon god at the moment. With Josh's hand slightly lifted with a ray of pale golden flame, the hot flame once again showed its tyrannical The characteristics of endless flames spewed up.

At this moment, no one could see clearly what was going on inside. The terrifying flames were like the molten lava of hell, cutting everything off.

Josh also looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. To be honest, he didn't expect this magic to be so successful, and the power even exceeded his expectations.

The idea of ​​this magical Josh really came from the League of Legends, but it was changed by Josh beyond recognition.

To be honest, this magic refers to Brand's Pillar of Flame and Avinia's Glacier Storm, and then uses some of the knowledge he got from Akatosh to merge the two together.

This magic not only has the explosive power of the flames, but also has the continuous power of the glacier. It can be regarded as a magic made by Josh himself that makes him very satisfied.

Josh's changes to it only changed the power of the glacier into the power of the flame.

And Josh can also use these two magics separately, and even change the scene in front of him into a big explosion of ice elemental magic.

Of course, this magic is not so perfect, Josh feels that this magic is still troublesome for him.

First of all, this magic is really not too expensive for him, but the trouble is that it takes a long time to prepare.But this length is only relative, because Josh needs to arrange the size of the runes as quickly as possible, otherwise it may be a disaster.

And there is a great advantage in arranging the runes, that is, the closer the magic is to Josh's center, the greater the power of the magic.

To put it simply, this magic is a super explosive magic that radiates around Josh as the center.

"While rubbing against the opponent and not paying attention to using ordinary magic to deal with it, and then suddenly came up with this scene, I am afraid that if you hesitate a little, you will either be burned into a barbecue or turned into an ice sculpture?"

Josh nodded in satisfaction, the idea of ​​this magic in close combat has taken shape.

As for use on a large scale?That's not easy. With Josh's vision as the scope, it's not easy to control the magic power to get the magic over?

As for whether Galadriel is safe, Josh is not very worried, because Josh has already prepared protective measures when experimenting with this magic.

Although Josh wasn't sure what effect his magic would have, he quietly injected his magic power into Galadriel's magic shield.

Josh's magic is completely a large-scale skill that does not distinguish between enemy and friend. Of course, Josh still thought of how to avoid being hurt in the setting.

Finally, when looking through Akatosh's memory, he accidentally discovered this little trick of using his own magic power to avoid being attacked by his own magic. Josh used it directly without saying a word.

So even though he was in the flames, Josh still clearly felt that there was nothing wrong with Galadriel.

It can only be said that Galadriel was really unlucky enough. Every time he met Josh, he was basically made very miserable. This time, Josh didn't know what would happen to Galadriel.

Slowly putting away his magic power, Josh discovered another shortcoming of this magic, that is, in order to keep the magic running like Avinia, he needs to constantly input his own magic power.

It's okay until now, but Josh still keenly found that every time he inputs magic, it will increase.

And as your magic power continues to increase, the power of this magic will become stronger and stronger.

Josh is not easy to comment on whether the effect is good or bad. In short, Josh feels quite satisfied, which means he has another killer weapon.

"Thanks to the League of Legends, first two spells from Master Ryze, then one spell from Kai'Sa, and finally I even simulated one ice and one fire. I have to say that these things are really used."

Josh quickly cut off the magic power output of this magic, and the magic slowly began to retreat without nourishment. Although it is still hot now, it is not as terrible as it was at the beginning.

As for Galadriel, it was exactly as she thought.

The originally beautiful face is now white and gray, and there are many burnt marks on the clothes.

Of course, she didn't have any problems, and there was no embarrassing scene of being accidentally disfigured by Josh. Now her magic power is basically on the verge of exhaustion, and she is half kneeling on the ground kicking her.

"Are you all right, Kyle?"

With the disappearance of the magic flame, Qiao Xiu slowly walked in front of Galadriel. This woman is not feeling well right now, so Josh directly used a cleansing spell on her, and at the same time a recovery magic of water element, This made Galadriel, who had been panting non-stop, finally recover a lot.

"It's all right, Your Majesty Josh. It's too scary. Your magic is like a Vulcan, and it's irresistible. Also, thank you, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be in big trouble."

"I'm not going to hurt you, Kyle. This is just a training session."

Josh smiled. It is not surprising that Galadriel felt that her magic power protected Josh. Although Josh did something concealed, Galadriel's mental power is too strong, which also means that her Perception is definitely not weak.

Seeing that Galadriel had almost recovered, Josh gently helped her up, and then led her towards Elon and the others.

Along the way, Josh found that all the elves who came to watch looked at him with deep fear and a kind of admiration spontaneously.

After thinking about it for a while, Josh knew that the eighth floor was because his performance just now was too exaggerated.

And as Josh continued to walk forward, all the elves consciously stepped aside to form a smooth path, and at the same time bowed slightly to Josh and Galadriel in respect.

"Your Highness Josh, I always thought you were scary enough, but I didn't expect your real strength to reach this point."

"But I still lost to you, Elon."

"That's because you are being humble. After all, you let your magic power reach the same standard as mine, and I am invincible."

"Okay Elon, I just want to practice myself, not to show off. By the way, Dill, Kyle needs to rest, can you"

"No problem, Your Majesty Josh."

Well, there is really nothing to refute His Majesty’s calling Josh. Although Josh knows that he is just a mascot, but think about how scary he is as a mascot, so who else doesn’t have eyes? Dare to mess with yourself?
I'm afraid except for those half-beasts and half-humans who are not afraid of death?

Josh shook his head. In this world, these dirty dark creatures, Josh really doesn't like them at all. First of all, his image score is negative. What else can he expect?

After greeting Galen and the others, Josh planned to go back to his room, as the training ground could not be used for the time being.

First it was flooded by Galadriel, then it was frozen and roasted by Josh, and now there is only a piece of tatters left.

The whole training ground is still very hot now, Josh felt that if he threw an egg in it, it might be cooked.

This is simply not a place for people to stay, but Josh has no apologies at all. After all, even Elon, the owner here, doesn't care, so what else should Josh care about?

"You guy, it's okay to come up with such a magic." On the way back, Akatosh couldn't help but leaned on Josh's shoulder and said.

"This power has reached the sixth level or even higher level at the moment of the explosion, you are really not bad, kid."

"Should I say that it is a great honor for me to be praised by the great Lord Akatosh?"

"Of course, after all, you got a lot of good things from me."

Josh rolled his eyes, he couldn't deny that.

Without the theories and knowledge in Akatosh's memory, it would be a bit of a dream for Josh to think of creating so much magic by himself. In the Muya Continent, although high-level mages prefer to create something suitable for themselves .

But not one of them can produce such deterrent magic one after another like Josh.Most mages are at most low-level, and at the same time powerful magic is already very successful. Josh is so lucky that he explodes.

"The most important thing is to thank that sad man and that god-like ice bird. If it weren't for their magic, I really wouldn't have made this thing."

"Shouldn't you thank their designers?"

"...If I really want to thank the designer, I'm afraid Galen will be the first to be unconvinced, because this guy is going to kill the guy who designed him."

Thanks designer?Impossible, I will never thank those guys in this life. When Josh played this game, he had already experienced the malice of the designer.

It is true that whoever is strong is no more than three versions, and whoever is weak may be weak to the end.

Some unpopular guys probably don't even have a skin. For example, a guy with a big head really hasn't had a new skin for more than three years.

If it weren't for the appearance of the guy in the eighth season world finals in Josh's memory, I'm afraid he would have gone to a forgotten corner.

"Don't forget, those guys are: 'The weather is nice today, let's make Irelia weaker'."

"You like that dancer?"

"No, I prefer a certain unlucky daughter. Of course, the main reason is that she looks a bit like Natasha!"

As Josh was talking, he found that he seemed to have said something that shouldn't be said. With an extremely strong desire to survive, he immediately turned his head sharply and said something to save him.

But when he finished speaking, he realized that it seemed that Natasha hadn't been exposed to that game at all, but fortunately, Natasha didn't seem to care.

Glancing at Akatosh, Josh found that this guy especially liked to test Josh's mouth and his desire to survive, which made Josh very headache.

As for Galen, he didn't know what he was thinking, and was relatively silent all the way.

"Hey buddy, what's up with you?"

"It's nothing, it's just a little sad."

"Ah? Why?" Josh was a little puzzled. Galen was so happy yesterday, why is he so taciturn now.

"Because I broke through to the fifth level last night, but no one noticed? Am I a bit low in presence?"


(End of this chapter)

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