The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 203 Are there still few people who cheat you?

Chapter 203 Are there still few people who cheat you?
Galen broke through to the fifth level, but this Josh really didn't notice.

Galen's talent is really not bad. When I first came into contact with the void, I was beaten by this guy. Although the end result was that this guy was cheated by me, but I don't know if it's a blessing in disguise. Only then did Galen come into contact with the fighting spirit.

Although Josh's progress in magic is terribly fast, which makes Josh sometimes not pay attention to the strength of the people around him, but Galen's talent and his progress are definitely at the genius level.

He came into contact with these mysterious things later than Josh, but now he has reached the fifth level without knowing it!
You must know that when the combat spirit level exceeds the third level, the time it takes to make no progress is once geometrically increasing, and reaching the third level is not an easy task.

Regardless of the abnormality of Josh, Galen is simply a template for a super genius.

"I don't know about this guy's destined enemy, what about Darius' talent?"

Josh thought so, but he wouldn't ask stupidly, this kind of thing is not worth asking at all.

Because Josh would never give Darius any chance to gain fighting spirit, no matter whether he would become the God King or not, anyway, Josh felt that Galen would definitely be faster than him.

After a few words of congratulations to Galen, Josh had nothing to say.

If you were promoted to the fifth level, if you were an ordinary person, or even just your peers, you would probably celebrate it, but in Josh's eyes, this fifth level seems to be the same. After all, he himself doesn't know how long it has been since he reached the fifth level. Woolen cloth.

Back in his room, Josh sorted out his recent income.

Especially the magic that he just created, he hasn't even given them a name yet, and that magic Josh is also wondering if there is anything that can be improved.

"Your magic, to be honest, has a good growth rate, because they all rely on your magic power to cause damage. This also means that as long as your strength is stronger, the quality of your magic power will also be stronger. Then you The destructive power will also be higher."

Akatosh saw the essence of Josh's magic at a glance. Although it is said to imitate other people's things, magic is magic and Josh also extracted a lot of things from Akatosh's knowledge base. These Akatosh It is very clear.

"Then is there a way to reduce the consumption? The longer this magic lasts, the more it consumes my magic power. Can this be changed?"

"This can only depend on your own control. If you can control the output of magic at one frequency, then you should be able to control the consumption of magic. If you can't, then you can only let this magic lead you The magic is gone."

"Is that so?"

Josh touched his chin, this is not good news.

Although Josh is quite confident in his control of magic power, Josh's proficiency in this magic is really not enough. He has to control magic while controlling magic power, which makes Josh feel a little bit annoyed.

"Forget it, it's just a matter of time anyway. When I use this magic more and more, my proficiency will naturally increase. By the way, what do you think this magic should be called?"

Josh has always been more resistant to naming things, otherwise he would not simply use the original name after learning the imitated magic.

Although it is largely because the original name has perfectly expressed the meaning of this magic, it also shows that Josh really has no talent for naming things.

Akatosh suddenly looked very cheap, he grinned: "Well, your magic can be freely converted into ice and fire, or is it called the two heavens of ice and fire? This is great in your memory Invention!"

"Why do I feel very familiar with this sentence, did you watch something in my memory that you shouldn't watch?"

"Going all the way west?"

".Shut up!"

Josh covered his head in distress, what the hell is this bastard dragon doing all day?

Josh felt that it was better not to ask him about naming things, otherwise he might come up with something messy, so he could only look at Galen and Natasha.

Galen, who had been autistic for a long time, touched his chin: "Well, anyway, you are imitating other people's magic, so why not just call it Flame Storm and Glacier Storm, why think so much?"

"Um, it's not bad, it's okay." Josh shrugged weakly after going around and back again.

But Natasha seemed to think for a long time, and then said curiously: "A Song of Ice and Fire?"


To be fair, there is really nothing wrong with calling it A Song of Ice and Fire.

But Josh always felt weird when he said the words "Song of Ice and Fire" in the world of Lord of the Rings.But soon Josh didn't care. Anyway, A Song of Ice and Fire also had a name called Game of Thrones.

Moreover, the name that Natasha came up with really fits Josh's magic. Although Josh can't make the two compatible, he maintains a magical style under two different natures, and it's not for everyone. It can be done.

"Well, the name of this magic is 'Song of Ice and Fire', and the specific form of expression is called Song of Ice - Glacier Storm, Song of Fire - Storm of Flame?"

"Don't you think it's very secondary? Are you the reincarnation of some yellow-haired father?"

"The anti-shock is also stronger than the idea of ​​ice and fire, with deeper malice!"

Josh rolled his eyes at Akatosh. Although he himself felt that the name was too secondary, it was better than the ghost Akatosh came up with.

What's more, Josh would not shout out these names when casting magic, so even if the names are stupid, no one will know, at most it will be a brief introduction after the fight.

Such silly-sounding names as Song of Ice and Song of Fire, Josh thinks they should appear in the book in the future.

As a prince, Josh doesn't think he won't be able to enter the history books. At that time, this thing will definitely need some gorgeous rhetoric to embellish it. Josh can be regarded as doing them a favor.

Stretching, Josh was thinking about whether to sneak out and find a town or something to have a good meal. Although Elon and the others were no longer against Josh and the others for eating meat, they were still silent. Resistance, which means they don't serve meat.

So unless Josh goes hunting by himself, there is really no way to eat meat.

This is very embarrassing, but they didn't say anything because they knew the elves' habits. The elves don't like to hurt the life in the forest, and Josh thinks they should be respected.

Of course, except for this guy Akatosh.

In his words: I was the one who was scolded, and I was the one who got the agreement, but in the end, we still didn't provide us with meat. These elves are all liars!
Josh was really not interested in discussing whether the elves were liars with Akatosh.

What Josh has always pursued is to get what he wants, and get it by himself.

In the same way, you can make what you want to eat by yourself-materials, as for making it, of course it is best to have a chef, if you don't have one, you can do it yourself.It's not like Josh hasn't grilled meat before.

Just when he was about to go out, Josh suddenly felt a hidden power passing over. In Josh's eyes, this power can be regarded as very weak. The reason why it can attract Josh's attention is because it belongs to magic within the scope of

But the closer this force came, the more Josh frowned.

In this faint power, he actually felt a power that he had never experienced before, which had reached a high-level life physique!

"what is this?"

Josh asked in amazement. He had only experienced this feeling in his cheap father Blake, but it was obvious that his father's special sense of power was many times higher than this.

If I have to describe it, I'm afraid it can only be compared with the gap between the sun and the meteor.

This is also what surprised Josh the most. The essence of this power is so similar, but why is the difference in strength exaggerated to this extent?

In fact, not only Josh, Akatosh also felt this force with a puzzled face, and he felt the same as Josh.

"Well, if there is nothing wrong with our feelings, it should be a message from a strong man at the demigod stage. But the strength of this power is too weak, right? It doesn't feel as good as you, Josh."

"This is also the question I want to ask you, why is this power so weak? Is this the only virtue in the gods of this world?"

"Did you forget that some guy exists?"

"Oh? Who?"


"Oh! Yes!"

Josh patted his forehead fiercely, he felt that it was easy to forget some small things recently.

Of course, it's normal for him to forget. Although Maiya is a demigod in this world, after Josh experienced the power of Galadriel, Josh didn't care so much about these guys.

Although it is said that if Josh committed suicide by himself, it would be very easy to ruin his reputation if he was careless in the face of these elves, but Josh would never be careless in battle.

Josh is motivated to be a person who will never talk nonsense and make up the knife first when hurting others.

The magic power surged, and Josh directly intercepted the weak magic power with a trace of demigod characteristics. After all, the quality of this trace of magic power was much worse than his own.

The mental power instantly passed through this magic power, and the information inside made Josh a little speechless.

"This is, a distress letter? It's for Elon?" Josh looked a little weird.

"Then the inscribed name is, Misranda?"

Misranda?Isn't that the elf name of Gandalf?How did this guy end up asking for help?And what Josh didn't expect, this guy actually took those dwarves and a hobbit on a journey?
"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"This is Gandalf's distress letter, but I really don't know why he would ask for help. I remember in the movie, didn't this guy bring those dwarves directly into Rivendell? And didn't Elon bring the elves Did you go to support them? Is this too early?"

"Well, I guess the eighth floor has something to do with you."

Akatosh replied lazily, which made Josh very strange.

Josh didn't think that this kind of thing would have anything to do with him, and his name was basically only circulated in Rivendell. Even though there were rumors about his dragon knight, no one could confirm it.

"You idiot, what is the perception of elves?"

"Very strong, what's wrong?"

"What did Elon do in the movie?"

"Uh, I sensed that the orcs came running over to hunt them down?"

"What the hell did you do before?"

"Burn the training ground"

Having said that, Josh finally knew why Akatosh said it was his own fault, and it was really possible that his feelings caused Gandalf and the others to be in trouble.The perception of elves is strong, but everyone was attracted by him and went to watch the battle, who would care about other things?
Moreover, the intensity of the magic created by oneself will also affect the perception of the elves to a large extent, so it is normal for Elon and the others not to notice the arrival of the orcs.

Coupled with the fact that the elf empire is being organized now, some of Rivendell's defensive magic has also been modified, and it is normal for Gandalf and the others to find it.

"It seems that I cheated them this time."

"Are there still not enough people for you to cheat?"


(End of this chapter)

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