The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 204 How is this possible! !

Chapter 204 How is this possible! !
He didn't know if Josh had cheated, and no one else would even know if Josh had cheated.

The most typical representative is Gandalf, this grey-robed wizard who has devoted himself to Middle-earth is really miserable now.

First, he was inexplicably hunted down by an army of orcs. Fortunately, Gandalf's friend, the brown-robed wizard Redagast, helped attract a group of hunting teams.

But because of the reckless sneak attack of the dwarves, they were discovered again.

Gandalf really didn't know what to say. All he could do was escape with these dwarves. He knew this area very well, and this area belonged to Rivendell's territory.

Gandalf felt that he wanted to find a way to seek help from King Elon, especially the magic barrier set up here. He could clearly feel that all he had to do was to cross this barrier and reach Rivendell, then their group would be safe.

Elon is an elf king and one of the main leaders against the orcs. With his help, Gandalf believes that he will be able to escape this disaster.

And Gandalf really needs Elon's help, in other ways.

Elon is a long-lived elf, and his knowledge is so extensive that all living beings who know it will be ashamed.

The riddle to open the Lonely Mountain is recorded in a very incomprehensible and comprehensible text, even Gandalf can't decipher it. He thinks that Elon should have a way to help these dwarves.

Risking the trouble of being misunderstood by the dwarves and leaving them behind, Gandalf hurried to confirm the way, and then ran back quickly.

He knew he was right, although he was a little surprised why the frequency of Rivendell's magic barrier seemed to have changed, but Gandalf didn't have time to pay attention to that much.

"This way, fool!"

Seeing the orc hunting team getting closer and closer, Gandalf ran back and yelled at the dwarves who were a little at a loss, and the dwarves ran towards Gandalf one by one as if they had just woken up from a dream. , it seems that Gandalf did not abandon them and run away.

Jumping into a tunnel, Gandalf led the dwarves and ran forward all the way, but Gandalf felt something was wrong when they ran out of the tunnel, because when they ran out of the tunnel, he suddenly found out that they were fucking outside again. coming?

What about the picturesque mountains and rivers?What about the proud yet graceful elves?

What appeared in front of them was none of these, but the fucking half-orc hunting team who were riding a warg holding a machete and looking at them with confusion!

With a roar, Thorin Oakenshield knocked over a half-orc who was still in a daze, and immediately ran into the valley behind him.

In fact, he didn't need to shout at all, all the dwarves were ready to run away when they realized that the situation was not right.Of course, they also complained to Gandalf, where this guy took them.

"Gandalf, are you sure you know the way here?"

"This is the secret road leading to the Imratri River Valley! Do I think I don't know the way here? Damn, the magic here has been changed, and we can't find the way in!"

"Imlatri Dale? This is Rivendell, you say? Good God! What can you do, Gandalf?"

Bilbo Baggins, who had been by Gandalf's side all the time, quickly thought of something. To be honest, this trip was too exciting, especially now that he was going to be hunted down by orcs, which was completely out of Bilbo's mind. expected.

"I can try it, a little magic, I hope it can be passed on to the master here, otherwise we may be in big trouble."

Gandalf is also extremely distressed now. He never thought that Rivendell's defensive barrier has changed, and he has no time to study this thing at all.

If there were no orcs to hunt down, Gandalf could deal with these problems calmly.

Soon a trace of strange mental power flew into the interior of Rivendell following Gandalf's guidance. Although Gandalf couldn't run in, this trace of spiritual power could still enter it unimpeded. Gandalf can only This saved my life.

"I hope it will be faster!"

Gandalf could only pray silently, hoping that the message he sent would be received sooner.

Their current situation is very bad. When they turned over another valley, they were horrified to find that they had been circling in circles, because they had returned to the initial point!

And what they were facing was a half-orc hunting team that was many times more numerous than themselves and well-equipped!
At this moment, whether it was the resolute Thorin or the always calm Gandalf, there was a feeling that this game was over.

Gandalf's mouth was a little bitter, why haven't the elves come over yet?
Reasonably speaking, according to the characteristics of the elves, a hunting team of the size of half-orcs should have been discovered when they just crossed the river valley, but until now the elves have not even responded at all.

And the most troublesome problem for Gandalf is that Rivendell's defensive magic has been replaced at some point. This is the key problem that made him fall into such a desperate situation, and this is also the main problem that made him fall into such an embarrassing situation. one.

"This is Rivendell? Damn elves! They must have come out as if they saw us dead!"

Sorin has experienced the disintegration of his family and country, and at the same time, after witnessing Thranduil's cruelty, he has become more and more distrustful of the race of elves.

But at this time, no one paid attention to him, and the army of half-orcs had slowly moved towards them.

The worg who kept roaring and dripping foul-smelling saliva from his teeth led the orcs one by one to surround them in the center.And those half-orcs laughed grimly one by one. In the thinking of these half-orcs, these dwarfs can already be regarded as dead people.

"Withstand their attack, we still have a chance! I have already sent out a distress message, I believe it will not be long before someone will come to rescue us!"

"Damn it, you still believe in those elves? Look at all of this. If those damned elves really plan to save us, they will come here! Elves are also our enemies!"

"No one will be your enemy except Orcs, Sauron Oakenshield!"

Gandalf was really angry at this moment. If it wasn't because Sauron was the son of Thorne, the grandson of Thor, and the most orthodox bloodline of the King of the Lonely Mountain, I'm afraid Gandalf really planned to find his cousin Iron Foot Dan, it's a pity that someone else is already the king of the Iron Hills, and this guy is a fool.

"Um. Are we finished, Gandalf?"

Seeing the orc army getting closer, Bilbo was very nervous.

Until then he had been a hobbit enjoying the ease of life in the Shire, but now he had to take up arms and face potentially deadly danger.

"I don't know, Mr. Baggins. We can only pray now, and pray that the elves will come soon."

"What if they can't come?"

"Then face death calmly."

Gandalf sighed, the best result could only be like this.

Glancing at Bilbo's frightened face, the young hobbit seemed to have killed him because of his lobbying for the adventure.

"Sorry Bilbo if it wasn't me."

"No need to apologize, Gandalf."

Bilbo sighed, and smiled instead. "When I went on this adventure, I knew I was going to be in danger. I was timid, but I never thought I'd have the courage to come here. Only, I didn't expect That's how it all ends."

"End? No, the journey doesn't end here." Hearing Bilbo's awkward way of reassuring, Gandalf suddenly felt that this hobbit boy was really very interesting.

The child actually comforted himself in turn, which made Gandalf dumbfounded. He sighed and said slowly: "Death is just another road, a road that we all have to take. The gray rain of the world will pull apart and everything will shine like silver crystal. Then you will see it."

"What, Gandalf? See what?"

"Outside of that"

"White shores beyond that? And a distant green country under the swiftly rising sun?"

Before Gandalf finished speaking, a voice suddenly interrupted Gandalf's words.

This voice sounded very young, but also very ethereal. What surprised Gandalf the most was that the owner of this voice seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. He said everything Gandalf wanted to say!
Suddenly, Gandalf and all the dwarves found that the space where they were was distorted. Although the half-orcs still rushed towards them, their wargs and sharp axes all passed through their bodies, like an illusion. It didn't do them any harm at all!

The next moment, the space was reversed and they all felt the endless dizziness transmitted from their brains, but when they all fell to the ground one by one, this feeling disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared before. There was a young and thin figure in front of them.

"Am I not wrong? Gray robe wizard, Gandalf?"

"No, sir."

All this is so unreal, as if being in a magical place, even Gandalf, who is Maia, has never seen such a strange thing.

At this moment, they are more than 50 meters away from the halfling hunting area, and they are absolutely safe now.

He took a closer look at the young man in front of him. He has short light blonde hair and a handsome face. He is wearing a black magic robe and has a playful smile on his face.

Most importantly, Gandalf felt an incomparably terrifying power from this young man!

"Josh, why are you running so fast?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from not far away, and Gandalf and others immediately turned their heads to see that it turned out to be a young strong man and an extremely beautiful girl.

Their speed was very fast, and at the speed that Gandalf and the others felt dazzled, they quickly ran to the young man who had just stepped down.

"No way. Fortunately, I saw that they were about to die with sharp eyes, so I used space magic, otherwise I would have to collect the corpses."

Space magic?When did Middle-earth use this kind of magic?

Gandalf looked at this young man named Josh with a dazed expression. He felt that his thinking could not keep up with their words, and judging from the power fluctuations of these young people, it was definitely possible to To be the figure of the lord, but Gandalf swore he had never seen such people.

"Excuse me, Your Excellency, are you?"

"Okay, let's talk about it when we meet your old lover. Let's deal with the miscellaneous fish in front of us first. If it wasn't for your information, I would have gone out to eat."

"Old lover? Miscellaneous fish? Eat?"

Gandalf still didn't understand what Josh said was related, and he also felt that Josh was a little too arrogant.

There are at least 100 of these hunting half-orcs, and they are all equipped with wargs, which requires at least an army of more than 100 people to solve the problem.

But Josh actually evaluated them as trash?
Not only Gandalf thought so, but even the dwarves who were saved by Josh thought so too. Only Bilbo, who had little contact with these legendary things, was calmer.

After hesitating for a while, Sorin and Gandalf stood up together. They planned to persuade Josh, the young man who saved them, but
"how can that be!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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