Chapter 205 Who Is He?
how can that be?How is this impossible?
Josh has long been used to being surprised by others. After all, Josh has done things that shocked everyone in countless worlds.

It might be a bit too much to say that favor or disgrace is not surprising, but to say that he really doesn't care, Josh feels that he really prefers the second one.

Josh didn't know what else to be excited about in many things that he thought were just done by himself.

At most, he felt dark inside, especially in the face of the shock of the protagonists. This is something that Josh will never be able to change in his life.

In fact, Josh didn't do anything too shocking. To him, he was just killing some half-orcs like trash fish. Trash fish are always trash fish, even if these trash fish have personal strength. I'm afraid they all have the second level at the lowest, but Josh doesn't care at all.

The strength of the second level is good, but they don't have the protection of fighting spirit or magic, just like the Galen Josh just met.

At that time, Josh was the kind of mage who had no magic elements at the second level. In a limited time, Josh could tie with Galen. If it wasn't for Galen, the bastard was too cunning.

Of course, Josh wouldn't just rush forward in a foolish way. He's a mage and not a warrior, especially when Josh used the mirror space to save people, he had already quietly arranged runes in this area. I plan to see how my magic damage is.

During the battle with Galadriel, Josh experienced the suppressing power of his own magic. Although Josh could feel a part of the destructive power, Josh dared not use it unreservedly. What if he burned Rivendell directly? How to do?
Josh would not do such a stupid thing, even if the possibility of this is relatively small because Josh's control is still average, but Josh doesn't like to take such risks.

Now that there are enough experimental materials, the key here is still the periphery of Rivendell, so Josh won't have so many scruples.

As Josh stepped forward, a strange magic rune emanated from his right hand, and in the center of the magic rune was a light golden flame that was very similar to Josh's hair color. He slowly raised his right hand Josh's eyes also shrank a little, and his pupils also turned into a hexagram.

Powerful magic surged, and suddenly a huge rune with the same style as Josh's hand appeared in the area full of orcs. As Josh tightly grasped the ray of flame in his hand, the sight in front of him Everything has changed.

Before, it was the outskirts of the valley with blue sky and green grass, but at this moment it seems to have become a purgatory!

There were wailing and screams, there was no thick smoke or even a burnt smell, there was only strange heat and endless fear.

Master Gandalf, for the first time in his life, he fully realized what it means to be in hell.

If it was said that being surrounded by the orc hunting team just felt dangerous and a little hopeless, then what he felt now was only endless fear and complete despair!
How can it be?

Even though he had yelled out his doubts a long time ago, he kept asking himself in his heart, is this really made by people?
What kind of existence is that tyrannical, erupting flame that is about to touch the sky, and the person who controls these flames with incomparable power?
Dumbfounded, downright dumbfounded.

Not only Gandalf, but all the dwarves, including Thorin, are like logs. Their mouths are so big that they even drool dripping down the corners of their mouths without realizing it. in chills.

"It seems that the effect is not bad."

Josh ignored these dwarves, he was a little interested in Bilbo, the hobbit, and Gandalf, the Maia wizard.

To be honest, Josh was really amazed by the elves when he watched The Hobbit, but in the end Josh liked the little guy Bilbo the most.

This guy was not only funny, but when Josh compared him with Frodo later, Josh found that Bilbo was completely better than Frodo in terms of character, willpower, or anything else.

But come to think of it, Bilbo was already a figure of legend in Frodo's day, though there was nothing about him in Hobbitland.

And among all the people present excluding Josh and others, only Bilbo looked very calm. Although he was trembling all over, he didn't show up after all. Like Gandalf and those dwarves, he just looked at Josh. His eyes looked very respectful.

"It's really good, congratulations, Josh."

Galen, who had been watching from the sidelines, smiled. It is true that this magic is very lethal. Although it is a bit troublesome to cast, in Galen's eyes, this kind of magic should belong to the series of war magic. Of course, if Josh uses it properly , it is not impossible to use it heads-up.

"Thank you, but it's a pity that there is another property that can't be tested. There are too few miscellaneous fish in this group."

"Well, you can wait for a while, there will be more of these miscellaneous fish."

Josh and Galen talked without any scruples, which made Gandalf and the others who were already startled and speechless did not know how to speak.

A hunting team composed of a hundred orcs is regarded as trash, and a magic solves them, but you still think they are not enough?
"Hey, can you stop discussing these things? You forgot why you came out? Don't you want to taste the meat? Idiot!"

Akatosh really can't stand the two guys, Josh and Galen, who can stand in place and chat with each other when they have nothing to do. What annoys him the most is that the girl Natasha is still listening with gusto. You know what they say something?

Well, it seems to be understandable, but aren't you hungry?
Akatosh was really full of resentment, and he didn't bother to pay attention to whether Gandalf or Sauron were still around, so he ran out and yelled at Josh.

Sure enough, the world was really plagued by dragons, and his appearance immediately alerted Gandalf and others.

Even if they are surprised, even if they are frightened beyond control, facing a dragon, even if it looks like a young dragon, can make them recover in an instant!
Think about it, one is a gray-robed wizard who has experienced countless wars, and the other is a dwarf whose hometown is occupied by dragons. One can imagine how much they hate dragons.

"Dragon? One, baby dragon?"

It may be because of Josh's deterrence that Gandalf and the others did not dare to attack him rashly even if they found Akatosh in a 'weak and helpless' young dragon state.

In fact, if they really dared to do this, Josh felt that Gandalf and the others would doubt life.

"A dragon is a dragon, can you not add an adjective to me? Who told you that I can't use magic to make myself look small? Idiot!"


Gandalf was speechless after being sprayed by Akatosh. He really couldn't figure out why a dragon could be wrong with a person, and Gandalf soon felt something.

Although Gandalf is really not very good in terms of strength, his brain and his perception are very good.

He suddenly felt a thin but real elf breath on Josh's body!That is to say, the guy in front of him who doesn't seem to have any elf characteristics and is completely indistinguishable from a human is actually a half-elf?

At this time, he suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, this half-elf named Josh is in Rivendell, and it is only because of this that he can receive his message, which is why such a god-like figure , will appear here!
"I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Josh, right? I'm a gray robe wizard."

"Stop, Mithranda, I know you, so skip the self-introduction and just tell us what you want to say."

"Cough cough!"

Gandalf choked on Josh's words, but he quickly recovered and said, "Okay, I understand Josh, sir. Did you receive the message from me, so that's why..."

"That's right, I was in Rivendell at the time, and I planned to go out to find some food. You know, the food provided by Rivendell is all leaves and vegetables. My partner and I don't like these things very much, but the result was unexpected. We received your message, so we decided to come and have a look."

It was no surprise that Gandalf could guess these things about Josh, and Gandalf would know these things after he went to Rivendell and asked casually, and Josh didn't bother to hide anything from him.

But Josh also thought a little funny, what would it be like to wait for a group of people to run to Rivendell and suddenly find that there were three Elf Kings there?
Thorin caused the entire dwarf clan to be very dissatisfied with the elves because of the matter of Thranduil. Josh remembered that when Golden Shield and Legolas met for the first time after more than 60 years of guidance, he also shouted: elves cannot be trusted race.

After Thorin entered Rivendell and met Thranduil, Josh was really looking forward to what would happen.

But that won't stop him from running out to find some meat. If he finds it, he'll just teleport it back and be done. Maybe he can see Thranduil beating up these dwarves.

"Thank you very much for your rescue. Where is King Elon?" Gandalf didn't know that Josh was thinking wildly at this time, so he asked what he wanted to ask directly.

"Eron? He should be in Rivendell. I met him at noon. He's already here. It only takes a few minutes for you to meet."

The change of Rivendell's magic defense barrier was hidden from Josh, and even Gandalf felt it. With a slight smile, Josh planned to leave.

Josh didn't think there was any need for a surprise, not to mention that as an elf king, he was just a mascot for some benefits, and Josh was not interested in continuing to watch here.

"I wish you a happy trip to Rivendell. We'll see you later."

"Thank you for your kind words, Your Excellency Josh."

As Josh started the winding path, the silver runes scattered, and soon he disappeared in place.

And the piece of land scorched by his magic, and because of the loss of Josh's magical support, the flames slowly receded. It took less than 30 seconds for everything to appear as if it had never appeared again.

Except for the devastation left by the flames, Gandalf sighed. He really didn't know whether the appearance of such a powerful and desperate elf was good or bad.Especially after he discovered that this elf actually had a baby dragon as a pet, his heart was shaken violently.

A magic, a half-orc hunting team of more than a hundred people, even the weapons and armor of these half-orcs have not melted, and there is nothing left, let alone ashes, one can imagine how terrifying this magic is.

And Gandalf also discovered that this half-elf named Josh didn't seem to have used his full strength at all!
"Who is such a dangerous guy?"

Gandalf muttered to himself, but there was an endless silence.

He was silent, and the dwarves were also silent. Such a terrifying person was actually an elf. After such an existence, even Sorin, who would not give up in the face of great danger, could only remain silent.

Of course, there is also a special case, that is Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit from the Shire.

He seemed to feel the oppression of these people. To be honest, he didn't like this feeling very much, but he didn't know what to say. It happened that he suddenly heard Gandalf muttering to himself, so he said without hesitation :
"Isn't he a great god?"

 There are some things in the morning that caused the update to be late, forgive me~ If there is no accident, today is the third watch

(End of this chapter)

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