The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 206 Why Don't You Think About What You Did Before

Chapter 206 Why Don't You Think About What You Did Before

god?This term is relatively familiar to both Gandalf and Thorin, especially Gandalf was once a follower of God.

He knew very clearly what kind of mighty power God possessed.

Although Josh is very powerful, so powerful that it is unbelievable, Josh has not reached the level of a god. Gandalf is still very clear about this, but the problem is that even so, Gandalf has rarely seen him in these countless years. A terrifying existence like Josh.

"I'm afraid this half-elf magician won't be afraid even if he faces Sauron."

Gandalf shook his head. Although he felt that Sauron would be more terrifying, the shock caused by this half-elf was even more intense than Sauron's. He decided to ask Elon and the others carefully. Who is this half-elf? What kind of history.

Not long after Josh left, Elon came with his men on horseback.

Elon has experienced Josh's magic before, so how could he not feel the obvious fluctuations? The most important thing is that Josh didn't destroy Gandalf's mental power to convey information at all, so Elon also got got the information.

"Long time no see, my friend, Mithranda."

Elon was relieved to find that Gandalf and the others had nothing to do. It seemed that Josh should have taken care of all these things.

"It's been a long time since I saw my friend. To be honest, I thought I'd never see you again."

Gandalf also smiled, and at the same time walked forward and hugged Elon who had dismounted.It wasn't until this moment that he felt that he was really safe. There was no way that the pressure Josh put on him was too exaggerated, and this pressure could not be ignored at all.

"Where have you been, Elon?"

"Well, I'm discussing some necessary things with Thranduil and Galadriel. Of course, Linde and the others are also worrying about some things in the training ground. I'm sorry that I didn't realize the danger of you and the orc army. near."

"What? The Queen and Dill are here?"

Gandalf's expression suddenly became a little dazed. No matter when the three elf kings appear together at the same time, it will not be a good thing, especially at this juncture.

Gandalf would never forget that Thorin behind him hated Thranduil so much. Fortunately, they spoke Elven language, which these dwarves could not understand.

"Why are you?"

"We are discussing some necessary matters, and even then we will invite His Majesty Celeborn."

"What matter, do you want so many elf kings to discuss together?"

"You'll know then."

Elon didn't tell Gandalf what happened, and now many things are being kept secret. Elon doesn't want these things to become everyone's focus for the time being.

Anyway, it will be announced at that time, knowing these things is just a matter of time.

Patting Gandalf on the shoulder, Elon looked around, but she didn't see the person he wanted to find, so she asked curiously, "Mithranda, where did the people who saved you go?"

"You mean, that half-elf named Josh?"

"Yes, Josh Augustus, that's his name. At the same time, his status is also very noble, even to some extent, it surpasses all of us."

"Who the hell is he?"

"You will know later, where did he go?"

Gandalf was a little discouraged, he didn't get the answer he wanted.

However, facing Elon's question, he forced a smile. Now he finally knew why Josh said that his lover was here. It turned out that he was talking about Galadriel.

"He said he couldn't stand the food you were offering, and left with his companion and a young dragon."

"You are talking about His Excellency Akatosh, okay, I understand. There is no way, meat is not eaten in our territory, but His Majesty Josh and others have no worries. I am very grateful to them for respecting our choose."

Elon shrugged, smiled and revealed a message that made Gandalf's pupils shrink.His Majesty Josh?
Could it be that this half-elf named Josh is also an elf king?Gandalf didn't remember that there was such an elf king in Middle-earth, so there was only one result, and he must have come from another continent.

After that, Elon negotiated with those dwarves, but the situation was very bad to be honest.

If it weren't for Elon's better self-cultivation, Josh would have wanted to do it for a long time.No, they have definitely already started, and then they will definitely beat up these dwarves until even Mom doesn't recognize them.

Walking towards Rivendell with Elon and others, these dwarves showed some resistance.

But they also knew that they had no right to choose, especially when they learned from Elon that the person who saved them before was a half-elf, which made them have no choice.

The only one who was in the mood to look around at this moment was Bilbo, the hobbit.I have to say that the scenery of Rivendell is so charming that even Bilbo, who was born in Shire, was attracted by the beauty here.

"It's really beautiful here, just like the legends." Bilbo said with admiration.

"Of course, Rivendell has always been so beautiful. By the way, Elon, why did you change your magic barrier?" Gandalf smiled, but suddenly remembered something and immediately turned around and asked.

"Because His Majesty Josh and Kyle had a magic contest, and the result was that the two of them made more noise, directly destroying the magic barrier we had set up before, so we had to replace it with a new one."

"I see."

Gandalf nodded, it turned out that this is the case, then everything is over.

As for the result of their contest, Gandalf was not interested in asking. In his heart, he hoped that Galadriel would win.But with previous experience, he is not so confident, so he might as well not ask this question.

As they continued to approach Rivendell's palace, at this moment there was a dragon's roar in the sky, and the sound that seemed to ring in their ears immediately made Gandalf and others feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Especially the dwarves headed by Thorin, took out their weapons and pointed at Elon directly!

As soon as the dragon's voice was heard, it was clear that it was not something to mess with. Sauron's Lonely Mountain was occupied by Smaug, and Smaug was also a giant dragon, and now a dragon appeared in Rivendell!

Thorin, who was originally prejudiced against elves, immediately thought that elves like Elon must have taken refuge in the darkness!
"I didn't expect that you elves would actually do this."

"Drop your arms, Son of Thor, your prejudices and your actions will kill you."

Elon ignored Thorin's provocation, but looked at the huge black figure in the sky helplessly.

Of course, he also complained about Josh in his heart, so he went out as soon as he went out, why didn't he bring this guy with him, since he couldn't find Josh and the others on the eighth floor, they were flying around.

Elon wanted to beckon Hosdner to fly over, but at this moment he heard an angry roar and heavy footsteps.

Elon sighed, these dwarves really don't have any self-knowledge, it seems that the destruction of their country has hit them too hard.

Elon has always been an impartial elf. Although he sympathizes with Thorin and the others, he will not help him fight against Thranduil.

Elon, the grandfather of Thranduil and Thorin, knew about the relationship between Thorne. To put it bluntly, the Lonely Mountain dwarves are all to blame for what they are doing now.

He had chatted with Josh about this kind of thing before, but he found that Josh had exactly the same views as him, and Josh even acted a little more extreme.

You must know that Josh knew how obsessed these Lone Mountain dwarves were with those treasures, and they even wanted to skip the ticket and lose the reward that Bud who helped them deserved.

Of course, Bard still got his reward in the end, and finally became the king of River Valley Town, but those are things for later.

From this incident, it can be imagined that those dwarves in Josh's heart, except for a few, are probably disgusting to him, especially Thorin Oakenshield.

Of course, it was cleared up in the end.

Elon didn't know about these dwarves, but he could tell from Josh's tone that Josh was really not that interested in these dwarves. Although he didn't know the reason, he didn't ask too much, but now he seems to feel it. .

"This is a bunch of paranoid guys."

Elon sighed, Gandalf and the dwarf named Balin tried to stop it but failed, but Elon didn't mean to blame them.

The dwarves who charged up with Thorin were very fast, but in Elon's eyes, they were extremely slow.

In the blink of an eye, Thorin had already rushed in front of Elon and jumped up and slashed at Elon's head with the knife in his hand.

But it's a pity, when Sorin slashed down, he felt as if he had slashed on obsidian. The huge rebound force directly made him fly backwards, and by the way, all the dwarves behind him were also overturned.

Elon still stood quietly on the spot, and at the same time waved at the flying Hosdner in the sky, but Gandalf and the others were stunned by Elon's actions!
They clearly saw that a green armor-like energy appeared on Elon's body at some point.

These energies perfectly protected Elon, and even sent Thorin flying!Gandalf swears, this is definitely not the King Elon he knows!
He knew that Elon was very powerful, but it was so powerful that Gandalf felt strange.

"As I said before, your prejudice and your actions will kill you. I know about your affairs. It is indeed his mistake that King Seranydur is an ally with you but sees you dead. This is indeed his mistake. But when discussing his Why don't you think about what you did before you made a mistake?"

Elon's tone seemed a little indifferent, which was very different from the always kind elf king in Gandalf's memory, and Gandalf didn't know what to say.

Elon is right, these dwarves only think about what the other party did wrong, but they don't think about what they have done at all.

Gandalf even wondered at this moment whether his decision to let Thorin return to the Lonely Mountain to inherit the throne was the right choice.

Although the darkness has a tendency to rekindle, and the encirclement of Middle-earth requires all forces, a disunited Middle-earth is not what Gandalf wants.

"As for whether I will join the darkness? Hehe, I have fought against the darkness for thousands of years, and my achievements cannot be easily erased by you, a brat."

After saying this, Elon didn't bother to pay attention to them anymore. Hosdner saw Elon who was waving at him, and immediately flew towards them.

However, when he landed, Hosdner was a little cautious. Last time he landed carelessly, he directly crushed the streets here, and was even scolded by Galen in the end.

"Eron, have you seen Josh and the others? I haven't found any trace of them in Rivendell after searching for a long time."

"Your Majesty Josh and the others went out, probably looking for something to eat."

"Why didn't they take me? Weren't you at the training ground before?"

"Yes, Hosdner. But because of His Majesty Josh's magic, the training ground was unusable, so we left a long time ago. Didn't you go to sleep somewhere?"

"Um, indeed. Elon, your place is so beautiful, even more beautiful than Josh's Rivendell. I like it very much."

"Thank you, Hostner."

Elon smiled. Dragons have always represented ominousness in Middle-earth, but Hosdner's child-like character made Elon very fond of it.

Not only him, but all the elves in Rivendell like Hosdner very much, except this guy likes to eat meat.

"However, how can there be a dragon that doesn't eat meat?"

(End of this chapter)

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