The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 207 Will You Be Busy in the Future?

Chapter 207 Will You Be Busy in the Future?

"So, you taught these dwarves a lesson?"

Josh looked at Elon curiously. Josh, who just ran back from a certain human town after enjoying a meal, asked with great interest after hearing what Elon said.

When Josh was watching a movie before, he had the urge to teach these dwarves a lesson, but he didn't have much chance at that time.

And to be specific, Josh still can't beat these dwarves. Josh felt it when he rescued them before. The highest strength of these dwarves is around the fourth level. Josh was just an ordinary person before. I am afraid it is not an opponent.

"I didn't do it, but I think they have learned their lesson. Also, you forgot about Hosdner again."

"Huh? Isn't he in Galen's body?"


Elon shook his head, and for the first time he felt sorry for a dragon.

But this feeling comes and goes quickly. He is now thinking about how to explain these things to Gandalf. Josh's identity is too special, and Josh's ability is too terrifying.

In Elon's eyes, everyone who can become a magician now is a treasure that can exert great value in war.

Everything Josh has done proves how terrifying the directness of the magician is!
Think about the hunting team of more than 100 half-orcs. If it was handed over to Elon, he is confident that he can easily kill all these guys single-handedly, but the question is how long it will take him, and these half-orcs Will it escape.

These are all problems he needs to face. If it is in a war, I am afraid that before he wipes them all out, his subordinates may be injured to a certain extent.

But the magician won't, he won't let you get close at all, and won't let you have the chance to escape, just kill you all in one go!
It seems that it is very necessary to train magicians.

However, before cultivating magicians, there is one more thing that must be done, and that is to fully outline the elf empire, unlike it is still in the discussion stage.

The emergence of a large empire will have many problems. The first point is the territorial issue, which is also a headache for Elon.In Middle-earth, all the elves live scatteredly, and there are various other races around their territory.

The most typical one is the Lonely Mountain Dwarf Kingdom, next to them is a long river town settled by humans.

Elon doesn't know exactly who these territories belong to, but now these are also part of the discussion and planning that must be carefully discussed.

To do this, I am afraid that Gandalf must come forward to mediate everywhere.

The invasion of darkness is a problem that all races in Middle-earth must face. Elon has long believed that a complete elf empire is much better than a scattered one, but he must tell him all this if he needs Gandalf's help.

Elon didn't know if it was right or wrong to tell Gandalf these things at this stage.

Even though he didn't want to say it, he thought that if Gandalf really went to Galadriel, Her Majesty the Queen would probably tell him a lot because of her previous affection, right?
"What's bothering you, Elon?"

Josh looked at Elon who was silent, as long as he was not stupid, he knew he was thinking about something else.

And Elon's frowning look seemed to be telling Josh that he was thinking about something that made him feel embarrassed, which made Josh very curious.

"Hey, there are still some things about the elf empire."

Elon sighed, and then told Josh about his troubles.

This made Josh look sideways, after all, he didn't even consider that there would be so many troubles, but it's a pity that Josh couldn't help at all, and he knew very well that he was not the material.

"Well, I'm afraid you still need to do things about the elf empire by yourself, this aspect is not my specialty.

However, you can actually tell Gandalf about these things. I think this person is still trustworthy, especially in the face of those dark things. "

Josh touched his chin and said what he thought directly.

Gandalf, Josh felt that he was sometimes paranoid, but after considering his identity and his mission, Josh felt that he could understand what Gandalf did. To put it bluntly, Gandalf was still a respectable people.

"Gandalf is a great person. He has his own mission and goal, and he has always used his own beliefs to drive himself towards this goal. He has devoted his life to the peace and tranquility of the entire Middle-earth continent, telling He's perfectly fine."

"Really? Do you think so too?"

"Well, to be precise, Gandalf has been running against the darkness, and he knows more people than we can even imagine. So let him know everything, and let him identify with us, so that maybe we Don't be so troublesome, right?"

".Josh, I have to say that you and I want to go together."

"is it?"

Josh smiled, and of course Elon can think of what Josh can think of, which is not surprising to Josh at all.

The reason why he said it directly was because Elon was still hesitating, but Josh would not hesitate so much, and Elon would have no problem even telling Gandalf about his origin.

His origin is not a secret in Rivendell at all. Even if Gandalf did not get any information from the three elf kings, but with his ability, he can get the information from the elves here before the elf kings block the information. Got what she wanted to know.

Rather than doing this, it's better to tell him to forget it, let alone need help from others now.

Josh has always felt that when he needs help from others, the best way to do it is to be honest. Instead of being unable to explain why for a long time, it is better to find a way to let others agree with his ideas, which will be more convenient.

"Are you going to the party tonight?"

"What banquet?"

"The banquet for the dwarves, although the dwarves did not give me a good feeling, but the dwarves are still the allies of the elves, even if something about Thranduil happened, it was just about the Dark Forest and the Lonely Mountain Kingdom. "

"Let's take a look. But my suggestion is that it's best not to, my temper is not as good as yours, I'm not sure if I will completely cut off Gushan's blood because of being angry or something."

Many people know Josh's temper, especially Josh's current strength is very terrifying. It can be said that the only people who can control him in this world are the dark demon kings like Sauron and the legendary gods.Where did God go, Josh didn't know, and he wasn't interested in finding out.

But Sauron, Josh didn't know how to evaluate it.Josh already knew the strength of the gray-robed wizard Gandalf. He was about level five, so what about the stronger white-robed wizard?

But Josh knew that he and this guy finally took refuge in Sauron, so what level is Sauron?

Josh couldn't guess these, and he wasn't interested in guessing.

Now Sauron's condition is not very good. Josh guessed that this guy probably had a strength close to the seventh level at his peak.However, because of the particularity of this world, the growth of strength will only be clearly reflected in other aspects.

They don't have magic and fighting spirit, which also means that they lack the ability to protect themselves, otherwise they wouldn't make things like the Lord of the Rings.

As for Sauron's fingers being accidentally cut off by a human king more than 3000 years ago, and the loss of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Josh felt that he probably committed BOSS syndrome.

At this time, Josh knew that the Hobbit's first unexpected journey should be halfway through, and Josh didn't have much to pay attention to the rest.

Also, because of Josh's intervention, there will be a behemoth appearing in the future, which makes Josh look forward to it a little.

"By the way Elon, I may be going back for a while."

"Go back? You mean, leave this world?"

"Yes, it's been so long since I came out, it's time to go back and have a look."

"I understand."

Elon nodded. Josh has been in his territory for a long time, and Josh will also participate in a grand ceremony in his hometown.

Elon can only give blessings to this, and he is also very curious when Josh will come over next time, after all, Josh is already the real king of elves.

"Next time? It probably won't be long, you know, that fellow Akatosh is still envious of Smaug."

"Looks like it won't be long before we meet again."

"Of course, although the flow rate of time is different, I will try to control these. So it is only a short period of time. I hope you are almost ready for the next time you come here."

"of course."

Elon smiled. If there are no accidents, they should enter a very fast integration period after obtaining Gandalf's approval. I am afraid that it will not be long before the elf empire will initially complete the establishment of some power institutions. Josh came just in time Can see what he wants to see.

Slack, Josh and Elon said goodbye and went straight back into the room.

Speaking of this trip, the experience is still good. Although it didn't participate in any plot, the future development of this world has spanned more than 60 years. After Josh gets what he needs to do, he can have a good time.

I have to say that the miscellaneous soldiers in this world are similar to the Muya Continent to a certain extent. The strength of most half-orcs is only from the first to second order, and the stronger ones may reach the fourth or even Tier [-], but those are some bosses.

And for Josh, this is simply a very good place for magic experiments!
Josh didn't have any psychological pressure to deal with these things that were obviously not human beings, and the team belonged to the dark camp.

"It's time to go back, I remember I was doing a flash mob video or something before I came here?"

Josh walked back and looked at the scenery of Rivendell, and soon he would return to his own Rivendell.

He sighed a little, time seemed to be really not that valuable to him, but he could never feel the passage of time. It may not have been a few days in Muya Continent, but almost a year has passed by him.

"Hey? It's strange, why did I start to sigh too? Could it be because I'm getting old?"

Suddenly, Josh seemed to feel that something was wrong, and soon he shook his head: "What are you thinking about? There is a lot of trouble waiting for me to deal with. Hey, I will be busy in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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