The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 208 Cavalry or Infantry?

Chapter 208 Cavalry or Infantry?

Josh's busyness is only relative. Frank and Howard should be the busiest among Rivendell in Muya Continent. Josh is completely a guy who assigns tasks and waits for the results. The word busy really has nothing to do with him.

After coming to Middle-earth Continent and knowing the time point where he was, Josh planned to meet the expedition team and consider other things.

Now that he has seen it, and inexplicably contributed to the birth of a super empire, Josh feels that he can go back at this time.

As for the enmity between Thranduil and Thorin?
Josh is not interested in continuing to participate in this point. If it is true that Thorin and the others came again because of their bad temper, and they were taught a lesson by Thranduil, then Josh would really like to see it.

As for whether Elon will help Sorin like in the original book, whether Galadriel will still repel Sauron is not a matter for Josh to consider.

Elon is more likely to help Sorin, and Galadriel repelled Sauron?If you can't do this, then it's really useless to learn magic for so long.

Meditation can condense spiritual power, and Galadriel's spiritual power can be said to be unparalleled in Middle-earth.

And Sauron looked like he had just woken up, and he only used his soul state to come over to announce his return. This should not be too easy for Galadriel.

After passing through the Void Gate, Josh brought a group of people back again. About half a year ago, Josh fixed the Void Gate in Middle-earth, and now it is December when Josh comes back.

In Muya Continent in December, except for a few areas, the weather is very cold.

As soon as they entered the Muya Continent, Josh and the others immediately felt a chill.

But fortunately, the chill is actually not that obvious. After all, the perception of professionals is very good, and the place where Josh came back is in his room, so the cold feeling is even less obvious.

He casually looked around the room, and sure enough, on top of a fireplace similar to a fireplace, there was a red crystal with a faint luster. Josh almost didn't need to think about it. Howard probably made it, those magical props for heating in winter up.

Not to mention that this thing made Josh feel really good, just entering this room for a short while, Josh felt comfortable enough.

The temperature produced by this magic item is not too high, just like the feeling of spring, but compared to the cold winter, this is already very good.

Glancing outside the window, it was snowing outside at this time, but there were still many residents shuttling back and forth on the tidy street.

It may be because of the earth-shaking changes in the territory in a short period of time, and because Josh hired the people for the reconstruction of the territory, he still gave money.

In addition, Josh is selling dinosaur meat in his own territory, and the price set by the red queen is still very cheap, which is tantamount to greatly improving the quality of life in Josh's territory.

Moreover, meat products have always been one of the best ingredients to enhance physical fitness. When the physical fitness improves, it will be so natural and healthy, and life will be much more comfortable.

Looking at the slowly white snow and the pedestrians on the street, Josh suddenly didn't know if he twitched and said with emotion: "At the beginning, I really should have persisted. It's better to change the name here to Xueman."

"????" Akatosh immediately stared at Josh with death.

"Actually, Dragon's Landing Castle is pretty good too, isn't it?"

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Hey, forget it. By the way, is the Red Queen here?" Josh ended the topic with a little regret. He wanted to ask the Red Queen about the changes in his territory after he left.

"I'm here, Your Excellency Josh, what instructions do you have?"

"Is there anything in the territory that needs to be reported recently?"

"There are some."

"Oh? Talk about it."

Josh was quite curious, he didn't know what was going on with his territory after he left for a month.

Before he left, he left behind a lot of things, such as flash mob productions, movie shooting, and the construction of his own territory.

The Red Queen soon introduced it to Josh, but the content made Josh quite satisfied.

Although the progress of the territory's construction has started to slow down due to the weather, it has at least exceeded the general level. The education area that Josh thought was almost completed.

It's probably because the construction team that Josh hired had studied at Hogwoods, and they were all relatively early generations, so they still put a lot of emphasis on education.

In addition, they also knew the agreement reached by Josh and Dumbledore, as well as some of their own purposes, they basically settled the education area.

Of course, Josh knew their own purpose, and it was nothing more than thinking about throwing their offspring to this place to study in the future.

Hogwoods is indeed an enlightenment base for cultivating magicians, but Josh has long planned to reduce the age of the little wizards there, and the current dean Snape has no objection to this.

Anyway, they are all a group of bear children, and the younger ones are probably much easier to manage than the current age children.

After all, at Harry's age, one or two years after entering the academy was the rebellious period, and that was the time when the professors of the academy were most troubled.

After the enlightenment education is over, the outstanding students will be sent to Muya Continent to study.

The magical environment and atmosphere of Muya Continent is much better than that of Wizard World. The most important thing is that the magic activity of Muya Continent is not comparable to that of Wizard World.

Here, students can not only learn more knowledge, but also better experience the charm of magic.

When they are about to graduate, their whereabouts will naturally be determined by their grades. This grade is not a theoretical grade. Josh doesn't want all the nerds he cultivates.

What he needs are some people who have a reserve of knowledge and a certain foundation in actual combat. People with good talents can be further trained to become a qualified magician.

Those with mediocre talents can stay in the magic arts project in the education area to cultivate alchemy and enchanting, and of course they can stay in the academy as a teacher or something.

As for those with unique talents, such as management talents, then they can stay and work in the government area in Josh's territory, or go to the Marvel Universe to help Dumbledore and the others manage the League of the Hidden Ones. Anyway, in a word, these students in the future Don't worry about making a living.

"Not bad, but there are a few points you need to record."

"Your Excellency Josh, please speak."

"Well, remember to divide the academy into two areas, one is the magic area and the other is the warrior area."

"I understand."

Josh touched his chin. If he didn't go to Middle-earth, a magic academy would be enough.

But now, Josh has to separate these two areas. In Middle-earth, although the elves there may not be less talented in magic, their ranger nature has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years, not for a while. will be able to change.

In this case, Josh might as well set up another academy.

The original school was directly divided into two colleges, one is the magician college and the other is the warrior college. Isn't it so simple and clear?Of course, if you want to subdivide it, it is not impossible.

"Well, the Academy of Wizardry can be divided into four different small colleges. Like Hogwoods, it is just a college of the four elements. Is our school big enough?"

"Of course it's big enough. It can be said that the college area occupies the largest area of ​​our place, so it took so long."

"That's why it's convenient."

Josh nodded clearly. The construction of the school really took a lot of time, and Josh was a little strange at the beginning.

But this time, he finally understood that the school of emotion occupies a very large area, so it was done so slowly, which just solved Josh's troubles.

"The magician's academy is divided into four elemental academies, and the fighters can also be subdivided, such as infantry academy and cavalry academy?"


Just after Josh finished speaking, Galen, who was drinking water, sprayed the floor directly, and Akatosh stared at Josh with wide-eyed eyes.

This made Josh look puzzled, but after thinking about what he said, he immediately came to his senses, these two bastards!
"Hey, hey, what are you thinking about?"

"It's not what we're thinking, it's what you're saying!"

"It's very realistic, okay, I said it."

"Yes, yes, do you like cavalry or infantry, um, movies."

"The cavalry is beautiful, but the infantry never shut up!"

Josh grabbed Akatosh by the neck and forced him into his tattoo.

This guy really easily irritated Josh. He glanced back at Galen who was still giggling, and then at Natasha who was full of doubts. Josh decisively changed the subject.

"Warrior also has four colleges, the two mentioned just now, plus a Ranger and an Assassin, that's it."

"I see. I will convey to Mr. Berbice and the others."

The Red Queen nodded, then directly merged into the ground and disappeared in front of Josh and the others.

Josh rubbed his chin and began to think about other things. Finding eight colleges at once would probably be a big project to find teachers. Fortunately, it seems that there are not many students in the first period of his side, and he can still Handle.

As for the movie, there is good news again and again, the flash mob has been done, and it was completed half a month ago, just waiting for Josh to see it.

Josh's Guardian movie is already in the final stage of shooting, and it may only take a day or two to finish, and the rest is editing and post-production.

This allows Josh to think about the school with peace of mind. To be honest, the cavalry is still the teacher of the infantry. Josh really intends to let Galen try it. If there are not enough personnel, he can let the squad leaders who are not bad in his territory Let's fight it.

The magician Josh had already thought of a solution, but it was just assassins and rangers, which made Josh a little tangled.

As for the assassin, Josh is thinking about whether Ezio or Giovanni should come to help?But after thinking about it, forget it, they may be very busy now.

So where to find these two kinds of teachers?
What Josh needs is a person with rich practical experience and knowledge, which is not so easy to find.Such people are often the most numerous among the mercenaries, but Josh doesn't know any mercenaries.

"It seems that the assassin can only ask Giovanni or Ezio to help." Josh thought for a long time but couldn't figure out why, so he could only sigh.

"Idiot." When Josh sighed, Akatosh popped up again.

"Looking for a fight? Stupid dragon!"

"Hmph, originally I thought that a guy might be able to help you, but with your current attitude"

"Oh, it's a big deal, I'll go and see your memory, or it will be over."

"You bastard!"

"Each each other."

Josh wouldn't compromise, but he was really curious about who Akatosh was thinking of.

But thinking about the world I know well, it seems that the world of Assassin's Creed has the most assassins.As for a certain bald head, it was a killer, not an assassin.Oh, and there's a guy named Corvo who seems like a good choice too.

"You mean, it's not Corvo, is it?"

"Of course not. Remember when we were in the world of assassins, I once found a pile of bones?"

"Remember, those are Altaïr's remains?"

"Idiot, I found out in Atlantis, how could it be Altaïr!"

"Atlantis? You don't mean it."

"Who else is not him? In this way, don't you know who I'm talking about?"

correct!Josh suddenly realized that indeed, the person Akatosh reminded him was indeed a man with rich combat experience and knowledge, and this guy was also a decisive mercenary!
Although this guy may be average in strength, he is already a god-like figure in the world of assassins!
"It's really an excellent choice! It's him!"

 Thanks to book friends Lilith and Merlin for the reward~ Thank you, thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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