Chapter 209 Magic Video
The person Akatosh suggested fits Josh's requirements very well.

First of all, he is a mercenary, and he has almost stood at the top of the mercenary world in his career.

There were quite a few people who offered rewards to him, and there were also many mercenaries who wanted to take the rewards, but without exception, he basically killed all those who came to him.

At the beginning, Akatosh said that he found a bunch of bones himself. Josh thought he ran to Jerusalem or somewhere to find Altai's remains, but now he knew he was wrong.

This guy went to the legendary Atlantis emotionally.

As for the pile of bones, Josh probably guessed that they were the remains of Pythagoras.The only one who could be buried in that place was Pythagoras in Josh's memory, and there might be another person after that, but that would be thousands of years later.

Of course, Josh's use of the word "he" is not very realistic. After all, it is not so sure whether this great mercenary, the eagle trainer from Kefalonia, is a man or a woman. , anyway, as a straight man of steel, Josh directly chose a male character when he played.

"Alexios, or Cassandra? It's the same anyway, let alone, they seem to be relatively close to the era of the forerunners, and there are still a lot of things left over."

Josh touched his chin. Whether it was Alexios or Cassandra, their skills were outstanding, the kind of stunts that directly attach flames or venom to weapons.

Josh didn't think it was a simple thing, but these things basically disappeared afterward.

And whether it is Alexios or Cassandra, their combat skills are divided into three parts, one is a fighter, one is a hunter, and the last is an assassin.

Although there may be a focus, Josh feels that they have mastered these three aspects very well, especially after so many years.

Time is a good thing. With enough time, I am afraid that even a pig can master and learn endless knowledge, not to mention that Alexios and Cassandra are not stupid people. Too stupid, I don't know how many times I have died!
"Not bad, Akatosh, I didn't expect you to solve a big problem for me all at once."

"It's obvious that you are an idiot, but you can't even think of such an excellent candidate. It only shows that your mind is full of mud."

"Hehe, if you didn't happen to run to the ruins of Atlantis, you would think of them? Also, isn't that place sealed? How did you get in?"

"Idiot, think about Leila, an ordinary person can swim in it, and what they sealed is just a database or something, there is no conflict with my search."

Not to mention, following Akatosh's reminder, Josh immediately remembered that Layla had just swam in and met Alexios or Cassandra who had lived for more than 2000 years.

Of course, the final ending also made Josh extremely painful. It may be that he has obtained it for too long. No matter which one of these two is the final choice is death.

But now, Josh felt that the future world line had been messed up by him, so even if Leila appeared, she might not be against him.

Order and chaos, these two topics have always revolved around the development of the entire world of Assassin's Creed.

After Josh messed around like this, under the suppression of an absolutely strong existence - the Church of the Hidden Ones.

Order—light, chaos—darkness are basically interdependent, at least now they have reached a very harmonious structure. If this continues, Josh doesn't think these two legendary mercenaries will choose to die.

"Prophecy or something is the most annoying and headache. Whatever it is, at least they won't die until they see Layla, that scepter with infinite life. Forget it, the spear, too. It’s not like you’ll just give it to someone, right?”

Josh doesn't think these two are really so eager to die, otherwise they wouldn't have lived for more than 2000 years.

So what Josh has to prepare is to think about how to convince them. In fact, Josh has some ideas. The simplest is to resurrect some people, but this resurrection is a bit troublesome for Josh.

In the wizarding world, the simplest reason why Josh was able to find a way to revive Voldemort was that Josh knew that this guy's soul was still there at all, and it was not considered a real death. Using some methods from the Muya Continent, he could easily revive him.

Of course, Josh simply let Pettigrew revive him in the end, but Josh recalled that way of resurrection now with a little nausea.What is this resurrection technique?

Is this a stew or some kind of hodgepodge!
Of course, this method is not suitable for Alexios and the others, after all, the souls of their friends have long since disappeared.To get back their souls, some more effective and practical methods must be used.

"Do you want to go to the world of mummies? Those two Bibles can solve most of the troubles."

Josh rubbed his chin, thought about it for a long time and finally decided to forget it. Now his main thing is to welcome the invitation from the Four Kingdoms, and there are still some things that need to be managed in the territory.

And Alexios or Cassandra Josh can come over first, and then revive the person he wants to resurrect step by step.

Of course, if the two legends didn't have such plans, then Josh would have to forget about it.

if not?Although Josh has always been annoyed by being rejected, he is not the kind of person who says 'if you don't help me, I'll kill you'.

"It seems that you have to make some necessary preparations first. If you really don't want to, tell me that this is the natural law of a person's life, then fuck it."

Josh shook his head. He has always been reluctant to think about the troubles and troublesome things. Anyway, he will try it when the time comes and he will know?Rather than thinking about it here, it is better to consider some other more practical things.

Glancing at Natasha who was quietly sitting aside, Josh wondered if he could control his desires to an extreme as a magician. You must know that Natasha has grown more and more towards the direction he wants , not strength but figure, but I haven't done anything too extreme until now.

This made Josh wonder what to say. If it was the past, I'm afraid I couldn't bear it, right?But now, Josh found that he could completely control his thoughts. Simply put, he directly blocked some negative emotions that he didn't want to have, and of course they would still appear later.

"His Royal Highness Josh, are you back?" But just as Josh was thinking, Frank suddenly walked in. "I heard Queen Hong say you're back, so I'll come over and have a look."

"Oh, it's Frank, what's the matter?" Seeing Frank walk in, Josh immediately stopped his wild thoughts.

"Your Highness, Mr. Spielberg asked me to hand this over to you."

"what is this?"

Josh curiously took the crystal ball that Frank handed over, he was a little confused about what it was for.

After all, Josh has been away for a while, and with an inventor like Howard in his own territory, there will always be something that he doesn't understand.

"This is what Howard came up with. It can store video and video, which is what you call the phantom."

"Is that so? Then how do you use this thing?"

"The Lord needs to inject magic power or fighting spirit. By the way, Howard also said that if the surrounding area is darker, the effect may be better."

Josh held this thing with a painful face, feeling that this is the magic version of the magic ball plus tape?With a light hand, all the lights and curtains in the room should be extinguished, and all that should be closed should be closed.Suddenly Josh's room was pitch black.

Afterwards, with the injection of Josh's magic power, this thing soon began to play pictures like a projector, and Josh directly suspended it in the air, allowing a wall to be used as a whiteboard.This video is very short, about 7 minutes, but the content inside makes Josh feel very good.

7 minutes is very fast, but after Josh and the others watched the video, Josh found that Frank was extremely excited, which made Josh look at him strangely, isn't it just a video? ?And you yourself are on it too.

"It's incredible! This is simply a masterpiece!"

"Okay, didn't you go to participate in the performance? And you also took the lead in singing, why do you still look like this now?"

"Participating? No, I just saw a group of people gathered there, and there were many nobles there, so I went to have a look."

Well, Emotional Frank is just an extra, but caught up in the vibe of it all.I have to say that even though Josh has watched a lot of videos like this, Josh will always be impressed by them every time he watches them. This is probably the charm of music.

And Josh was relieved. At first, Josh was a little worried about the advent of this new instrument and whether this new music would be accepted by people in this world. To a certain extent, Josh can be said to have succeeded, just look at Frank's appearance.

"His Royal Highness Josh, your choice is awesome. As long as we can continue to make better music in this phantom, it can definitely establish our status as the capital of art!"

"Don't worry, you were questioning me at the time."

"That's because I don't know what your plans are. Please forgive my presumptuousness, Your Highness."

"Okay, what's the reaction of those nobles?"

After the chorus, the video came to an end with the applause of all the onlookers.

Josh didn't know what happened after that, but Josh was very curious. A person's state can't explain everything. It would be much better if there were more reference objects.

"Well, they invite these players one by one, and some even plan to bring them back directly."

"What? Then what?"

"Then they said that you invited them. All these nobles were frightened and dared not invite them again. But they still chose to buy a lot of musical instruments."

"That's fine."

Hearing this news, Josh was relieved. If these nobles did something bad while he was away, although Josh would settle the score later, the loss had already been done after all.

But now it seems that these nobles, especially after Black came here, dare not offend Josh even more.

"They can buy whatever they want, and I need you to go to the imperial capital as quickly as possible."

"Okay, Your Highness."

"Just give this thing to my dad and tell him how to use it. Oh, by the way, remember to help me go to the Wizards Guild, hire some teachers, and ask Black for some magicians."

Josh rubbed his chin, since Frank is going to the imperial capital, he might as well help him get things done together.

"And find some experienced rangers and hire them to be my teachers."

"I see, how many people do you plan to have?"

"For mages, there should be at least one teacher for each of the four elements. First, let's see what mages Black can provide. The more the better. The same is true for fighters, and at least four are needed, knights, infantry, rangers, and assassins. "

Josh said everything he needed at once, and his college is almost ready, but he can't live without a teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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