Chapter 210 A Bald Head

In the capital of Augustus, Blake really had a pair of legs crossed, holding a copy of the Rivendell Daily Journal in his hand and reading it with relish.

The content of this newspaper is actually based on the content format of Josh’s territory. Although it is still called the Rivendell Daily, the content in it is quite different from the daily newspaper produced by Rivendell itself. The newspaper here is relatively The content will appear to be higher in size.

That is to say, the main content in it is basically about current affairs, as well as some similarities of some writers.

Some parts of Rivendell's newspaper are promoting some of Josh's ideas and opinions, and the other part is promoting Howard's products.

Of course, Black would not deny Josh any benefits. In addition to giving Josh a lot of money, he also kept some of Howard's advertisements in the newspaper.

In this way, in more than a month, the name Rivendell quickly spread among the nobles of the imperial capital.

And these aristocrats are not fools, they just read the newspaper a few times and immediately understood the importance of this thing. Unfortunately, before they had time to do anything, Black had already issued some orders, except for him and Rivendell who had newspapers. Distribution rights are not allowed to others.

This is not a joke. If Black doesn't allow you to do it yourself, I'm afraid it's not impossible for the whole family to be wiped out.

It's just that these nobles couldn't figure out that this prince who obviously had no future had aroused the interest of Emperor Augustus again.

"The newspapers produced by Rivendell are more interesting. The newspapers I produced are too serious and really not interesting. How dare that kid Josh put fairy tales in the newspapers."

After just looking at it for a while, Blake felt that it was meaningless.

He finds the current affairs content in the newspaper that he created to be quite boring, not to mention that he is actually involved in many things in it, which is really meaningless.

As for Josh's newspaper, although the fairy tales in it are a little childish, they are very suitable for enlightenment.

That is to say, it can be used to read to children before going to bed. Those fairy tales contain a lot of principles of life and doing things, which Blake still likes very much.

And he is more concerned about how Josh is developing now. After going to Rivendell once, he found that he really likes it there.

Although the level of development is really not very good, the environment of green water and green mountains, as well as the architectural design of Josh's territory, make him quite novel.

Just when Black was about to go out for a walk, Nicholas suddenly walked in, his eyes lit up immediately: "Nicholas, did the newspaper from Rivendell deliver it?"

"No, Your Majesty."

Nicholas said with a wry smile. He also read the newspapers on Rivendell. To be honest, he was very surprised that Josh, a little troublemaker, actually came up with such a thing. This is a very useful tool for rulers. , but many of the contents of Josh's newspapers are children's books in his opinion.

But to his surprise, after reading those children's books a few times, he found them very interesting.

In addition, some of Josh's thoughts are indeed worth knowing, so he also likes to read the newspapers over there, but they are a little far away, and the ones he read are usually a few days ago.

"Oh, what's that?" Black suddenly lost interest when he heard that it was not what he expected.

"It's the little fellow from the Anderson family, who wants to see His Majesty."

"The Anderson family? Oh, that little guy named Frank? How did he come here? Doesn't Josh's territory need his help?"

"This, you need to meet him to know."

"Let him in."

It's quite rare for Josh to send someone over, especially Black, who has been to Rivendell, knows that this little guy from the Anderson family can be regarded as Josh's confidant, and this little guy's work is satisfactory enough. The impression is still good.

Of course, he was also a little curious, why this kid ran over in person.

The last time I just wrote a letter, did I encounter any trouble this time?Or, Josh, a little troublemaker, has no money again?

After thinking about it for a long time, Blake didn't think of a reason, so he just stopped thinking about it.He returned to his seat and took a sip of the teacup. Not long after, Frank walked in and bowed slightly to show his respect. Frank was still a little nervous when he spoke.

"I have seen Your Majesty."

"Frank, you are Josh's right-hand man. He sent you here for something important. Let's talk about it."

"Yes, Your Majesty. His Highness Josh sent me over for two things, and of course one of them needs your help."

Blake's handling style is somewhat similar to Josh's, they both like to be more direct.

This made Frank much more comfortable. In Rivendell, he had long been used to Josh's straightforward style. Good is good, bad is bad. Just say what you have, without so much pretense.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Black and Josh don't know these things, it's just that they don't like them because they are too troublesome.

Another point is that you can be so straightforward when facing people you know or trust, and whoever you don't know will be straightforward with you.

"Two things? Come on, why didn't he say it a month ago, this little troublemaker."

As if he didn't hear Black's teasing, Frank took out a magic crystal from his interspatial bag very preciously and put his hands flat in his hands: "This is the first thing for His Royal Highness Josh, he said he hoped you would take a look at this .”

Nicholas quickly went up to take the magic crystal handed over by Frank, and handed it to Black after checking it.

After Blake looked up and down, he found that it seemed to be just an ordinary magic crystal, and there was nothing special about it, which made him a little strange.

"what is this?"

"Well, this is His Royal Highness Josh who made the ghost, but the time is relatively short. You need to inject power into it, and then let it project on a white panel or wall. Of course, it would be better if the surroundings were darker. .”


Hearing what Frank said, he immediately reacted.

He himself personally helped Josh shoot a part of the phantom, so he is not unfamiliar with it, but he thinks Josh is very efficient.As for the short time Frank said, he simply ignored it.

"Nicholas, let's go to the Government Affairs Council and let the old things there see this phantom. Well, by the way, let's find Liszt and William and let them appreciate it too."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Nicholas nodded directly, then turned around and walked out.

He has never heard of what a phantom is, but considering Black's joy, he doesn't bother to ask, anyway, he will see it when the time comes.As for Frank, he was stunned, and they decisively ignored him.

This made Frank sweat coldly, and Black didn't even ask about the content, and then directly called Liszt and William over?

As long as Frank is not a fool, he can guess what Black absolutely misunderstood, and Frank knows that Black participated in the performance at that time.

But it's a pity that Frank has never had the opportunity to explain these things, especially when he realized that Black had already walked out, which made him even more painful.

Finally, after pondering for a long time, he realized that it seemed useless to say anything, so he could only trot all the way towards the Government Affairs Council.

When he finally found the Government Affairs Council after asking for a long time, he found that it was already full of people, and Black seemed to be looking for a suitable place to play this thing.

Liszt and William also looked at the magic crystal expectantly, which made Frank feel miserable.

"Hey, Frank, why did you come here? Oh, you probably don't know the way?" The sharp-eyed Liszt saw Frank at a glance, and at the same time pulled him to his side.

"Speak, how is my performance?"

"Your Highness Liszt, you may have misunderstood something." Frank said bitterly.

"what happened?"

"This, it's not His Highness Josh who made the phantom, this is."

Before Frank finished explaining, the entire room of the Government Affairs Council became pitch black, and Frank had no choice but to shut up.

Things have developed to such an extent that what he said is blank. He can only hope that the content of this phantom will satisfy these noble gentlemen.

After Black injected the magic power and placed the magic crystal behind a white wall that could project, the Government Council, which was still whispering, immediately fell silent.

To be honest, these guys working in the Government Affairs Council are not simple people, they are all big nobles.

They were all very strange, what made the Emperor Augustus so happy, and they planned to share it with them.

Regarding Emperor Augustus, to be honest, some of them were satisfied and some were unhappy, but so what?Others are the masters of this empire!

Of course, the main reason for most of the displeased nobles was because of this newspaper.

Their ability to work in the Government Affairs Council has already shown that their own IQs are absolutely very high, and they also have a very good understanding of politics.

The emergence of newspapers can be said to be a product that has changed the political structure of an era, especially since it can guide the hearts of the people and gain more support. One can imagine how terrifying this thing is!
Unfortunately, Blake completely banned their ideas.

Especially when they learned that this thing was actually made by Black's fourth son, that good-for-nothing kid Josh, which made them extremely regretful.

Even if I gave that kid a little bit of benefits at the beginning, I'm afraid this thing can fall into my hands.

You must know that in the entire Augustus Empire, there are only two places that have the right to publish newspapers, one is Black, and the other is the Josh they look down on!
But there is no way, things are already like this, and they can only sigh with regret.

But today, His Majesty brought another thing, and it is said that it was sent from the territory of Josh, that useless boy, which made them very curious.

What is it that makes His Majesty so interested?
As the light dissipated and Black's power injected, they soon saw something incredible on the white wall—it was a city!And it is still moving, recording the picture of the whole city!
But at this moment, in a square in the city, a bald head was standing there wearing a very dignified dress, and there was something that looked very large and looked like a musical instrument in his hand.

Not only are they weird, even Blake is a little weird.

"One, bald?"

(End of this chapter)

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