Chapter 212 Witty Frank
Today's Government Affairs Council is extremely lively, and the thunderous applause can be heard clearly even if it is far away.

The guards were all very confused, they didn't know what happened.

But no one is willing to go there. The ghost knows what happened inside. You must know that Emperor Augustus is inside, so there is no need for them to worry about safety.

Being a guard in the palace looks very beautiful, but in fact it is a very embarrassing existence.

The duty of the palace guards is to protect everyone in the palace, and of course the most important thing is to protect their majesty, Emperor Augustus, but in fact their emperor is much stronger than them.

And those who can enter the palace, except for some maids and the like, really have no strength to protect.The strength of those great nobles is probably not lower than them, or even stronger than them, which also makes them feel very depressed.

So like what happened today, they didn't dare to care about the voice that clearly came from the Government Affairs Council.

Who knows if His Majesty is discussing some very important matters with those great nobles, or something else?If you bother him, what will happen? These guards are not stupid.

In fact, they guessed right. These people in the Government Affairs Council are really fine, but they all look very excited and excited. Even though the projection of the phantom has ended, many of them are still applauding. .

"Your Majesty, please continue. I want to see who these great musicians are?"

"That's right Your Majesty, this is incredible! Please don't break this magic, such treasures shouldn't be allowed to wander outside!"

"That's right, look at their days! God, a copper coin can actually make people enjoy a shocking music event?"

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince doesn't seem to know much about art! How could he treat such a great musician like this? Has such a person really received enough education?"

After hearing such a wonderful audio-visual feast, these great nobles felt unable to adapt to the end.

They even actively asked Blake to continue playing, so as to determine the whereabouts of these performers, and of course it would be convenient for them to find these performers.

Of course, they didn't forget to spray Josh who was thousands of miles away, it was too much!Such a great musician, such a beautiful melody, actually let others fall to the streets, and a copper coin can experience such a grand music festival?

In the eyes of these people, the lord of this territory, that is, the fourth prince, Josh, is truly unforgivable!

Their words can be said to be very fierce, and even Black wonders if Josh has really gone too far.

Of course, Blake would not have such an idea. Josh had explained the phantom to him well. To put it bluntly, it was to record the previous picture and show it to others, and some artistic techniques would be added to it.

It is similar to opera and drama, except that what is shown is different, more real and attractive.

Black is very satisfied with the thing that Josh sent him, although he has some regrets in his heart, because it is not the one he participated in.

But it's enough!

At least Blake took a look at the excited nobles around him, and suddenly found it very interesting.

It seems that there is no problem with Josh's idea of ​​art capital. With such a work and such a group of performers, even if Josh doesn't do any ghosts, he will definitely be able to attract people!

The group of great nobles were still arguing non-stop, Blake watched with interest and didn't say anything, even though they were spraying Josh, he didn't respond.

After all, the more they spray, the more they prove the greatness of this music, so what else can Blake say.

These big nobles really got angrier the more they scolded, and the more they thought about Josh, a bastard, treating these musicians like this, the angrier they got.

The prosperity of a country is not just about military strength. Of course, military strength is the most important thing, but after military strength?

That is the embodiment of this spiritual aspect, and the proportion of art in the spiritual aspect is very high.

Josh's treatment of these artists, coupled with the previous newspaper incident, made these nobles even more unhappy with Josh, but cursing and cursing, with the restoration of the light in the Government Affairs Court, they accidentally found a person.

"Aren't you the one in the magic, singing along? Why are you here?"

Frank had secretly hid in the crowd and listened to these big nobles spit on Josh, which made him feel very strange.

Are you happy, indeed, because the more they scolded, the more Josh succeeded, and Frank could see their excitement before.

There is also some discomfort, after all, no matter who is sprayed, it will be very unpleasant.Although these nobles said they were talking about Josh, who was Josh?To put it bluntly, it is Frank's immediate boss, his boss. Isn't it the same as scolding me if you scold my boss?

But at this moment, Frank, who had been hiding in the crowd, was accidentally discovered by a scolding nobleman beside him.

The old guy was stunned for a while at first, and then he roared in disbelief, which made Frank immediately the focus of everyone.

correct!Wasn't this guy thousands of miles away in Constantinople just now? No, that bastard had already renamed that place to Rivendell.

Why did this guy who took the lead in singing suddenly appear here?
"Okay, don't embarrass him. This kid belongs to the Anderson family, and he is Josh's subordinate."

Of course, Blake saw Frank's predicament, and directly opened his mouth to help him explain.

As for other things, he didn't bother to talk about it. He was still intoxicated by the passionate, high-pitched, but calm, solemn and joyful music. He glanced at the magic crystal in his hand with a little thought.

"Is this thing a one-off?"

"Of course not His Majesty, this thing can be played many times. But His Highness Josh didn't say how many times, and the person who made it was Master Howard, and he didn't explain. Well, maybe he doesn't know himself."

Faced with Black's inquiry, Frank didn't dare to hide anymore, and went straight forward and explained to Black in front of all the great nobles.

At this moment, he was very nervous, and he suddenly understood why Josh didn't like it very much.

"Master Howard? Oh, it turned out to be him, he is really a genius."

When Black heard that it was Howard, he immediately laughed. This guy's talent is indeed appreciated by Black, but his current magician level is too low.

"Aren't you going to explain to them, what was that just now? I think, if you don't say it, that kid Josh will suffer."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Black asked him to explain, and Frank naturally had to organize his language well.

In fact, this thing is really not a secret in Rivendell. Josh even asked many civilians to participate because he wanted to shoot something. Everyone in Rivendell knows that His Royal Highness Josh is doing a strange thing.

"Dear members of parliament, in fact, you have misunderstood His Highness Josh. His Highness Josh respects these artists very much, and at the same time gives them great preferential treatment. What you see is just that we are promoting some new arts. , and invented something."

"Promoting things invented by art?" These great nobles were a little hard to understand, but their IQ classes were not low, and after a little thought, they guessed what Frank was talking about.

"You mean, these are actually arranged by you?"

"Not entirely." Frank smiled.

The emergence of new things always arouses everyone's curiosity. Of course, there are doubts. He doesn't care about these things. Anyway, this phantom has been successful enough. Shocking ghosts will appear.

"His Royal Highness Josh called this thing a phantom. It is an artistic way to combine pictures and sounds to tell us stories. There are many types of phantoms, and there are very long phantoms. His Highness Josh has already I'm getting ready. And the phantom with a very short time."

"The ones we just saw?"

"Yes." Frank nodded.

"As you can see, I actually didn't know it when I was filming, but His Royal Highness Josh explained it to me later. The performer must be very capable, because there is no trace of performance, this is also a ghost One of the characteristics that embodies is authenticity.”

"It is indeed very real, but is it all fake? Those music"

"Of course not. Those artists are very respectable, and these are all created by them. It's just that His Highness Josh hopes that they can attract people's attention, and he used a special method, such as performing on the street, such as in the crowd Some members of the choir were inserted in it."

After explaining this, Frank himself felt a little embarrassed.

Because in the picture, he directly led some nobles around him to sing, which led more nobles to sing together. In fact, he himself didn't know that all of this was being filmed.

"So that's how it is. It's really beautiful music. Your Royal Highness, the fourth prince, luck is really good enough."

After hearing Frank's explanation, a big noble said with some emotion.

Such a music event, such an artist, did not come to the imperial capital but went to a remote place, which made him very helpless.

Especially since Josh has taken over these artists, they don't dare to think about those artists in front of Blake.

"Actually, the phantom has another use here." Frank's eyes lit up immediately when he heard the great nobleman's emotion.

"What's the use?"

"We can make the magic crystal of the phantom, so we can make more phantom crystals. The content stored in it can be whatever you like, for example, music like this! Of course, if you want a closer To hear these beautiful notes, you need to go to Rivendell yourself."

Josh had already told Frank about the usefulness of the magic crystal, and if Frank hadn't sold it quickly, he might be ashamed to face Josh when he went back.

Howard is a super genius. He has made such things. As long as this technology is kept in Rivendell, I am afraid it will be a lot of money!
"Also, you can advertise for Rivendell in advance!"

(End of this chapter)

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