The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 213 Just the Two of Us

Chapter 213 Just the Two of Us

Frank knew the word advertisement a long time ago. In fact, it came from Howard.

For this thing, Frank was very disdainful at the beginning. He thought that good things didn't need any publicity at all.

But after following Josh for such a long period of time, although he still can't understand what is meant by "true fragrance conclusion", he no longer underestimates the advertisement.

He didn't have it before, so he didn't understand the effect, but now he does.

The simplest thing is that in Rivendell, the sales of those products that Howard printed on the Rivendell Daily were not good, and there were even scenes where the supply was in short supply.

Although it is true that the quality and effect of Howard's products are very good, Frank can see that this advertisement has played a very important role.

If there is no advertisement, others only know Howard's products but not his actual effect.

But through the advertisement, other people not only know about these types of content, but even feel that it is definitely a good thing to be promoted in this kind of daily, so his products are currently selling well in Rivendell.

Now in the imperial capital of Kaiseras, although there is no way to put these things into the newspapers for the time being, Frank feels that the actual effect may be more objective than the newspapers if they publicize them in front of these great nobles!
The contacts of these great nobles are not comparable to ordinary people!

Having worked with Howard for so long, although Frank doesn't like Howard's businessman style very much, Frank also has to admire the benefits Howard has created for Rivendell. Except for the funds provided by Black, Rivendell's monthly tax is almost It's all done by Howard.

As Josh's housekeeper, Frank, who is also one of the nobles of Rivendell and still works in the Rivendell administrative district, is unwilling to be too far behind for an outsider. Faced with such an opportunity, he thought of these things almost immediately. .

In his own words, he has unknowingly lived a life that he hates people too much.But for the development of the territory, Frank felt that he didn't seem to have so much resistance, and he was even a little happy.

"Do you need to go to Rivendell in person? Well, let's talk about it when we have a break."

After hearing Frank's words, these great nobles finally expressed that they would think about it carefully.

As for the magic crystal, they were smart enough not to ask about it. Since Josh gave it to Black, Black would never give her to anyone else.

Although they all have some regrets, at least they also know how to get similar things. They have a long time and don't care about it for a month or two.

It's just that I feel a little lost when I can't hear such shocking music.

"Okay everyone, Josh has decided to participate in the four-nation invitation, and he will give you a surprise then."

At this time, Black suddenly said something, but his words directly made the eyes of these great nobles stare straight.

"What? The fourth prince wants to participate in the invitation of the four countries? He is not."

"Your Majesty, I hope you will think about this matter more. Although it is presumptuous, I don't think that if His Highness Josh really participates in this four-nation invitation, it will do our Augustus Empire any good!"

"Your Majesty, as a prince Josh participates in the Four Kingdoms invitation, he will definitely be challenged. He"

These big nobles are all excited, don't be kidding, okay!Let a magician who doesn't even have magic elements to participate in the Four Kingdoms invitation?This is no longer a shame, Josh's behavior in their eyes is simply to die!
If a prince of an empire encounters an orc or some other accident and dies on the battlefield invited by the four countries, this will probably become a history of humiliation for the entire empire.

Don't go if you don't have the strength. After all, Josh is no longer a child. When he went there when he was young, at least no idiot would challenge a child.

But Josh is now an adult, and if he still goes, he will definitely be challenged.

Moreover, the highlight of the invitation from the four countries is the four ladder battles, all of which are participated by geniuses from the four countries. As a prince Josh, if he does not participate, it will definitely embarrass the Augustus Empire, so they resisted so fiercely.

"Okay, Josh has grown up. And I have been to Rivendell recently. Without my permission, it is impossible for this kid to participate. Just watch."

Blake didn't have the patience to continue talking about these things with them. He just told the nobles that Josh was going to fight.

As for objections, Blake might listen to them for other things, but not for this one.

Although in his heart, Blake still didn't want Josh to participate. Josh was too special, but he didn't want his son to feel wronged, so he agreed after thinking about it.

It's a big deal, just take care of this kid in the future, he really doesn't believe that other than God, anyone else can trouble Josh in front of him.

Black is confident enough that no one can touch Josh as long as he is within his sphere of influence.

And he also believes that Josh can make those nobles dumbfounded by inviting him in the Four Kingdoms. If so, why is there any hesitation?

Waving his hand, Black indicated that this matter should not be too long-winded, and it was settled like this.

Although these nobles were very helpless, they could only nod their heads and stop talking. This kind of embarrassment is probably going to happen, but they can find a way to keep Josh from dying in this battle.

"By the way, Frank. Your purpose in coming to Kaiserras is not just to send the ghosts here, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Frank said with some embarrassment.

"I knew Josh's kid's purpose was definitely not that simple. Tell me, as long as it's within reason, I will consider it."

When Frank and Black were discussing what Josh wanted to get, Josh was sitting in his room a little bored. He had already condensed a magic power source of the Void Origin in his hand, and stuffed it into the mouth of Fengyue who was standing beside him. inside.

Fengyue is still the same, although some subtle silver energy appeared on her surface, but she still hasn't grown flesh.

At first glance, it still looks like a skeleton that can scare children to death in the past, with wings like bones growing on the back.

Josh hopes that she can grow faster, but she also knows that even Rogge in the original book took a very long time for her to grow 'meat', no matter how capable Josh is, he can't do it in one step. .

What's more, Josh doesn't want her to be the same as the original book. This world is not the one she used to be.

"I don't know, will I get something like a Void Goddess?"

Touching his chin, Josh thought about it, but soon he was too lazy to think about it. It would be better to take one step at a time than to waste his brain.

After doing all this, Josh walked directly behind him, and landed his head accurately on the lap of Natasha who was holding a book behind him and reading.

Galen didn't know if he was stimulated by himself, and he was currently studying some strange moves.

To be honest, when he was in the world of assassins, he was already researching, but he stopped when he encountered some troubles.

This time, they went to Middle-earth with them, and seeing Josh actually create two such magics with his own eyes, his heart that was ready to move a few years ago started again.

But this time he was very smart, and he directly pulled Akatosh to help.

At Hosdner's request, Akatosh did not refuse, or in other words, Akatosh had a strong sense of bad taste, so he agreed without saying a word.

Then these three guys were a little out of touch. Anyway, as long as it wasn't something important, Josh basically couldn't see them.

"I don't know what kind of skills Galen will come up with at that time, don't let it be fatal blows, courage, judgment and great health?"

Josh thought unkindly, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was such a possibility!
He doesn't know what kind of guy Akatosh is, and I'm afraid Galen himself knows it very well.However, he still chose to ask Akatosh to help, and he might learn from Josh at that time and just change his name and finish the job.

As for that guy Howard, he has already returned to the Marvel world.Appearing and disappearing intermittently is not a good thing for him.

In the Marvel world, he is a celebrity. Especially after listening to Josh's suggestion, he has now strengthened his cooperation with the government. It may not be a good thing for him to disappear for a few months as before.

Especially now that it is the decisive stage of World War II, it is not easy for him to leave.

But thinking of this, Josh suddenly had some thoughts. He didn't know how far Captain America and Red Skull had fought. If he sneaked over, would he have a chance to get the space gem?
This idea suddenly made Josh's mind surge. Although the space gem was very useful in the later Avengers, Josh didn't intend to take it away directly.

He just intends to study it, or record the frequency of space flow inside.

"If you really get it for me, let me study it carefully, I'm afraid it will be a very good promotion for me in the future!"

The more I think about it, the better I feel. Let’s not talk about space gem research. Dumbledore has brought a group of students to Marvel World to defend the Hidden Alliance for so long. Josh hasn’t met them yet. Why? It seems that it is not so suitable, not to mention that it is Natasha's hometown!
"Natasha, are you interested? Go home and have a look?"

"Home?" Natasha was a little puzzled by Josh's sudden question, but she still smiled sweetly: "Isn't this my home?"


Well, Natasha's answer moved Josh very much, and Josh didn't think Natasha was really joking.

Here, Erivendell in Muya Continent is really Natasha's home from a certain point of view. In Josh's castle, everyone almost regards her as the mistress.

"Thank you, Natasha. But I'm talking about your original world."

"Oh? Are you planning to go there?" Natasha twitched her eyes and said without any joy or displeasure. Her tone was very flat, as if Josh was planning a new adventure.

"Yeah, there is a good thing there that I almost forgot. Besides, Dumbledore taught them, but he has helped me take care of an alliance for a long time, but it's embarrassing to go and see them."

"Then go, I'll find Galen and the others for you."

With that said, Natasha was about to stand up, but it was a pity that Josh grabbed her before she could stand up.She glanced at Josh with some doubts, only to see Josh smiled slightly:
"This time, it's just the two of us."

(End of this chapter)

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