The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 214 Characteristics of Liberal Arts Students

Chapter 214 Characteristics of Liberal Arts Students
Live a double world with Natasha?
Josh didn't think of this at first, but this guy's emotional intelligence is not a piece of wood after all, so he remembered it and decided to do it decisively.Emotional intelligence is not enough, then take action to make up for it.

Josh has never been a dull person, since he found his own shortcomings, he should do it.

What's more, the opportunity is good, this time there is no Galen and Akatosh, which means that there is no light bulb, and Josh can live a two-person world comfortably.

Because the Marvel world has been accelerated by Josh, when Josh entered this world, World War II was almost over.

There are only two worlds controlled by Josh in time. One is the Marvel world, which is accelerated by Josh's void magic.

The other world is Middle-earth, and this world was modified by Josh through inheritance.

The control of the void inheritance is much stronger than Josh himself. As Josh's control over the void power gradually improves, the inheritance's control over various worlds has also undergone some changes.

The most typical is that Josh can control whether the flow of time in a world is fast or slow.

Of course, the time ratio is still the same, but whether it is seven times slower than Muya Continent or seven times slower, for Middle-earth World, Josh did not hesitate to choose seven times slower.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if it can be changed back in the future.

It just so happened that none of his college teachers had been found, so let the time of Middle-earth flow quickly, what will Josh do when they send someone over?Let them work directly in Josh's territory?

I'm afraid that Elon and the others in Middle-earth will find out, and Josh's days as the Elf King will come to an end.

In the future, a sentence may be added to the history books of this world: The elf king with the shortest life in history was deposed by the parliament after only a few days because of enslaving the elves.

Josh couldn't do such a shameful thing.

So it's better to get your own college up and running first, and then entertain these foreign elf students. This will not only provide manpower for your territory for a long time, but also make a good reputation in this world.

When others came to Josh's academy, they found that there were elves studying in this academy?

Then needless to say, this academy is definitely not a garbage academy.A race as proud as the elves will come here, which shows that this place is really good!
"Hey? By the way, what should my college be called? Is it still called Hogwoods?"

Josh, who was thinking abnormally, suddenly noticed a tricky thing, that is, his academy was basically settled, but he never gave his own academy a name or something, but considering that there was basically no one in the academy, Josh Shaking his head, he might as well go back and think about it.

Passing through the void gate, Josh soon found himself in a place similar to a church.

Rubbing his head, before Josh figured out what was going on, a familiar-looking boy in a black magic robe ran over. He looked at Josh and Natasha warily at first, but then he stunned.

"Professor Augustus?"

"Yes, you are."

"Oh! My God, I'm Crouch!"

"Crouch? Oh! Hell, it's you!"

Speaking of this name, Josh suddenly remembered, isn't this the boy who took him on a trip to Knockturn Alley and took him to Hogwoods?
No wonder he looks so familiar, but this kid looks more familiar than himself now.

"Long time no see Crouch, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you all of a sudden, because..."

"I understand Professor Josh. It may have only been a short period of time for you, but it has been many years for us, especially in this world."

Crouch smiled and touched his head. Now he looks a lot more stable, especially his superb magic power has given him a lot of confidence. Josh observed that he is now at least at least reaching the third level. This is truly a remarkable achievement.

You must know that Crouch only came into contact with meditation when he was fifteen or sixteen years old. At that time, he was not even a first-level magician, but in just a few years, he was close to the third-level level. , which made Josh feel very good.

"Tell me about the situation in this world. I'm very curious."

"Yes sir, it is [-] in this world"

"Wait, what did you say?"

As soon as Crouch spoke, Josh immediately interrupted him!What did he hear?[-]?Shouldn't the speech be around [-]?

But in the next moment, he gave himself a hard head, and he actually lost the time ratio.

In order to keep the time ratio of this world and the wizarding world in sync, he accelerated the speed very high!

In order for the two worlds to reach the year [-] at the same time, which is the era when Iron Man started, Josh made a replacement between the time ratio of this world and the ratio of the wizard world.

Two months in the Muya Continent is equivalent to a year in other worlds, and the wizarding world is now close to [-], so naturally the time in this world will not slow down too much!
After a little calculation, it is indeed after [-]!

"No wonder Master Gu Yi complained, and Howard is getting busier and busier. That's how it feels."

Covering his face, Josh felt that he was so stupid that he ignored this simple calculation problem.

The main reason is that he can often see Howard when he returns to the territory, so he ignores these things at once, especially when he asked Howard about the current stage some time ago.

But when he asked, it was almost two or three months ago, so naturally the war in this world is over here!

Not only is it over, but even a series of meetings to carve up the world are over. Josh's original plan to watch the fight between the Red Skull and Captain America has been wiped out.

"Sure enough, there is really no one for a liberal arts student who sits like me. Indirect amnesia is normal, and poor computing power is inevitable. I am lucky to travel to this world. If I travel through a certain place, I will use electromagnetic guns World, I am a LV0!"

With a bitter face, Josh sighed helplessly, forget about the space gem.

He didn't want Howard to get into some unnecessary troubles. Anyway, the world has accelerated, so it's fine for Josh to wait for a while, why bother.

"What's wrong with you, professor? Why did you suddenly look very ugly, and, is this the professor's wife?"

Crouch naturally saw the embarrassment and remorse on Josh's face, and asked involuntarily.Even though he is indeed older than Josh now, his respect for Josh has not changed at all.

It is not a problem to say that Josh changed his life, even Josh changed the lives of all the little wizards in his era.

"Oh, I'm fine. You've seen her before. It's Natasha. If you really think she's the professor's wife, it's fine."

Although Josh's face was stinky, he still smiled reluctantly and answered Crouch's question.

It's true that there's nothing wrong with it. Although Josh hasn't completely conquered Natasha from the beginning to the end, it's just that Josh hasn't acted for the time being. If he really wants Natasha, he probably won't refuse.

But Josh, a kid, doesn't know if he has read too many martial arts novels before, and he always feels that taking someone else's first time will affect his cultivation or something.

As for weekends and so on, Josh is not a fighter, let alone has no cheats in this area.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with his way of getting more and more mentally retarded. After all, he is not an ordinary person. If he were an ordinary person, he might wonder if there is something wrong with him.

And they have plenty of time, Josh thinks let it take its course, when the opportunity comes, he will really have sex, and he won't miss it.

"Natasha? It's you! God, you are so beautiful! I heard that when I was in Hogwoods, many people had a crush on you. I didn't expect you and Professor Josh to come together. Congratulations You, Natasha."

"Thank you, Crouch."

"You're welcome. To be honest, we thought the professor and Ms. Hermione would get together, but now it seems that Hermione has no chance."

"That might not be the case."

Natasha glanced at Josh with a half-smile, but it was a pity that Josh didn't care.

Regarding Hermione, Josh hadn't seen her for many years, and his memory of her still retained that arrogant lolita attitude, and since he wasn't a lolicon, he naturally wouldn't pay too much attention to these things.

Josh doesn't care about Natasha's teasing, as long as she is happy, doesn't she?
And Hermione doesn't seem to have come to this world either, she should still be studying at Hogwoods, counting as one of Josh's students, Josh thinks there will be a chance to meet each other in the future.

"Don't talk about it, where is Professor Dumbledore? And the Supreme Master?"

"They're all in the conference room."

"Take me to meet them."

"of course."

As if back in the day, Crouch led Josh all the way to the meeting room of this church.

This church is very large, but according to Crouch, some space technology is used, and it is just an ordinary church from the outside.

Crouch also talked a lot with Josh along the way, such as his own current situation.

Crouch is married, and his wife is actually an aborigine in this world. As for the process of acquaintance, it is a bit funny. It was the first time Crouch tried to learn ordinary people's cars, but he fell headfirst into a fruit stand.

Coincidentally, the boss at the time was also frightened by Crouch's recklessness, but he didn't react at all and was seriously injured.

Crouch thought he had caused a catastrophe at the time, but he seemed to run away, but when he saw a girl lying in the arms of her seriously injured father, Crouch hesitated.

"So, you took that girl away?"

"Of course not, I brought their father and daughter here for treatment. God, you know? My wife was so scared at the time, if it wasn't really impossible to explain why they suddenly appeared in this place, and we are Those who use magic to heal, I am afraid she will think we are liars."

"Hmm, magic is still too far away for ordinary people. After that?"

"After that, I found out that she had a talent for magic, so I tried to teach her until her father recovered. I found that I liked her, and she liked me. So."

"You're really lucky, what happened next?"

"Although I was punished, we are all working together now, and our children are studying at Hogwoods."

The ending is very good, it can be regarded as the ending of a fairy tale.

It is difficult for two people from different worlds to come together, but they not only combined but also have a son, which is really good.Soon under the leadership of Crouch, they also came all the way to the door of the conference room.

Josh glanced at Crouch who was about to leave, and suddenly asked curiously: "By the way, what's your child's name?"

"Kenway." Crouch said happily.


"Kenway, Kenway Edward."


Josh rubbed his brows vigorously, then hesitated before saying, "I think it might be better to read your child's name upside down."

"Like, Edward Kenway?"

(End of this chapter)

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