The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 215 Odin's Entrustment

Chapter 215 Odin's Entrustment

Regardless of whether Crouch can understand the meaning of the name Edward Kenway, Josh is also interested in explaining something to him.

He is currently communicating with Ancient One and Dumbledore.

The limit of this world is indeed very high. Although there is no way to compare with my own world, it can compete with some in the Middle-earth world. Even the powerful people who can stand out in this world are comparable to those in the Middle-earth world. many.

It can be said that Dumbledore has gained huge benefits in this world. When he saw Dumbledore, he almost didn't recognize him, because the old man has now returned to his middle-aged appearance.
Except for the clothes that are more recognizable, there is no other way to be the same as the old man.

The appearance of Josh also surprised them, but they quickly realized that they were very happy to welcome this guy who hadn't come to this world for a long time and was still the supreme judge of the League of Hidden Ones.

Especially the Ancient One mage, seemed extraordinarily happy.

"I thought you weren't even going to come and see."

"No, it's just that this time period is too unfamiliar to me. If it is decades later, the meaning of this world will still be very big to me."

In the world of Marvel, Josh has been looking forward to it for a long time, how could he not come?
If it wasn't for the fact that he really wasn't interested in the plot of Captain America, and he didn't have the idea of ​​helping the Yankees fight, I'm afraid Josh would have joined in long ago.

As for the super soldier's gene fluid, Josh is really not interested at all. He has already got the T virus, and with the help of Akatosh, he placed Dr. Wu in a space gap in the Muya Continent. The result will be sooner or later. Why think about anything else.

"This time, I mainly want to accompany Natasha to play around, and at the same time see how the development here is going."

"Oh? Is it a world of two?"

"That's it."

Dumbledore's teasing didn't make Josh feel embarrassed, that's the fact.

And after careful observation, Josh found that Dumbledore's magic fluctuations had actually reached the fifth level!This is a remarkable achievement. At such an age, but still making rapid progress, it can be said that Dumbledore is indeed a genius enough.

"Congratulations, Dumbledore."

"Thank you, and congratulations, Your Excellency Josh."

Dumbledore smiled, the congratulations of the two of them were different, but it didn't matter.

In Dumbledore's heart, he was able to get to where he is today, completely relying on Josh's help. He made a lot of decisions in his life, but the most unforgettable thing for him was the decision to let Josh enter Hogwoods teaches.

It was that decision that made him come into contact with things that he never dared to imagine, and it also made him realize how big this world really is.

As he came to a new world, as his strength gradually improved, his respect for Josh became more profound.

Who would have thought that he was already old at the beginning, but now he has recovered to this level, and he can even return to a younger posture.

Because his strength is enough for him to do so, the magic system of Muya Continent has a lifespan of 100 years at the first level in the early stage, and after reaching the fifth level, it is almost a level 200 upgrade with a lifespan of nearly [-] years.

Reaching the ninth level is the stage of a demigod, and it is close to infinite lifespan.

Dumbledore didn't dare to think about reaching the ninth level of strength, but his current lifespan alone was enough for him to squander.Also, in this world, it seems that the ratio of strength to life is even more exaggerated than in Muya Continent.

Only when you have enough time and life can you study more about what you want to study and learn. Hogwoods is developing very well now, and Dumbledore doesn't have to worry about anything. What he has to do now is to help Josh make this alliance Give good development.

"In the current Hidden Alliance, the number of mages is not too much, but it is developing very well."

"Tell me about it specifically."

"No problem Josh, after decades of development, we have cultivated and absorbed a lot of people with supernatural abilities, and they all have a high degree of recognition for our organization.

Because we pursue fairness in everything we do, if you hadn't changed the time ratio here, otherwise our organization would have more people. "

"Is that so?"

Josh rubbed his chin. It seems that the development of the Hidden Alliance is indeed better than he imagined.

But Dumbledore's words made Josh more interested, and attracted many people with supernatural abilities?Could it be those guys from the original book?
But it's a pity that Josh has never heard of any of the names that Dumbledore said, which makes Josh a little speechless.

Recalling the previous Marvel Universe, it seems that the heroes in the original book are either mutations or technology. Only Doctor Strange has the ability to learn magic after studying with the Ancient One for a period of time.

"Oh, yes. We also maintain contact with the rulers of a planet in Outland through the Supreme Mage, and they seem to recognize our existence more than other regimes."

"Ruler of Outland? Who?"

"Uh, a character in mythology. His name is Odin."


Ruler of Asgard?This information directly stunned Josh, how did he get in touch with this old man?

After recalling the original book carefully, Josh immediately had some guesses. Could it be because of Master Gu Yi?
If Gu Yi and Odin didn't know each other, Josh wouldn't believe it.

How strong is Ancient One Mage?In this world, I'm afraid it really belongs to one of the powerful existences in this world.In the eyes of the Asgardian Protoss, the earth is a galaxy under their own rule.

Then there is an existence like the ancient one mage, how could Odin not know it?

Maybe there is even a deeper level of communication between them-don't get me wrong, it's about magic or something.Now that Josh has created such an organization in this world, it is normal for Odin to learn about it through the ancient one.

The League of Hidden Ones, to put it bluntly, is a group of people with supernatural abilities.

Compared with ordinary humans, this alliance is closer to Odin.In addition, there is an Odin like Gu Yi who is not weaker than the current state, so it is only natural that there will be communication between the two.

"Well, what kind of connection do they have with us?"

"Well, there are some academic exchanges. There are also exchanges such as trade. Of course, they also hope that we can help them solve some things."

"Solve something? Like?"

"You need to ask the Supreme Mage about this."

Speaking of this question, Dumbledore shrugged helplessly.

Odin came here in person at that time, and the fearful energy might not be felt by ordinary people, but to a professional like him, it was as resplendent as the sun, almost making Dumbledore think he was finished.

Fortunately, Odin was very polite. After discovering Dumbledore's feelings, he controlled the fluctuation of his power very well. In the end, Gu Yi received this terrifying strong man.

As for what Dumbledore they were talking about, I don't know, but after this terrifying powerhouse left, the Alliance of the Hidden Ones gained a lot and a lot of support.

Like all kinds of unheard of magic, and some weird technical support.

It's a pity that they didn't pay much attention to these technologies, because they couldn't understand them at all, so Howard was more interested, and he took all these things.Things like magic are all for them to study.

"Howard? Is this guy also a member of the Mystic Alliance?"

"Of course, he has been making contributions to this organization. For example, this church was applied for through his relationship, and it was established in the center of New York."


Well, Josh didn't expect that Howard was still shining here.I'm afraid Howard is the most valuable talent that Josh has captured so far.

Although Josh didn't hear him talk about Asgard's technology, the guy on the eighth floor probably didn't study it clearly.

Even in genius, Asgard's technology is not known how many years ahead of humans.

It is said that there is no problem for hundreds of thousands of years. Josh has seen the environment of Asgard in the movie. To be honest, the combination of technology and mysterious power is Josh's future goal.

"Your Majesty Odin, I hope we can help him solve it." Gu Yi took over the topic at this time.

"A question about his life?"

"No, he doesn't really care about his life expectancy. What he worries about is everything after his death and his children."

"What do you mean?"

"He didn't go into details, he just emphasized that you will know when you meet in the future."

what is this?Josh is really confused. Is it because he is worried that he will kill Odin's child in the future?Josh thought he wouldn't be so reckless, right?
After all, whether Loki or Thor is killed, the end result is that he can't stay in this world anymore.

Hela's words might be fine, but Josh didn't think that if he really wanted to kill this woman who was left for Thor to deal with, his fate would be better.

As for his lifespan, I'm afraid Josh really doesn't need to worry about it. Although Odin is extremely weak, others have Odin's sleep.

"Meet me? Forget it, it doesn't matter, let's talk about the future."

Josh didn't resist meeting Odin at all. Josh was already prepared when he came to this world.

Odin in this world does not have any prejudice against ordinary people, and treats his own children very well even if they are not his own.

It can be said that his personality and charm are very respectable. In the development of his Hidden Alliance, he actually gave some help directly. For this alone, Josh felt that it was necessary for him to meet this powerful God King.

However, not now.

"Master Gu Yi, if you can please thank this great god king for me, I'm sorry that I can't visit him now because..."

Josh smiled, and then took Natasha's hand: "Because now, I have more important things to do."

"Of course, Josh, His Majesty Odin is not that eager. So have a good time."

(End of this chapter)

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