The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 216 Cowardly and Stupid

Chapter 216 Cowardly and Stupid

In New York in the 70s and [-]s, although the entertainment was not very good, Josh didn't take Natasha to any previous world, so they had a good time playing.

For example, Josh took Natasha to a shopping mall. In Josh's eyes, the things in it were outdated, but Natasha looked at them with gusto.

Of course, it's not that there is nothing that attracts Josh, but some make him ashamed to speak.

"It turns out that you are so interested in such things as silk stockings."

I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after observing Natasha, I suddenly found that Josh seemed to be particularly interested in this kind of stockings invented in [-] and worn on women's legs. Consciously or unintentionally, he looked at these girls.

This made Natasha couldn't help but look at it a few more times, and she also found that it looked really good-looking like this.

It's just that looking at other women in front of a woman is a bit unreasonable, right?Natasha was a little dissatisfied, and started teasing Josh directly.

"I'm really interested, but what I want to see more is wearing it on you. How about we go buy some and wear it for you?"


Josh was not a fool. He found that Natasha was a little upset and decisively brought the topic to her. Soon they found a stocking store, and Natasha went to choose by herself.

To be honest, thinking of wearing stockings on Natasha's body, Josh couldn't help but have a picture in his mind, that is, the appearance of Natasha when she was tied up in the first Avengers movie.

At that time, Natasha was also wearing a pair of black stockings, and her vigorous figure really made Josh's eyes look straight at once.

But Josh would not tell Natasha these things. In this world, even SHIELD was created by Josh to remind Howard, and the Black Widow has long since disappeared. Who knows what it will be like in the future.

In addition, Josh also found a problem. During the 16 years in Muya Continent, Josh has never paid attention to what women wear, but Josh thinks that underwear should not exist in Muya Continent. , maybe this will be a lot of money.

Women are the most willing to invest in their own grooming, especially in an undeveloped place like Muya Continent, there are probably no one designing things like underwear, let alone perfumes, skin care products and lipsticks these things.

If Josh can get a batch of these things and sell them back, maybe he won't be short of money in the future.As for imitations?

Josh is not worried that someone dares to compete with the royal family for business, even if it is a legal competition, Josh is not afraid, at worst, just get a brand or something?

"If you have a brand and there is no problem in quality, I am afraid that even if someone wants to compete with me, they will not be able to compete with me, and a lot of money will come out!"

Nodding his head, Josh jotted down the thought.

Anyway, I have always been in the habit of going to the wizarding world to watch football, so it would be good to discuss it with that big local tycoon, Jacob.Now Jacob can be said to be popular in the wizarding world, and his school is getting bigger and bigger.

The number of talents he absorbs from his school every year is a very objective number. When he went to the wizarding world last time, Snape also told Josh that Hogwoods is planning to expand now, because the talented young There are more and more wizards as they get older, and sometimes there is not enough room for so many people in one grade.

"what are you thinking about?"

Just when Josh was thinking about other things, Natasha suddenly walked in front of Josh, so Josh who was a little distracted immediately came back to his senses.

Taking a closer look, it turns out that Natasha has already changed into a pair of black death dresses on her feet, making her already tall and slender look even more attractive.

Josh swallowed unconsciously, wearing a black women's suit with a short skirt, black stockings and a pair of high heels.

Such collocations were not uncommon in Josh's original era, but Josh hadn't seen them for many years. It's blunt to say that the visual impact he received now is definitely greater than anything else.

Moreover, Josh also keenly noticed that there were many men around, and they unconsciously looked towards Natasha, and there was even a fool who watched and bumped his head into a model placed in the mall.

This made Josh feel very funny. It seems that Natasha's charm is not limited to himself.

"Nothing, little things. You're perfect, Natasha."

"Yeah, I can tell you like it a lot."

Natasha can naturally see Josh's obsession with her. She can see everything around her, but she doesn't care, as long as Josh likes it.He stroked his hair smoothly, and as a result, Josh stared straight at this action.

"Well, can you stop messing with your hair? I feel like I can't take it anymore."

"Oh? Isn't he a magician? Why can't you restrain your desire?"

"It's been restrained for long enough, but how can I stand up to you like this."

Josh realized that he really had this ghostly reaction to the physiological reaction.

This made him even more embarrassed. Sometimes he couldn't figure it out. It's not like he had never seen a naked woman before, but he found that he didn't seem to have any thoughts, but Natasha's simple actions made him a little Can't bear it.

"No wonder someone said that the most beautiful woman is not when she is naked, but when she is half-covered. But when did my interest become so low?"

Scorning himself fiercely, Josh took a deep breath to relax his body, and at the same time, his mental strength began to gradually increase his desire. Although it can't be said that the effect is very good, at least Josh feels that he is not so uncomfortable. The rising heat also dissipated quickly.

"Recovered?" Natasha looked at Josh's movements with some amusement.

"Basically." Josh sighed, he really couldn't bear Natasha's charm.

"That's a pity."

Natasha's look of pity made Josh not know what to say, especially after Natasha suddenly approached him, kissed him lightly and then left with a playful smile, which made Josh even more Damn it hurts, what's going on with me?
"It seems like I wasn't like this before?"

Natasha went to the store in front to have a look, but Josh didn't move.

Anyway, there is no one here who can threaten a third-tier fighter, and Josh has to think about what he is, he always feels that there seems to be some problems with his mentality.

"In my previous life, even if I wanted to let nature take its course, when I was in the room, I took what I said before as bullshit. Why do I always think of letting nature take its course now?"

Touching his chin, Josh couldn't help thinking about his past. He had a girlfriend when he was in college.

The girl is not as beautiful as Natasha, but she is more like Josh. Once he deliberately took the girl out to play, watch a movie and have a midnight snack. When he returned to the academy, it was already closed.

Josh naturally took the girl to open a room, and promised that he would not mess around.But in fact?It's bullshit to say that you won't mess around, because Josh can't help but turn into a beast when he enters the room.

As for what to say later, I just couldn't get in. In the end, he really wanted to squeeze his balls in.

Of course, these were just jokes. If Josh really went in, he might be stupid. It was just that he was very excited at the time.

"Could it be that I'm becoming more and more conscientious now? It's just a word, coward?"

Thinking about it carefully, Josh felt that he was really a little cowardly. Doesn't Natasha like him?

After so many years of getting along with each other, Josh can certainly feel whether Natasha likes him or not, and only when he is with him can he be so charming. When he is with Galen and the others, it is just a communication between friends. They all looked very cold.

Is that because I don't like Natasha?Don't be kidding, Josh felt that if he really didn't like her, he wouldn't have taken her back in the first place.

Although he really wanted to find a companion in his mind at the time, Josh still invested a lot in Natasha.

Otherwise, Josh would not choose to enter a world specifically to find a suitable teacher for Natasha. Even though his purpose of going to that world changed from simply looking for a teacher to collecting beliefs, he never forgot that thing.

What's more, Natasha is already an adult, and Josh has always felt that he has no reason to let her go on like this.

To put it bluntly, the vegetables you grow are already ripe, but you don’t harvest them yourself. Are you still waiting for others to pick them?

If someone really did this, Josh would never give them any blessings.

The biggest possibility is that a void magic will send them directly to the God of Death, or simply throw them into the endless void. Whether they can survive depends on their ability.

"It seems that I am still cowardly."

After thinking for a long time, Josh still felt that he should be cowardly.

There are too many reasons. One is that Natasha is too beautiful. Josh has been a prince in this life, but some of his habits have not completely changed.

In his previous life, he could be calm when facing too beautiful girls, but he couldn't be natural.

Now he can treat it naturally, but he finds that he still feels that there is some gap between him and them from the bottom of his heart?

"Are you kidding? I'm a prince, how could there be a gap? The gap between them and me is almost the same!"

Josh laughed at himself fiercely, he felt that he had never faced his heart.

From coming to Muya Continent until now, there has never been one, even if he is a prince, even if he has a void inheritance that no one else can have.

But in essence, he still seems to feel that he is an ordinary college graduate.

It doesn't matter if you say he is hypocritical or you say he is a fool, but this is the truth.A fact that makes Josh think he is a fool when he thinks about it!

"I'm not only cowardly, but also stupid! In the future, I don't want to be such a person."

Josh sighed helplessly. For some reason, when he fully realized that he said this, he suddenly felt that the void power in the depths of his soul became more solidified, and his magic power Suddenly became unusually surging.

"What the hell is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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