The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 217 Confidence is very important

Chapter 217 Confidence is very important

From the heart is cowardice, simply put, it is a manifestation of lack of confidence in yourself.

Josh is really stupid, he never thought about not being confident.

But when he started to face up to everything about himself, he found that he was really good at being cowardly. If someone else had obtained his status, he would have been beauties in the harem long ago, and the iron pestle would have been ground into embroidery needles.

After thinking about it, Josh felt that he was really not confident.

What was his social circle like before, and what is his current social circle like?Even though it took more than ten years, Josh worked hard to adapt to everything, but there was still something strange in his heart.

This is not hypocritical or hypocritical, purely personal reasons.Natasha's face is basically the same as the female star in the previous life movie in his memory. This is someone who Josh had no chance of getting in touch with before, but now she stays with him, which makes Josh feel a kind of An indescribable taste.

unreal?Yes, it was obvious that Josh could feel it.Think you can't climb high?

It seems that there is also a point. The memories and emotions accumulated in the past 20 years are not something that Josh can forget, which is basically the same as childhood in 16 years.

There is a saying that a bitch is too hypocritical, and Josh suddenly felt like he was really stupid.His hypocrisy also surprised him. If he hadn't discovered some problems in himself, he probably wouldn't know how long this emotion would last.

"I'm really a bitch. Bah!"

Josh scolded himself secretly, he was indeed a little hypocritical before, but now that he knows his situation, he will never tolerate himself going on like this.Josh was cowardly and stupid before, but all this is not impossible to change.

Even Josh, who is the most difficult to recognize himself, can do it, and the rest of Josh just needs to let himself change.

After all, he is no longer an ordinary person. If he returns to his previous life, he will definitely be a god-like figure, so why bother?

"You must know that I am in the world of assassins, but there are statues erected in the church. If I am willing, even the country's coins are printed with my face. Why should I be afraid of these trivial things?"

After Josh fully figured out these things, the magic power in Josh's body boiled at this moment, and the strong fluctuation of magic power even exceeded Josh's imagination!
The magical power like a roaring tsunami surged crazily in Josh's body at this moment.

"What the hell is this?"

At this moment, Josh himself was dumbfounded.

He was trying his best to calm down his magic power, but he found that he seemed unable to do so, and the most troublesome thing for him was that he found that his magic power was improving crazily, which also meant that he was advancing now!
Such a sudden change made Josh a little puzzled, but he also had time to think about these messy things.

His magic power was very turbulent, as if it had been backlogged for a long time and then suddenly burst out. The strong torrent of magic power directly made this area feel like an earthquake.

This strong shock even frightened all the ordinary people in this mall. The windows and mirrors burst like crazy as if they had been subjected to a strong magnetic shock, and screams and crying spread throughout the mall.

Josh stared blankly at this scene, he never thought that his breakthrough this time would lead to such a result.

But it's a pity that Josh can't do anything. He can't even move now. To be precise, he doesn't have time to move at all. He is trying hard to control his magic power from overflowing.

As if sensing something, Natasha had already run back to Josh's side.

She was looking at some clothes. It was a little strange that Josh didn't follow Natasha, but she knew Josh very well, so she didn't say anything, but soon she felt a terrifying magic power spreading in the mall.

She was very worried whether Josh had met some terrible guy, because she had been with Josh for a long time, and she knew very well the strength of Josh's magic power.

This magic power completely surpassed Josh's. Although she knew that she was no match, she decided to run over because she was worried about Josh.

Surprisingly, she found that there seemed to be no enemies, and Josh was fine.

When she was breathing a sigh of relief, she suddenly found that something was wrong with Josh. He was sitting there in a daze at the moment, in stark contrast to the panicked people around him. The most important thing was that she found that magic power Seems to be from Josh!

"What's the matter with you? Are you alright!"

"Well, it's okay, it's okay, it's just that I can't move now. Also, don't worry, this will be over soon."

Josh showed an awkward smile. Seeing Natasha's concerned face, Josh suddenly felt that he was really too timid before.

Such a beautiful girl who cares about you, but because of your own reasons, you both occupy others (although you didn't do anything) and never gave any explanation, Josh really wants to slap himself when he thinks about it now.

"Sure enough, the coward and the dog licker have nothing in the end. I'm not a dog licker, but I became a coward? It's unbearable!"

Secretly complaining to himself, Josh felt that if he really didn't change, he might have to live with Galen for the rest of his life.

But after thinking about it, Josh felt that he really couldn't accept something like The.Deep.Dark.Fantasy. He shivered and shook his head, thinking it's better to forget it.

Not long after, which lasted about 3 minutes, this sudden earthquake-like torrent of magic power ended.

And Josh's magic level has also been promoted from the original fifth level to the sixth level. He was originally in the peak state of the fifth level and had already reached the limit, but he just couldn't be promoted.

As a result, he was unexpectedly promoted this time, which also made Josh depressed for a long time afterwards.

But fortunately, his IQ is still good, and after reading countless novels, he already guessed the reason for his promotion.

"What's going on? Your magic is now."

"Ah, that's right. I've reached the sixth level now."

"It's fine, but why is it so sudden?"

"Because I see some things. I have to thank you, Natasha."

Facing Natasha's concerned question, Josh replied with a bitter expression.

After all, Josh felt that he still had to thank this girl.Indeed, if it wasn't for Natasha's reasons, Josh wouldn't be able to recognize himself, and he wouldn't be able to advance directly as he is now.

The reason is actually very simple. To put it bluntly, it is because of Josh's own cowardice that led to such a result.

Don't doubt, cowardice is actually a sign of lack of self-confidence. If you are not confident as a professional, how can you violate the principles of life step by step to achieve eternity?
If you don't have self-confidence, how can you violate the principles of nature step by step, and even control the power of nature in your own hands?

Recognizing yourself and maintaining self-confidence are the most important reasons for a professional to keep moving forward. In the past, because of his low level, Josh could feel like a fish in water, but the higher his strength, the higher his strength. improvement.

In fact, Josh's cowardice is not only reflected in Natasha's side, why not fry fish in the low-end world?
Although Josh does have the ability to go to that kind of world to find supplies, Josh can also go to a more advanced world to find a way.

Of course, if Josh is allowed to choose now, this guy will still choose the low-end world, after all, is it convenient and fast?

However, his mentality has changed a lot now, otherwise he wouldn't have told Natasha these things, these are quite embarrassing things.

"So, you lack self-confidence so much?" After listening to Josh's narration, Natasha also had a strange expression on her face.

"It's not a lack of confidence. I seem to have told you your story. I have seen you in some materials. You are beautiful and athletic. Now you are even more fascinating. I really have some feelings that I can't express , I feel like I'm not good enough for you or something brain-dead thinking."

"It's really stupid. To be precise, it should be because I don't deserve it."

Natasha showed a charming smile. It is true that Natasha and Josh are not a very good match.

One is a warrior, one is a magician, one is a commoner, and the other is a prince. The most important thing is that the two are not from the same dimension and the same world.

But it's really unbelievable that people with two different identities who have almost no intersection have come together.I don't know how to evaluate their relationship, friend?Obviously not.

teachers and students?A little like and a little different.

brother and sister?Sometimes Josh does look like the irresponsible older brother, and Natasha lost her parents at a young age.

But the two of them didn't seem to have thought about this aspect from the beginning, and it seemed that there was no disturbance in everything, which was very natural.

"Okay, don't say these words. At least, I know what I'm thinking, and what I'm missing."

Josh interrupted Natasha, it really doesn't make sense to think about these inexplicable things now.

The most important thing is that Josh already knew his own thinking and recognized his own shortcomings. At the moment of promotion, Josh suddenly felt that he had lost some confidence before. No matter what aspect of self-confidence it is, it is very important.

"How do you feel, mentality is very important sometimes? It's strange, isn't it only in the oriental fantasy that pays attention to xinxing? Why should this kind of magical world pay attention to these things?"

Josh couldn't figure it out, but he didn't bother to think about it.At least this experience is a transformation for him, a change that will allow him to develop better in the future!
Shaking his head, looking at the people around who were still terrified but had begun to line up to leave in an orderly manner, Josh felt that he should also leave.

Pulling Natasha's hand very naturally and actively, Josh stood up.

But just when he was about to leave, he suddenly found a strange spell spreading around, and those customers seemed to be frozen in place one by one.Then the surrounding space surged, and people wearing black magician robes suddenly appeared in front of Josh.

"We are the League of Hidden Ones, magician, do you know what you did?" A voice came from behind the magicians, and this voice also made the corners of Josh's mouth twitch.

"I know exactly what I did, it was just an accident."

"Yeah, that's fine. But you'd better come with us if you want to explain. Damn! Josh?"

The owner of this voice was Howard. At this moment, he was looking at Josh with the expression of seeing a ghost, his mouth opened as if he could stuff an egg into it.

One can imagine how excited this guy is now, and why he saw Josh in this ghost place.

"It seems that you are a little dissatisfied with seeing me, Howard."


(End of this chapter)

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