Chapter 218
Howard wasn't really afraid of Josh, but he didn't expect to meet Josh in his hometown of the Marvel universe. Isn't this guy preparing some movie and participating in the Four Kingdoms invitation?

In fact, Josh himself didn't expect to meet Howard under such circumstances.

Although Dumbledore already knew that this guy had served the Hidden Alliance long ago, and he also knew that such a big fluctuation would definitely attract some people's attention, but he didn't expect that the Hidden Alliance came, and it was still his own. Old acquaintances.

A lot of Howard, I have to say that this guy disappeared in Muya Continent for a short period of time, but his practice did not slow down when he came back here. Now Howard is close to the third-order level, which really surprised Josh some.

But looking at this guy wearing a black magician robe, and his original mustache has grown a lot thicker, making him look a little older, which made Josh feel very funny.

However, he also understands that the time ratios of the two worlds are different, and it is normal for him to make some changes.

"It looks like you really don't want to see me."

"Of course not, Josh, I just didn't expect you to come here." Seeing Josh's playful smile suddenly, Howard immediately opened his mouth to explain.

At the same time, he waved his hand to let the magicians who followed him do what they should do. Of course, he didn't forget to explain: This is our supreme judge, and there is nothing wrong here.

Except for those who had graduated from Hogwoods, the magicians who followed were all shocked in disbelief.

The ghost knows why such a young man is actually the supreme judge they have hardly seen!
And the students who graduated from Hogwoods are also somewhat proud and ashamed.

The proud thing is that Josh was a professor of Hogwoods when he came out of Hogwoods. It can be said that they are a family.It's a shame that they didn't recognize the professor of the actual combat class and the meditation class at the first time, which made them blush a little.

"Professor Josh is the pride of our Hogwoods, he is our professor."

"God, you actually know him? Can you tell me about your experience?"

"Of course, he brought meditation to Hogwoods, and he brought meditation here. He is a very great professor, and his strength is unfathomable!"

"I feel it, otherwise how could the torrent of magic power be so strong just now. But why does he look so young?"

"Idiot, look at Judge Dumbledore and the second presiding judge, Master Gu Yi. Aren't they both very young? Also, the girl next to Presiding Judge Josh was once our classmate."

"Wow! That's it!"


Howard looked at Josh, whose face was gradually darkening, with a mean smile, but this guy didn't dare to really laugh.

On the other hand, Natasha's eyes were narrowed into a crescent shape, and the arc of the corner of her mouth did not get wider. After all, Natasha was really Josh's student back then.

Watching these magicians restore the items damaged by Josh's magic in a stable and orderly manner, and at the same time remove the relevant memories of these ordinary people, Josh always has a sense of déjà vu as he is watching the finale of the first volume of Fantastic Beasts.

Shaking his head, Josh directly pulled Natasha out of the mall, and Howard followed him consciously.

“Speak, Josh, are you two here for honeymoon?”

"Almost, what's the matter, I remember that a kid named Tony was born in the past few years, why don't you prepare?"

After leaving the mall, Howard naturally noticed that Josh had been holding Natasha's hand, so he joked without hesitation.

In Muya Continent, he has already figured out Josh's temper. Although Josh is sometimes quite hateful, he still treats his friends very well.

Even his guards and servant Josh didn't look at it with any strange eyes, and even took care of their lives.

That's why Howard dared to do this. Even though his strength was lower than Josh's and his status was lower than Josh's, he could still tease Josh.

Of course, Josh is not something to provoke. Although he has corrected the problem of bad mouth a lot, although he does not know that opening his mouth is like smearing honey, and it must be continuously silenced before it can be released, but In terms of harming others, he is not afraid of anyone.

No, Howard was deflated immediately.

"Well, that stinky boy may not exist, to be honest."

"Then you have to work harder."

Josh touched his chin with a playful look on his face.

There is a related cartoon in his memory, saying that Howard is actually just Tony's adoptive father.Tony's real parents are Jude and Amanda Armstrong, two agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But things are not that simple. Tony's father Jude is actually a Hydra double agent. After being discovered by Amanda, Jude was killed.

In order to protect Tony, she had to entrust him to the Starks.Of course, this is something in the comic world, and Josh really doesn't want to complain about these inexplicable book eating.

"If it's really not biological, the IQ talent can be inherited so well, and even the personality is so familiar? Or is it that Howard, the guy who kept his own hands and 'trained' this female agent named Amanda, and then that Jude is just a Keyboard man?"

Josh thought maliciously, after all, it really doesn't feel good to be eaten, but Josh doesn't think such shit will happen in this world.

Even if it's really not his own Josh, Howard will let Howard hold it back, so much for you.

"Forget it. After all, I don't even know who my wife will be." Howard spread his hands rascally. He now feels that being single is pretty good.

"So, do you have any female friends you are familiar with? Well, ** is also okay?"

"Um, are you inquiring about my personal privacy?"

"If you think it is, then it is. Of course you can refuse, but I will use my way to get the answer, such as controlling you or something."


Josh's style of handling things is still simple and rude. This way seems to bring Howard back to the moment when they first met. At that time, it was Josh who brought the young Natasha to him, and it was also in New York in this world. One meeting directly changed his life.

I don't know if he thought of his former self, Howard suddenly laughed, but soon he waved and said: "Okay, okay, you still look like Josh. Well, there are a lot of female friends, you say There are quite a few of them, and I don't know which one you are talking about."

"Um, is there a woman named Maria in your social relationship?"


When the name was mentioned, Howard was stunned for a moment, and a graceful figure appeared in his mind unconsciously.

It was very vague, but Howard still had some fresh memories. He remembered that it was a gentle girl.

"She, will it be my wife?"

"How do I know that? After all, the name Maria is not a special name, it is everywhere. As for who is your destined Maria, it is up to you."


Howard remained silent, and Josh just smiled. As an evil plot smasher, Josh is still very happy to do some interesting things.

Although Josh didn't tell Howard that your Maria's full name is Maria Collins Carbone, Josh felt that telling you a name was enough.

Fate is in the sky, if you really like this woman, you will get together sooner or later.

Of course, Josh is not worried about the rebellious emotions in Howard's heart. There are always some people who like to do some headaches, such as what do you say is like this, this is fate?
But I don't, I want to go my own way!

If it was placed elsewhere, or if it had nothing to do with him, then Josh might applaud and say "Come on man, you will succeed."

But now, Josh doesn't want such a shabby thing to happen, just like what Josh said, Maria is just an ordinary name, and he really doesn't believe that Howard won't be contaminated by a girl named Maria in the future.

Leaving Howard in his thoughts, Josh directly pulled Natasha out of here.

He originally brought Natasha to spend the two-person world, and he didn't want to worry about other things. Now he has made a breakthrough because he understands his own problems. It can be said that this world is already very complete.

New York in the evening, because of the end of the war and the gradual recovery of the economy, seemed extraordinarily prosperous.

Although there is still no way to compare with the era that Josh traveled through in terms of entertainment, it is enough. I took Natasha here and there, and even went to Hollywood for a walk.

Josh is a very simple person. In the past, he could live comfortably as long as he had a computer and mobile phone with Internet access.

And Natasha is also a very simple person. There was basically nothing in the Soviet Union during the war. After her parents died, she only had to train until Josh took her away.

When two very simple people are together, it is easier to be satisfied by doing something casually.

Moreover, these two people are still capable people, and they don't care whether they can use void magic in this world, so the two of them will even teleport directly to some interesting places for fun, such as the torch of the Statue of Liberty.

The night was overwhelming, and after playing around for nearly a day, the two of them felt that it was enough even if they were not very tired.

At this time, Natasha suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with the way Josh looked at her. Unlike the previous look of liking but somewhat resisting, Josh now looked obviously confident and aggressive.

"Look at me, it makes me feel like something bad is going to happen."

"What do you think will happen?"

"Well, for example, some perverted guy is finally planning to attack the weak, helpless and pitiful me, and I am powerless to resist."

"Hehe, you really know how to joke, weak and helpless?"

Standing on the torch of the Statue of Liberty, Josh hugged Natasha gently, and Natasha didn't have any intention of avoiding it, she still looked at Josh with a smile.

This made Josh feel hot inside, feeling the graceful body in his arms and the coquettish beauty, Josh couldn't help kissing Natasha hard.

Maybe it's been too long, but Josh felt that this kiss was different from before, which made him feel particularly comfortable.The beauty is in his arms, and Josh is not a kind character, and he has unconsciously started to touch around, and it turned out that
"Why, are you carrying this thing?"

"What's so strange about this? Although it's rare in Muya Continent, it's not impossible to buy it."

"But why are you here now?"

"What's so strange about this, it just shows that you never cared about me, and you come here at this time every month."


(End of this chapter)

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