Chapter 219 Time Flies

Even if Josh didn't feel anything about the passage of time, he still had to feel it.

Unknowingly, the Muya Continent has moved from Ye Xingyue to Budding Moon, and it has been exactly a year since Josh came to his territory.

In one year, Josh grew from a mage with only magic power and no magic elements to a sixth-level magician who mastered four elements, and was also a sixth-level void magician.

This kind of growth is unbelievably fast. Even considering that Josh has spent six or seven years in other worlds, the speed of this growth is frighteningly fast.

Josh's elder brother is almost 40 years old, but he is still a fighter at the peak of the fifth order.

In addition to the huge increase in strength, there is also a huge change in Josh's territory.

When Josh came to Constantinople, his impression of it was nothing but dirty and messy, and the living standards of the people here were not very good.

But now, after Josh took a series of actions, the life of the residents here has become much richer, not to mention other things, at least there is enough meat for every meal.This is not a common thing, but this kind of thing has been realized in Josh's Rivendell.

Even if the method Josh implemented couldn't be replicated at all, and he even said that he made it out of tricks, at least he made it.

In the eyes of others, Josh is just a lucky guy—someone found out that the meat products sold by the Jurassic Chamber of Commerce are of high quality and cheap.

After some nobles from other places knew about this, although they didn't come out because of the identity of Prince Josh, they secretly lined up some lobbyists to try to invite this chamber of commerce to their territory.

But it's a pity that the owner of this chamber of commerce is Josh. Although he was poached, Josh didn't respond.

Anyway, you can't dig it away, so why should I have the same knowledge as you?

Moreover, these lobbyists brought some gifts when they came here, and they accepted these gifts unceremoniously after Josh ordered them to become popular, and then turned their heads and went straight into Josh's pocket. Woolen cloth.

Josh is not stupid, he just took it if he could.

As for those nobles looking for trouble at that time, Josh will come forward to solve it himself. There are many ways to solve the problem. The simplest is that Josh directly said that this chamber of commerce belongs to me. What do you mean by crossing over to cause trouble for me?
Well, the identity of the prince is not something that ordinary nobles can mess with, even if Josh is a useless prince who is almost misunderstood by the entire Augustus Empire.Even the big nobles in the Government Affairs Council should still salute when they see Josh, even if they are upset with him, let alone these small nobles.

In addition, school matters also made Josh feel very comfortable. The answer is simple. With the efforts of Berbice and his team, they finally completed all the construction of the city of Rivendell in the past three months. I have to say that with the help of magic, all this will become very simple.

With such a speed, Josh will naturally not treat them badly.

The gold gems they brought from the world of assassins were the cheapest, and Josh also gave them some middle-end meditation methods and notes on alchemy and enchanting.

These things are much more attractive than gold things. Even in Josh's eyes, these things are really nothing, but with the unique activity of elements in the upper Muya Continent, the members of these construction teams are very excited. It is progressing rapidly!
When they returned to the wizarding world, their personal strength and wealth made all the wizards who did not come to Muya continent envious.

By chance, when Josh took Natasha to watch the game at Stamford Bridge, he overheard the conversation of two wizards.

Josh ignored everything else, and the core content was probably that he would rather be a construction worker in Rivendell (the construction team passed the name of Josh's territory) than guarding the title of a nobleman in the wizarding world, because the two There is no comparison at all!
What's more, they also knew that Josh might have a distribution order in the future, so one can imagine how terrible this news is.

Josh's trustworthy nobles basically only have two or three kittens, and Josh's territory is almost equivalent to the entire UK, so there is definitely a lot of manpower needed!

At that time, how can I meet Josh's requirements and perform well enough at the same time, then isn't there a great chance for me to be canonized as a nobleman in Muya Continent?

Look at Dumbledore. At the beginning, he just accepted Josh's request and gave him the best treatment, letting him teach at Hogwoods. As a result, not only is Dumbledore's strength unpredictable, but his whole person has become Looks like a middle-aged man.

Moreover, the people in the Marvel universe did not lack publicity. The organization they manage is no less than an important organization of the Ministry of Magic. Dumbledore can be regarded as the number one figure among them!
In this way, the magicians of the wizarding world yearned for the Muya Continent more fanatically than Josh imagined.

Of course, Josh didn't pay much attention to these.If he really behaves well and has management skills, it's not a big deal to confer a nobleman. What he cares more about is that his education area is finally completed.

The education area is actually an area with a lot of mixed functions, including things like the Magic Skills Research Institute (Josh got its name), and of course there are also a lot of places for leisure and entertainment, but it is still much worse than the commercial area and the art area. , but the distance between them is not too far.

"Why, I have a sense of sight of an urban college in your design plan?" When Akatosh flew around the education area, he ran up to Josh and asked suspiciously.

"Fart, this place is much smaller than that city college, okay?"

"Really? This place is not small, it almost catches up with a county."

"Really? Well, I admit that there are references. But I can guarantee that there will never be a girl who uses an electromagnetic gun every now and then!"

"Ha ha."

In the face of Akatosh's contempt, Josh didn't care. He admitted that he did intend to make this area like a city college, which integrated a lot of things about learning.

But Josh really didn't intend to bring in some people who didn't want to care about him. First of all, his computing power was absolutely hopeless.

"By the way, what's the name of your school?"

"Well, Rhine University. The magic department is called the Rhine Magic Academy, and the warrior department is called the Rhine Knight Academy. How about it? Simple enough."

"...You are really shameless. Not only did you steal other people's patron saints, but you also stole the names of other people's colleges?"

"You don't care, anyway, it's better than being called Hogwoods."

In this way, the name of Josh's school was settled.As for the teacher or something, Frank has done a good job of completing the task Josh gave him. He not only recruited a lot of manpower from Black, but also recruited a lot of practical magicians from the Wizards Guild.

When this guy came back, there were about fifty people behind him, which frightened Josh.

But after learning what was going on, Josh praised Frank a lot. This guy's execution ability is really good!
There are schools, there are teachers, and what is missing now are students.

But this Josh is not in a hurry. He has already made an agreement with those teachers. After the invitation from the Four Kingdoms is over, at this stage, he will let these teachers get familiar with the life here and the school. These teachers agree one by one. up.

As for the last, it is the film guardian shot by Josh.

The film was fully filmed around the end of Morning Star (January), and then began non-stop post-production, dubbing, and cutting. Josh is not familiar with these, but he gave Spielberg some requirements.

"The visual effect must be shocking, and must be real at the same time!"

"Don't worry, Your Highness, everything is fine! We listened to your suggestion, and some places were made according to the Spartan method, which is absolutely visually stunning!"

"Well, that's good, don't worry, there is no movie classification in this world, even if there is, it will be determined by you later."

"I understand. But Your Highness, what do you think about the length of the movie?"

"You decide for yourself. Anyway, the content of the story must be real, heavy, and thick, but at the same time, it must be enough to attract attention. Any such thing that appears in this world for the first time is up to you."

"no problem!"

What is the greatest right of a director?That is to control the time trend of a movie and the cutting right of the movie.

Many great movies had poor box office in the theaters, but the surrounding DVDs sold extremely well. The main reason is that the DVDs are full versions, while the movies released are all castrated versions.

The audience has no idea what the story is talking about, and if they can't find anything cool and want to fall asleep in the movie theater, then the movie will naturally become a bad movie.

But in the DVD, a complete story touches the hearts of movie viewers, and it has everything that should be there, which will naturally make movie viewers feel comfortable.

You must know that the directors of many movies were fooled by the random cutting of the producers. An ambitious movie turned into useless garbage in the end.Josh doesn't know how to do it, so he is determined not to touch it. There is a specialization in the art industry, and Josh understands this sentence very well.

"Time is so fast. I didn't expect that the time for the Four Kingdoms' invitation is coming soon, and I, who haven't been there for many years, will run over to join in the fun."

Lying on Natasha's lap, Josh said with emotion.

Indeed, time flies, since he participated in the four-nation invitation when he was a child, he has never been able to participate in the most grand event on this continent, but this year is different.

Natasha chuckled, then rubbed Josh's hair and said, "I always feel that you will get a good ranking this time, without any accidents, and it is absolutely certain that you will shock the entire continent."

"I don't care if it shakes the whole continent. What I care about is our agreement."

Josh turned over suddenly, propped his chin on Natasha's thigh, and took a deep breath.

I have to say that the girl Natasha smells really good, but she doesn't use perfume.Of course, the main reason is the fighting spirit. Its existence makes up for many defects of the human body.

As for the agreement with Natasha, this is simply the history of Josh's blood and tears. Josh, who failed in the Marvel Universe, managed to get past Natasha's thing, but Natasha told him that as long as he was in the In the invitation of the four countries, if she enters the top eight, she will agree to whatever Josh wants to do to her.

Josh was very depressed about this agreement, but he still agreed because he was comfortable.She also guessed why this girl made such an agreement, probably because she once said that this kind of competition can be mixed if you can.

The higher the ranking, the better it is for Josh. Naturally, he would not refuse such a simple agreement that can motivate Josh and benefit Josh at the same time. It's just that these days are a little harder.

"I believe you will do it." Natasha smiled without the slightest shyness.

"Of course." Josh got up and gave Natasha a kiss, and then lay down quietly.

This time the invitation from the four countries, Josh is destined to be a blockbuster, no matter which aspect it is.

(End of this chapter)

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